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The Cost.- The cost of the aluin used ti niiikc cheap Baking powder, is abont one-fonrtli Ihat of the Crea in Tartar used to make DeLand's Chemical Baktng Powder. Aluin niaUes bitter, ïiuwholesome j food, and tlie doctors say '"Don't use it." DeLand's Chemical Baking Powder,k sold ii cans, and you will ucver be deceived. I iniiki's delicióos, wholesome f ood, and is true to usage, trae to reuon, And truc to health. Tiy it. ST. JAMES TO RENT. IlKïT LOCATION IX TOUN POR A K1KST Cl 188 BOARDING HOUSE ÜR iraiiiti Sir.VEK WABB, DI8HX8 AND AI.I. LTTBNSIÍ.S CAN l!E ÍJEC1 KXD AT A I5ARGA1N. ELEGANT HALL ' FOK SOMK SOCIETY. READV FOIÍ IM.MEmATE OCCDPANCV. APPLY TO J. E. BEAL, Courier Offlce, OR TO IMiltHU DeVOKEHT. A Safeguard. The fatnl rapidity with which slight C'olds and ('oughs frequently dcvelop into the gjavest mnlndies of the throat and luns, is a conaideratlos which shoukl impel every prudent person to keep at hand. as a "houschnld remedy, a bottle of AYEB'S CHKRRY PECTORAL. Notliin' ebe giyeí such innnediate relief and works so sure a cure in all affeetions of this class. That emifieot phvsioian. Prof. F. Sweetzor, of the Jlaine Medical School, Brunswick, Me., layi : - ¦ "Medical nclenco has produced no otheranodync expectorant fio (food as ATER'S Chxrrt l'Ec-TORAi.. ]L in invuluable for diacasca of tha tbroat and lungs." The same opinión ia expressed by the well-l.nown Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicago, 111., who pays : - "I havo nevcr found, In thirty-flve yeart of coutlnuous Btudy and practice of medicine, any proparatlon of o great valucaa Atbr's Cbsrbt Pectoral, for treatment of diseasea of tho throat and hing. It not only lm uk up cold nd cures severe coughs, but is more effective than anything else In relievln,} even the molt ¦erious ui . nchlal and pulmonary affectlom. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not a new cltlmant for popular confldenoe, bul ¦ medicine whfch is tonlay h:iíiil: the livcs of the third Reneratton who luivr come Into belng sinc it was first oflered to the public There U not a hóiuehold in whieh this InTalaable remedy tuu once been introduci'd where its use hH ever been abandoncd, and there is not a person who has ever given it a proper trial ior any throat or lang discase susceptible of cure, who has not been mado wellby it. AYEB'S ( HERUY TECTORAL has, in numberleta Uutancea. eured obstinate MMI of chronic lironchitis, Larynfltis, and even acute I'iieiuiionia, and has saved many patiënt! iu the 'iirüer stage of Pulmonary ('onsumptioii. It is a medicine that only requires to be taken in email doses, is pleasant to the taste, and is needed in every home where there are ebildren, ms (hcro is notliing so e-ood as AVi:K'S('iii:i;i!V PECTORAL for treat. ment of Croup and Whooplng Cough. These are all plain facts, which can be verified bv anybodv, and shoukl be rememberecf by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BIDr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maas.' Sold by all Druggists. "


Ann Arbor Courier
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