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Money In The World

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A table accouipanying Hie report of Director Burehard, of the Uuited íjtate.s mlnt burean, shows thnt tho aggregatc amountor nvmey in circulation tlnoughout tln world, includiug Dupex rl apucie. is $9,991, 'J(j4.o24, and thai of this ainount $8,032,392,762 la i ti active ciivulalion, the diffiTeuca between these two series oí figures being held In the vaults of banking institutions and national tre:isnris sayi the Daily Siockholder. France hm i laigersumof money in activo circulition thiin any other country. The United States, Brltlsh India, Oreat Biitain, Gerniany, Russia, Huly, Austiiü, Spain, Belgiuni, Brazll and the Netherlands, followiuji in tlie order nntned, more tli;m oinjlialf of the entire aniount in active Clreulation beinj; confined to France, India the United States and Qieut Britain. The per capita of active circulation is in France, 49 66; Cuba, $42 21 ; Cipe of Good Hope, $38 40; Belgium, $30 40; NetherlancU, $20 77; United States, $24 10; Arcuiint! Kepublio, $22 50; Great BriUiin, $20 40; Italy, $10 31; Spain, $U 05; Switzei land, $14 U0; Geiinany, $14 23; Bmzü, $12 50; Deuimirk, $12; Chili, $12 45; Canada, $11 22 ; Russia, $5 31; Mexico, $5 26; India, $4 05. This immense sum of mnney is tlius divlded: Paper, $3,043,746,608; old, $3,293.606,836; silver, full legal tender, $3,300,680,712; sllver, tlraited legal tender, Stl3,930,368, which makes the niont-y Of thft wrvilrl cl.i.iJ " Ho .clnuuu OI f3 of fpeoie to&4 of paper. India lacks but $100,000.000 of liavingone-half the entire lüll silver ifgal tender cuirency of the world. France Onmei next to India in the pospession of silver currency, liavinr $537,000,000 that are full leeal tender, and $58,000,000 witfa a limited le?:il tender. But while India h is 110 gold urrency, France has $848.000.000, a lurjrer sum in gold thtiii is posseseed by any other nation. Great Britain has only $93,000,000 of siher, the legal tender qualityof the entire aniount beinff limited, wliile her Kold footi np $388.000,000. The United States bas of olii $660,800,000. silver tiiat is full legal tender, 000,000, and silver limited leg;il tender, $75,000,000. Germán; has of rM $334,000,000, li"-;il tender sil ver SiO9.500,000, and liimted silver $102,000.000. Austria ha $45,000 000 gold to $75.000,00U silver. The Netlierl.mds his $28,000 000 oWl to $57,000.000 silver Bel;hiiii lias $04 000,000 gold to $53,000,000 silver. SHin has $130,00J.000 gold to $44,000,000 silver. The proporuon of tU cutiré volume of specie and paper money in the world per capita is ihusdUUibuteil among Uie leaülng commurcial uatiuns : Paper. Specie. Unlled States $17 41 Í19 9 Qreat Britain - B 61 1 ïó France 14 65 3s 40 Austria 8 69 8 36 Germany 6 lrt 12 Uli Belgium 12 11 11 81 Spain 4 31 22.3 Iialy II 40 2 4". Netlierlanüs 14 10 20 S7 Argeullue Republic , 1 91 8 15 KussU „ 5 31 LM Australia 0:i 25 01 Canada 1' 15 3 07 Brazll 11 8Í none Japan 8 06 3',1 Brltlsli ludia W 4 10 Mexico 0 ül I


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