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Tuesdat, March 17. - A resolution was adopted in tho Senate for the appointment of a se.'ect coinmitteo of flve Senators to git during the rocess and examino into Inter-Stata transportaron by rail and water routes. A resolutiou was also passed declaring tliat President Barrios, of Guatemala, should be provented from carrying on bis scheme of annexing nelgh boring república. The nomination of Kdward D. Clark, of Mississippl, nt Assintant Secretary of the Interior, was confiruaed. Widnisdat, March 18.- In the Sonat s resolution was adoptod authoriziug tho Committee on Agricultura and Forestry to sit during the recess to consider the best means of preserving the foresta upon the public domain. The folio w ing nomina tlona were received from the President: Martin V. Montgomery, of Michigan, to beCommissioner of Patenta; Maloom Hay, of Pennsylvania, First Assistant l'ostmnsterGeneral, and Milton J. Durham, of Kentucky, First Comptroller of the T. easury. Thursdat, March 19.- A resolution was offered in the Sonate providing t hal a committee of fire Senators be appolnted to proceed to Alaska to make iurestigations. Ephraim K. Wilson, Senator-olect from Maryland, and George Gray, Senator-elect from Delaware, wore sworn in. In executive session Mr. Sherinau ofTered a resolution providing for the appointment of two Senators to wait upou the President and inform him that unless he had aome further communication to make the Sonate was ready to adjourn si e. die. Laid ovor for onoday. The treaty with the Kbedive of Egypt, whlch extends to the United States the commercial privileges which England enjoys was ratifled. FKnAT, March 20.- In the Senate, on a resolution for the appointment of a committee to visit Alaska, a lengthy debate took place on the South American Commission. The following nominations were coutirmed : Martin V. Montgomery, of Michigan, Commissloner of Patents; Milton J. Durham, of Kentucky, First Comptroller of the Treasury; Malcolin Hay, of Penn6ylvania, First Assistant Postmaster General ; James D. Porter, of Tennessee, Assiatant Secretary (of State, and J. D. C. Atkins, of Tennessee, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. DOM EST IC. r J. W. Smith, conSdential clerk of thr St. Helena Mining Company at Las Delicias, A. T., absconded on the I8th with a gold bar valued at $13,000. An üukuown passenger was robbed at. the depot in New Loadon, O., on the ISth of a wallet containin? $1,590 la bilis, and a silver watch. The robbers escaped. Tm Contocook N. H.) district was disturbed by an eartbquake at noon on the 18th. With the thermometer at seven below ïero on the 18th at Lafayette, Ind., lightning destroyed a strawstack and barn and killed a calf. In a quarrel about a debt the other day at Ellettsrille, Ind., David Allen shot and mortally wounded W. W'. Pitts. Both men are wealthy farmers. A drouobt prevailed ou the 18th in th central countios of California, and crops were in a bad condition. Mrs. Schrist, aged ninety years, while in bed a few days ago at Zanesville, O.. was fatally burned by her clothing catching fire from a lamp. From six to ten inches of snow feil on the lSth in Virginia and North Carolina. In the lunatic asylum o[ Essex County, N. J., one inmate beat out the brains of another with a heavy spittoon a few days ajo, becauso he desired him to go to Heaven. The parafflne factory at Elizabethport, N. J., valued at $200,000, was recently destroyed by flre. Advices of the 18th report immens ilamago by an ice-gorge overflow In the counties of Carroll, Ray and Lafayette, in Missouri. At Waverly, a small village in the latter county, the water was from teD to fifteen feet deep, and hundreds of cattle had perished. The people were unable to leave their homes, and were suffering from hunger. In Carroll County tbs water spread oac several miles, and hundreds of farmers were driven from their homes. Several lives were Io3t. The wheat erop, embracing hundreds of acres, was completely ruined. ; An organization of dostitute farmers was reported on the 18th near Staats' MUI, W. Va.,to compol an equal división of what food remains in the región, in order to save the lives of people and stock. The committee of public safety took fifty bushels of wheat from sonie barns for distribution. R. H. Latmori, a coal-mine superintendent, was waylaid the other night by trikers at West Newton, Pa., and fatally