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A speoi.-il met-tin;; of theoonimnn council was hul. I Alomlay evenhi, tu tuke hito oiiii-Mer.-it.ioii a iroiositiOii m :dV by iliu tii ni of Goodliur & Birnle, ot Bprlugíii-nl, Mn-s icliu-ftr., lo nu n w.Mci works lor the city ot Aun Arlioi-. A yer ao a wiitt-r works couimltlee was ;,ppriinted by couiicii. nud u report wm uiidu tiy lliem, as t'iliou: 'Ja te Comm,,H CoucU of the city of Arm Albor: Tu. iiinleralgnpd. a coinmlttee ppoiniel l).v your liuiiuruuiu biHly lo Ouuahler and repoit up..n a y.-tem 01 wuier works tur in upply 01 llieuiiy, and lo reueivu piopoaala luciBiuie, renpeutrully report: ïnt tliey imve Imd them the plans a i ni í-pecluc'itUonscí! l'iol. C E. Uivi ne.wlllcll i-oiKoiiipiaii'ii w er woik.t wuii elevun' and a Imlf ni 1 1 u ol pipu supilie.l wiiu wuier fnun wullsttibe locuird uuur Hik rlvc r aiiove Iho cuy and wllh elKnty liydiuiii for nie purpuroa.m.d iviw nvwatl propuailioiis I ruin prívale -onipanies. wli.i pmpose.i lo euiíitiruct wurks upon aub&iauuuily n.ose plans mul upecirli-alions. ïbal Uie mmi lavornblen! the proposliloiiB rt cel vid üy them isii.a. . f U oJnuiS Biruir. ul npriiiKiiuld, M.i in, wuose uffdr l, bllbaUtulhiily as ioiIowh: "" tiuwj.fciii iiiiiiiiu;uiy me pian oí P ul. Uieene lliey will cuimlrucl h r .i v,,lr uuove me eiiy by wlncn tm-y will secure a nead iw.i liundied leel Ín helglil aonielbe c nlieiof uní und Huro.i ali eei.t, wmrli lliey wilisupply willi waieruoiii wells. i lini mey will lay iniii'ii en milis of pipo in mreils hs muy be diiecit-d by Ule oT.uucl "lid tócale upoll lile biime hs iiiiiv al-.. be dirwilvd 1UU iiydniiiis. öIiouiU Uie cuuuc!. (I. siró a lurgrr uuiuiier, and pul iliem m mi iiib txptiihH .il mo cuy, íiwi will luruiMii w.iit-r wiiliuui cost. 'lliiil iliu pipe laid hhali be In Klze al Ieasi equul l . llüii proponen by l'iol. (ii, ., ,,,,.. 1 mil lliey will guuianiee Ul Uiruw llirnugh kIx hi uny uu Uin reniua ;iio ieei in M-iilc.ii brtKlii al ltieuuM iiuuiiu. und aieas.uifd by fruí, (jreeiiu, wl li tlie lleud pr.ip.ised Hlrealim iWleellll llelglilcould bellnuAii inr.iiigli 00 lerl ol wuU an lliCIl UUZSla Olí Huí U'ilveíally u.impus'. luid Ikiiu lUo liydlMiil n.inicd Ihey will supp y n.dt i ,a u coal lo me eiu oí i ix,u auunuily 1 imi they will exieiul tlie pipe from lime to Huleas uiii.v bodcohed a lul i.h luey iiall lii'iluvcllinuxlriiMuli iMIl I ir ivl'i lliiici'iuivi', and Muuila Uiey disugiee witli i e upou uuy p ijp,iei exieii,lo.i ilu'y Wlil iviei' lile (ín.. Muj,. lo persipiis uiiuu.illv cliuaeii u uiiiy be a eed, nud will aupply liyüraulKOli me exleuaiuua m, llieo-uuc iuio uj tur ine 1UJ rtisl pruvMod íur. 'l'iial Umi wili turumu wjiter to prívate Colisuineris olí luvoiuule Ir I ni, ux ll l mrUlKllOd III UlUer luWU U C.ll .-I.Ull.llliLJ klZo in me klute. llialiiuy will tnke steps f.r UieorgHiilzallou ul ii (iiiv.i uurpuniuun luí lüwuwulpaud uiitUMgcuirUi oí me wnrhb, and muí ItMllJeUUul Anu íirbor ul llielr uplluu muy bUUACllue í.ir and lake a lilxjoi liy o slocü ul iili lime Uul laiei man J.iuuuiy neXL. Tliul Ule City, ii i iis o iiou.alany uiiieuf'ier flve yerna lioui euinulitUuii muy purcliase Ule Woi k l lliell vuiue. uud 11 me cay und me uuiup.iuj nunuul aurva upou ilie vmue lüey wiii lelcr Ine uiiitlei' lo pcisous mullíalo ci.ooen, ui Iney will Hgree lo nllbiiill lo Ine upuialselllrul ol mrt'u pelaoil ne.ecled l.r Ine puipine py lile Jdsllces ol lUe sup.elue COllllol lllií HllllH. buuuid mis pmpiiHitlon be nocepieJ Hiere wuukl u n.auy mal tem tt duluil ui lal uur liupui Úmee to ue set lied oy euulrucL, om the aoovu muüraOM lije most important niali. i„ We alu ol iiiii)ii llul luis propimllloii presuma u uioiu favonio. plan u iiia ol me ouuslrucUuo ui work uy Uiu uny. u u ll.ivt; no 1MIHOI1 tu UiillUl. lliul uil Hcliqll.iunupply ol waler uan l)coül..luoU tnal Win bo lis ¦Millalilu lor doinenUu ue, as any Umi u.iu le liud lu Uu viuinuy. iiouid Ulero ue uny lui I ure in scuuriiig Uib suppl , ilie loos uuucr Uie pioponiiiiiii wuuld Jan uuon Uw cuuiruololn. And we Have uu leuunu lo üelleve Ulal a inore luvoruüle propoxaiou will ue ixceivci iroiu un houreü. Wm Uiertjioie cominead tlils toyour favorable C -111' Irl lt t ,()11. Aauinumu-ug 1 lus we return the report of Prol. Ureeue uuu sucll olliei ' iirupuislliuiiR lu wit tl ng as na vu in-en luade lo us. J-'lltcd .Vlalill 0 16H0. T. Al. (JOULKÏ, ) A. jytXUH. i C0111. on V.C VaUUIIAN. ratr Cll S. K. li.SCUCK, I öuoijly CUlllSl'lAN fcliKUUACIlJ I approve ol the uüovu. CU vHLKS K. OHEE.VE. Afur lome diciMiuii Imlulged in hy Al.iB. V.iugliun, LiwrencL', Hi!-cock and otliir-, lliu report of thu Comía. titee was acieptcd Tnu tnllowing resotntloD was ofléred Ali. V.vusfiiim, Hnd paiwed: RctulviJ, Turnia nnuinlttao benppolntpd to nnau ütUlia wllli íeieiviico 1.1 nmin[ u euunttct wan lli. Uuodbac & esiuUnsii unitT woikh lu tüe fllv mid mal ttils coiiiiuitifu report to Ilie couiiuil oue weuU Iroiii to-nlgUt. i'iiu ïuiiowing gentlemen were nppoinied as .-uch enntmtiter. Aids. Lulck. V'.uiiii.ui anü Hlio ok, and A.ei. A. 'elgu, l'. iiaoli uud c'baiiu ü Qren.


Ann Arbor Courier
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