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Dr. V. C. Vaughnn was called to lïaltiuiore Thursday last, on a business trip. W. L. Ounimings, of Illinois, luis been visiting friends in Ann Arbor during vacation. Tlie regenta have grauteü a leave of absence to Prof. Harrington, and lie will go health seeking. " The engineer's annual encampinent will eommcnce about the 2Oth of May. There are au unusually large nutnber this year. A bilí has been iutroduced in the legislatura, appropriating $10,000 for the purchase of boats to be used on the campus during the periodic thawsand after spring showen. W. E. Wood, of the lit. freshman cl.iss, luis been nppointed as a cadet to "West Point from the l'.lth Illinois congresaional district, having Soune out ahead in the competitiva examinatlon. So he will bid good bye to U. of M. At the recent meeting of state tooth polWr'a and plugger's association, at Detroit, the lowerioa of the salary of Prof. Dominee, by the board of regents while requlrlngof hini extra labor, wasthought to be unjust to that gentleman. Xjost - A small freshman medie, weighing 240 lbs., and measuring 8ix feet in height. It is supposed he was drowncd In paulnff froin the college to the hospital. Dredges will be employed as soon as the water bas soniewhat lowered. That historical table wliich was described in these columns sevcrel weeks since, as being in process of construotion by the university authorities for the New Orleans Exposition, wasshipped lust Wednesday. It will "be in at the death " atanyrate. The following letter explains ltself : Ann Arbok, March 10, 18K To the Edltors of the Ypsilantlan: M:iy I beg leave to express through yonr columns my ¦looera regret thatby some accident the Ypsiluntl HiK'i Bohool is not lncluded In tlie list of" Diploma Schools " as prlntccl in the Uiilverslly Calendar for the ciirrent year. It ought to have been Included. lts graduales are recelved without exaiuluatlou to all courees in the Unlversity. Jam sa B. Ancíeli,. The tifty-tliird aiinual convention of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity will be held w:th the Peninsular chapter In this city May 18-14 Amonr the speakers at the public exercises will be Judge Thos. M. Coolev of this city. Theodorc Koosevelt of New York, Prof. David Swing of Chicago, and BUhop S. S. Harria of Detroit. Prof Alexiimler Winchell, of the University, whose "Sketches of Creation," had such un extensive sale all over tlie wond, has jast completad his work upon a newedition of "The Animal Kingdoin, lllustrated," or " Johnsoa's Natural Ilistory." This edition embodies an account of the curious and strange forms of fossil animáis recently discovered in the great West, and gives illustrations of the new species of inan-like apes (perhaps the missing link) recently discovered in the jungles of África. The Prof. has re-wrftten all the work relatin" togeological animáis, etc. W. B. Stickney, of this city, is the managtng publisher. The followlng letter will explain iteelf. The occasion will be oneof great interest to the people of the university, which iustitution is probably the attraction that briujis the distinguished body liere : Peabody Museum v Am. I ogyand Harvard University. f Cambridge, Mass. March Ü3, '85. To Hou. W. D. Harlmau, Mayor of Cliy of Ann Arbor. TJear 8ir: In behalf of the American Association for the advaneement of sclence, and aeUng onder the authority glven by the yoU 5aïï8 at the l'hiladelphia meeting. 1 haye reat pleasure In Infurmlng you In reply to Jour letter of the 2UH of September last, enoloslnï resolutlon pasHed by tlie common nounofl of Ann Arbor that the next meellDg „f X issoclutlon will be held In Ann Arbor ïhènext meeting will begin on the 26lh of Aiiïiist next. I have the honor to be slr, s ' Uespeetfully yours F. W. PUTNAM, Perm. Secry. A. A. A. S. The Detroit Post remarks ; A professor In Vassar college tclls me thal the managers are really alarmecl by the Kteady fiiUlnji ff In puplls durlug tlie PMt r , yWrs Tlie nninber now is only alittle , , ¦;'. ;„, half that of 1S75 "Tlie cause isn' ii inv deterloration of the college itse f " sald the professor, "for it Is the same noble Í hooi uu ever. The troublo Is tliat Vassar „Km" tblng to poke fun at. Half I be "w Jokes aboul glrls are put upon Vassar ¦tudeoU. Thelr dolngs are rldlculed, exsJn Lu t fal lulled, and the very name of M?¦ is a "ynonym of feminlne foollshness. Te rone.uencfe n that glrls are beginning . iiLVikM lo o there I woulüirt be surprls.", ', si ¦ m ,',„,. „i the oollee simt in live eMfmwe. Tlie newspapers will have done There is another cause for the falllng oir which may ' be quite BI potent U the newipaper paragrapher's fun. The tact that the doors of Bil tlicgreat universities aro swlniring open for the educatioii of women as well as men, mny have some iiifliieiire upon VaaWi decline. KArPA AI.PHA THETX. This society, wliich is the largest and Dldest of the ladies' college societies, held t sixth biennial conventiou in Ihis citylast weck Thursilay and Friday. It was lirst tstablishe'i at Indiana Asbury University In 1870, and cIuiIdr these liaeen vns it ha.-s plantcd fonrteen chapters and now hu ;i mi'inborship of over 500. In ni;inv respecta itis like the botter class uf the college fraturuilii-s. At lliis gathering all but two of the Bhapten were represented, making with Ihe members of the Eta chapter of the l . of M., abont thirty who were iresent. Cornell- Misses Boultun and Orotecloss. Burlington. Vt.-Mlss Mills. Aisbury Uuiv.- Alltuioa Hall and Ward. l.awreuce. Knus.- MUses Hendsou and rhompaoa mul Min. Sumlford. Allenheny Coll- Miss (off. Wooster O.- MiNs Pepper. Butler Ünlv. - Mlssus lirrcn Ilollaud and Pendleton. IiliiDinlugton- Misa Weat. Atheiis. (.). - Miss Hraahears. Hauover- Miss Kltzgerald. Wcslyan- Miss Putlon. Their ezeroltet were concluded Friday ereniug by a icception given in lionor of the occasion by Eta chapter at the resldence of Mr. Israel Hall. The reception cominittce consisted of Mrs. Israel Hall; Mrs. Qen. L. 0. Hunt Mis. Chas. H. Walker; Mrs. 11. Wade Kojrers; Mrs. Geo. S. Morris; Mis. Dr. C. H. Stowell and Mis. P. R. B. üePont. Nothing was lackiog to make it a snecess - music by the Cbequamegon Orchestra, refreshments by Hangsterfer, flowers, a fair iiight mal a pleaaanl compauy. The aff'air was a complete success. The next conveution will be held wlth the ('urnell University chapter.


Ann Arbor Courier
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