beate n. Near Etkhart, Ind., on the 18th William Hubbell, who was about to be removed to an insane asylum, shot his wife fatally and then shot himself dead. Louis Bradshaw, fourteen years old, coinmitted suicide at Kansas City the other morning by taking strychnine. His parents forcing him to attend school against his wishes was the reason for act. Jbn.vib Hall, a school-girl, of Akron, O., was on the 18tli sald to have lived erenty-five days upon nothing but an occaaional bit al ornnge and swallow of water. THB Uíncinnati Friet Currtnt on the 18th placed the number of hogs packed ia thn West up to Maren 1 at 6,4G5,000, an increaso of 1.063,000 over last year. The averago weight and yield were inereased considerably. Frawois Storm's glass works at Brooklyn, N. Y., were burned a few nights ago, cansing a loss of $100,000. Two hundred and flfty men were thrown out of work. Aïter a rush down a stesp grade two seetions of a freight train came in collision recently near Alloquippa, Pa., fifteen loaded cars being wrecked, one man killed, and three others probably f atally Injured. A pirb a few nights ao in Carter & Co. 's tobáceo factory at Augusta, Ga., destroyed proporty vulued at $100,000. Jake Doss, a colorad man, was lynched by members oC his own race near Artesia, ll;ss. , a lew nights ago for tho murder of bis wife. Extknsive gold discoveries were reported on the 19th abuut Tour miles from Helena, M. T. Tua ore liad proven so rich tliRt it whs tiikn from the mines in sacka and shlpped without being pat through any process. Thb Oriental Hotel at Seattle, W. T., was burned early on the morning of the 19th, aad three pei-sons loat their lives and twelve others ware badly injured. Mant employés of the Alabama & Great Southern Railroad struck on the 19th for three months wages said to be due them. The private bank of M. W. Klein & Co., at Johustowa, Pa., closed lts doors on the l'Jth, with Uabilities of U),0W and no assets. Thb Secretary of the Treasury on the 19th issued a warrant of $332,808 In favor of the Governor of Kansas for expenses incurred in that State in repelling Indian invasions. Justin Scojust, aged nineteen years, on of a coachman, and Mary Baker, the sixteen-year-old daughter of William Baker, the Germán comedian, eloped from Buffalo, N. Y., a few days ago, but were captured on the l&th at Cleveland, O. Mrs. Ka TI Howi, a temperance lecturer, was plaoed In Jall at New Orleans on the 19th, on a requisition from the Govemor of Colorado, on a charge of obtainlng from a relativo In Denver $6,000 by false pretensas. OrriCERS of the secret service in Chicago on the 19th captured two counterfeiters who had been passing bofrus silver money. The counterfelters' apparatus was confltcated, together with $180 in coin. HlKBT Sohlemmer, aged seventy -three year, a wealthy farmer of Upper Sandnsky, On qu his throat the other day, awlgnlng m a reason that h bad ttved i Tai eonuautaotoa af th itntwN of tv confessed raurderers, andar senteno of datb, by Governor Marmaduke, of Missouri, resultad on the 19th in the circula tlon of a petltlon asklng Moruiaduke to rosijfn his office. In th Unitod States and Canada there were 281 business failures during th ¦eren days ended on tuo 20tb, agalnst 286 th prevlous sovpn davn. The diotribution was as follows: Middle Staten, 63; New England States, 25; Western, 72; Southern, W; Paeiflo otates and Territoria, 19; Canada, 37. The structure known as the "Sisters' House" of St. Joseph's Academy at Emmlttsburg, Mil., was destroyed by flre a few days ago, the loss belng estimated at $100,000. The Boston Machine Manufacturing Company's works were burned the other night, the loss being $175,000, and Insurance $120,000. By the recent explosión of a boilor In the shoe factory of the South Carolina Penttentiary, a life convict and a crippledprisoner were killed, aud sevonty feet of the prison wall were blown out. Lkvi Keur, an aged millionaireof Cleveland, while making a tour of Florida with a party of friends, was drowued in the St. Johns River, near Palatka, a few days ago. Frank Williams, an old miser of Portland, Me., was found dead in his candy store the other evening, having starved himself to death. ¦Advices of the 20th to Bradstrce t'8 stated that the cold weather had checked trade, and in all the large cities the trade was backward. The industrial situation was somewhat improved. The Schoharle (N. Y.) National Bank failed on the 20th, with