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WHO IS UNACQUA1NTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OP im Mvuntni, nun See BV EXAWININO THI8 MAP, THAT THE L3 - - - ! - ..?"' 4$ 11 jTyS-afcK ANSAS CYgy jiiifjf. .VcAgity CT.. Stfr't, CAftf V ffiLss- __ - - - - .rf."l CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY Bv reason of lts central posltion and close relatton to all principal Unes East and Westfat inltlal and terminal points. constitutes ttio moBt important mid-con - nental link In that system of tbrouh transportation which Invites and facilltateB travel and trafile between cities of the Atlantic and Pacific Conste. It is also the fa vori te and best route to and from points Esst Northeast and Southeast, and correspondinsr pointe W est. Northwest and Southwest. TheRock Island systam includei in lis main line and branches Chicago Joliet. Ottawa, La Salie, Peoría, Geneseo, Moline and Rock Ieland, -.n Illlnoit,; DavonporS Suscatine,1 Washington, Falrfleld.Ottumwa.Oekalooaa Weet Liberty, iówa City, Des Moines. Indianola, Wlnterset. Atlantic Knoxville, Audubon, Harían. Guthrie Centre and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trentonrbameron and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and AtcWson, in Kansas; Albert Loa, Mlnneapolls and St. Paul, in Minnesota Watertown in Dakota and hundreds of intermedíate citiee, towns, viliag-es and stations. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos lts patrona that sense of personal securltv afforded by a solid, thorouíhly b-ll3ted road-bed; smooth tracks of continuous steel rail; substantiallv built culverta and bridiiea; rolliner stock as near perfection as human skiU can make it; the safety appliances of patent buffers, platforms and alr-brakes; and that exactin discipline whlch governa the practical operation of ali its trains. Other speciafties of this route are Transfers at aft connectin'ï polnts in Union Depots, and the unsurpaesed comtorts and 'TheFast Expresé Trafnstween Chicago and the Missouri River are oomposod oí well ventilated, flnely upholstered Day Coaches. Magrniflcent Pullman Palace Sleepers of the latest design, and sumptuous Dlninsr Care, in which elaborately cooked meala are leisurely eaten, "good Dicrestion waiting on ; Appottte, and Health on both." Between Chicago and Kansas City and Atchison, are also run the Celebrated Reclining Chair Cara. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direct and favorite line between Chicasro and Minneapolls and St. Paul, where connections are mad i in Union Depots for all points in the Territorios ' and Britiah Provinces. Over this route, Fast Exnresa Trains are run tp the watering places, summir resorts. plcturesque localities, and huntinsr and flshing grounds of Iowa and Minnesota. It is also the most desirable route to the rlch wheat fields and pastoral lands of interior Dakota. 8tlll nnother DtREOT LTNB, via Séneca and Kankakee, has been opened between Newport News, Richmond. Cincinnati, Indianapolia, end Lafayette and Council Bluffs. Kansas City, Mmneapolis and St. Paul and intermedíate points. For detailed Information see Maps and Folders, obtainable. as well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices in the United Btates and Canada; or by addresaing R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, President and General M" aaer. Chicaqo. General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News