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THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business, CAPITAL, $80,000. Oreanízed ander the General Banking Law of tbis Stilt-1, the atockholdors are individually llable Tor an atfditional amount equal to the stock beid by them. thereby creating a Guarantee Fund for the bem'tlt of Depositorá of $100000.00. Threa per cent. Interest Is allowedonall Savings Deposita of one dollar and upwards, according to hu rules ol the Bank and interest compounded geml-annually. Money to Loan on nnfneumbered real estáte and other good security. DIUECTORS: llIilsriAN MA.CK, WM D. HARRIMAN, W. W. WINKS. DANIEL HISCOCK, WILI.IAM DKDBEL, WILLAKU B. SMITU. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Fr.. W. W. WINES, Vlce-Pres. O. E. HISCOCK. Oashler. Wtentionjarmers 500,0Cï ACRES OF FIBST-CLASS TIMBER LANDS IN NORTHERN WISC0NSIX, For Sale on Easy Terms to Actual Settlers. lüi'h soll- healthful cllmate-good drinking water - flne market facllities - steady demand tor laiior at rcxmI wages. NO DROUGHTSiNO GRASSHOPPER PLAGUES, NO CYCLONES. Full Informal Ion, ith maps, pamptilets, etc., turnlsbed Pbex. Address 13 s. Li. COLRV. I.hikI Com'r, W. C. R. K., Mllwaukee. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S ííllilii ANO Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and ReMH Tradc. We shall al.-o keep a anpply of SU IFT & DEÜBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! lellii Flour, Kyc Flour, Biicku hem Flour, Corn 11 ral. Fced, Etc, At Wliolesale and Ketail. A general stock of GROCERIES ui PROVISIÜNS CirustiiTilly on hand, which UI he sold on aa reagonable tertns aa at any other hoase in the city. Cash pald for BUTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods deltvered to any part of the cuy withont extra charge. RISSET & SEABOLT. TTTIT rfor worklnï people. Send 10 cenu llposuge, and we wlll mail you free a M p I royal, valuable eample box of goods I that wlll pnt you in the way o( maktau more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any buslnees. Capital not rcqulred. You can live at home and work in pparc time only, or all the time. AM of both Kcxes, of uil agee, grandly successfnl. 50 cents to $5 easily earned every evening. ïhat all who want work may teet the busineep, we make thie unparallcled oll'er: To al! who are not well Mtlefted we wlll send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full partlculars, dlrections, etc., sent free. Immense piy iihsolutcly sure for all who start at once. Uon't delay. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Haine. H. TJ I T TT H. "Et ! -4. EOAN'S IMPERIAL TRU88. ,; WM Tbi" D(w Truis hu ft ipirat ipring Aiid BABV¦¦ir 1T1D miUL-u ; }ild to very motlou, rvtMlnitiK ¦ tb hernia ftlwftvt. Woni Aay%nA iyhl with omtáfl fnrt. Sent on Trial. Kim-Iüm Sump for Circular. Uwd in both Ualrlty Hotplul. EGAM'S IMPERIAL TSUSS CO., Bex 288. Ann Arbor, KM. Office, Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
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