liabllities of $120,000. Tas extent of the destituí ion in Wirtand Pleasant Counties, W. Va., had on the 'JOth reached the point thatunless ald was at once giren deaths from bunger must result. Pólice Inspector Tuorne, of New York, feil dead in a store on the 20th. Betsey B. Hoadlsy, aged eighty-two years, was burned to death in her house at South Bay, N. Y., a few days ago. Sauuel Lazare, of Chicago, died on the 20th from the effect of hydrophobia. The deceased was bitten in the hand by a Newfoundland dog about two months ago. A private doublé execution took place on the 20th at Los Angeles, Cal., the victima belng A. Silvas, who stabbed a man f or an insult, and M. Martínez, who perpetrated a murder for $20. Stephen Jones (colored) was hanged at San Francisco for killing his miftress. Joseph Drake was executed at Salem, Ore., for the murder of David Schwartz. Two persons were burned to death on the 20th in a house at Bridgeport, Conn., and a flreman received fatal injuries. Daniel Cork, a well-to-do colored man, and his wife, who lived near Paducah, Ky., left home a few days ago for a few hours, leaving their tbree children in charge of the house. During their absence the building was burned, and the children porished in the Sames. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The Wisconsin Senate on the 17th killed the bilí empowering women to vote at municipal elections; and the lower branch passed an act that vagrants may be sentenced to a diet of bread and water only. General Black, the new Commissioner of Pensions, assumed charge of the Pension Office at Washington on the 17th. John W. Waltkrs, of Detroit, reached his one hundred and sixth birthday on the 17th. Colonel Andrew J. Smith has been appointed Governor of the Leavenworth Soldlers' Home. The Supreme Bench of Iowa were unanimou8 on the 17th in the decisión that the Prohibitory law is constitutional in every particular. Injunctions to abate saloons as nuisances were declared to b valid. Attorney-Gïneral Gray was unanimously elected on the 17th by the Delaware Legislature to succeed Secrotary Bayard in the United States Senate. At a woman's-suffrage meeting at Albany, N. Y., on the 17th Governor zieree, of Dakota, was denounced for vetoing the Womau 8u (Trage act passed by the Territorial Logislature. The society sent a dispatch to the President asking Pierce's removal. Stae Auditor Brown, of Iowa, who was recently suspended from office by Governor Shermaj, but refused to vacate, was ejected by the militia on the 19tb, and Mr. Cattell, the new appointee, was placed in possession of the ofllce. E. Jeffords, who lately represented the Shoestring District of Mississippi in Congress, died of heart-disease at Vicksburg on the lm li. The Connecticut Senate has rejected tho measure for perraitting women to vote at school elections. The Republicans of Rhode Island met in State Convention at Providence on the 19th and nominated Peabody Wetmor for Governor. The Democrats vtit the same day and nominated Ziba O. Slocum for Governor. General Grant had improved sufficiently on the 19th to t.ike hominy and beef. A conuultation of surgeons decided that it wat mechanically pcssible to remove the growth in his throat, but resolved not to recommend the procedure. Rkv. Elias Bbay, who said he was ordered from Heaven to kill the new President, was on the lQth taken from the Brooklyn Insane Asylum and shipped for England by the charity commissionnrs. James H. Berry was on the 20th elected by tbe Arkansas Legislatura to succeed Attorney-General Garland in the Unitod States Seuate. The Governor of Massachusetts has Blgned the bilí which provides that no tiquor shall be sold, except by ion-keepers to registered guestg, between eleven p. m. and six a. m. A joint reaolution has been adopted by the Ohio Legislatura to submit to the people a constitutional amendment changing the time of State elections from October to November. Frank M. Bridoks (Dem.), State Senator from the Thirty-seventh Illinois District, died on the 2Oth. Thk f ourteen regular appropriation bilis passed at the recent session of the Fortyeightli Congress foot up a total of $21fi,611,595 for the fiscal year 1885-0, being $34,733,301 less than the appropriation for 1884-5. Genebal Grant's first inquiry on the morning of the 20th was for his dau ;hter, Mrs. Sartoris, whosoon after arrived from Europe. The General was still iuiproviug in health. FOREIGN. Coïimander Kane telegra])hd on the 17th to the Secretary of tbe Navy from Colon that a revolution existo. 1 in Panama and Aspluwall, and that he had landed marines and hauled the Galena alongside the wharf to protect property. Carthagena was also besieged. The Manitoba members of the Dominion l'arliament in-iisted on the lSth upon imraediate steps for the construct on of the Southwestern Koad, to prevent thousands of farmers from emigrating to the United State. A.i explosión of flre-damp on the morning of the 18th in a colliery at Camphausen, in Kheuish Prussia imprisond 217 minan. At a late hour in the afternoon ninety had been rescued, and it was f eared that most of the othem had been suSocated. General Grarah on the 18th sent a letter to Osman Digma waruing bim that further oppositlon to the Britlsh ad vanee would be foolhardy. and that he had better inake terms before it was too late to secure uny concessions. Heavy snow-storms prerailed in New Brunswick on the 19tb, and all the railroads were blockaded. The British forces at Suakim started out on the 19th on a reconnoisiance. On reaching the billa nearr Hasheen the Arabs rushad from ambush and gut wituln teu yards of tho Britlsh line bsfore tho latter - ifcuiii.xa rwralar firtce. UantuoMat ig.1" ." w udi i1 wwwmiiii .n,!ui g i ¦ ¦ '- e mm tor men wer tacita, ura Captain Bircb was speared through th Bhoulrlnr. The cavalry took ome prisoners and the Brillsh retirad. BAdviüks of the IDth state tliat iiftyone of the workineo who were entombed iu the Camphmi'eu mat u R'iuish Pruasia had heen takeu out nlive. One hundrod anr ' thirty-98vcu dead bodies had bceu rocov ered, and about forty men ati'l boy reinaincd unaccounted for. i Thk British troops at Suakiiu moved out at dayli-iht on the 20th, un-l had a battle of flve houra with Osman DiRina, capturing hts position and inlliotitijj hoavy loss upon the Arabs. Dübino a performance at the Renz circus at Vionua, Frailee, a few evendigx ago, one of the lions attacked a lion-tamer named Leeth, and killed and devonred him. LATER NEVS. Tue Langfaaib Hcito!, on the corner o Walman nvi'nue aud Adanis sti"et, Chlcao, wad on tho uvenijijs of the -Mst de stroy d by' flMk, A lady natned Blknap a paper-harder nanioil Buiiih, John Hon11 hv anl i,vo lii-)Mii'Mi j"i ishetl in thd ilnmcs. The losse were rouhly citimatod D. B. BPAJTCM) (Hop ) was olected Kepresentativa from the Ninntoenth Illiuoi District on the 2lst to fill the vacancy caused by the death of R. K. LogAB. At the palaco gates in Corea receutly about forty relutivos or adheronta of tha leaders of the Independent party were pablicly han For the lirst time this season the Delawaro Uiver was on th 21st frozen over at Easton, Pa. The signal-serviee obseiTer on Mount WaBhington reportad a gale of 140 miles au hciir au'l t'inperature ol 4Í deprees below zro. Tuk idle coal-mlners in the Pit'Hburgh district uumberedten thousand on the ilst, and several factoriea were closed for laok of fin'1. Genekal Hatch on the 21st sent troops to Intercept flve hundred Oklahoma raiders who were prepanns to 0TOH h bof ders at Coffeyville, Kun. Another ballot for Unitoil States Senator was taken In the Illiios Lejinlature on the 21st without result. TnE hea viest snow-storm in ten j-ears 9t in at Fortretw Monroe, Va., on the 22d, and lasted all day. Six convlcts esoaped the other day fro;n a farm on which thoy were working near Navaota, Tex. Three of tliem wero iil)sequontly hot. At twenty-slx leadin clearinx-houso in tho Duited States the exchanes durincf the week onded on the 21st aggregated $640,951,070, against $97,404,504 the previous week. As compared with the ooncponding period of 1884, the fallln;; off amounts to 23.1 per cent. A detaChment of English troops was uddenly attacked by the Arabs near Suakim on the :!2d, and after a desperate flght in which the British suffered severcly the Arabs were repulsed. For a second time within four years the business portiou of Lonacouing, Md., was aluiost eutirely destroyed by flre on the SM. the Unitod States Sonate on the 2Ist a resolution was offered by .Mr. MitchelJ pro vding for the appointnu-nt of a special commission of flve Senators to im piiro and report not later than the eoond Monday iu next December as to tho nuiulier of trade-dollais put iu clrcnlation In the United Statea before their tnder qiuility wa ; h-' :ii_v are stil! h . i:rifery. A . il


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