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Thlrty A Pr.lcmM Il UjorJ. yV by irttyaiu.nii i. piii pWERIgM CTT T"l By the uso of thls ALL HIIBDT, tí StomtlE VS"J ch and Bowols ' ' poödlïy rcaln thcir „.7 "trensfth, and the ;li LlQcd Is puxi&sd. KlTSTITYS It is pronounCQd by IZVL ' rulreis of the beat BL CDOKS ïcotors tobe tho OWXm IiY CUEE for all ¦jj- -7A""T 3 'cinds oí Kidney Dis5ÈS "e" puroly „ee. ' J '"'-'.o.niidcureewhea CHA . :.:, Lt'..or nic.'.icincs fail. TTAir "T : n !s prcpared exLIUOIIT'S !-.o-,sly f jr t: ese di. DISAAS J ïmw, v"d has nerer 1 ir,-3 ij eea ki-.own to fil. jii , Ono trial -vrin cn. T-j. vinca y ou. For sala t, (r. : ¦ Iy all dru.Tiirts. LOTI.-3 i, TIUCE 1.25. (.1 (t 8ond for SIDB 1T'C '- Pa!uPhIet HEIUOTTd ? f Te. tl01321638 m f1 monlata. UETENTIOIÍ J tlf-VT'S OE A, ƒ UE.ttKDY The ancient mode of warfare had some elementa of Bpenrority over the modern style.- MerchantTraveler. Scrofula diseases manifest themselve in the spring. Hood's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood, and removes every taint of scrofula. What is the diflferencebetween a barber and a motlier? One lias razors to suave, and the other has sha vers to raise. The Clergy, Medical Faculty and People all endorse Burdock Blooil Bitters ns the best system renovating, blood purifying tonic in the world. New England humor keeps abead of all other sort9. A Vermonter is sleeping In hig hog-pen "just for the fun of t." Try It Tourself. The proof of the pudding is not in chewing the string, bnt in havfng an opportunky to try the artlcle yourself. Eberbach & Son, the Druggists, have a free trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup lor each and every one wbo is afflicted with Coughs, Cold, Asthma, Consumption or any Lung affection. Men who never have had any advantages sometlcnes make it up by taking advantage of everybody they have dealings with. An Enterprlslng, Reliable Hoase. Eberbach & Son can aiways be relied upon, not only to carry in stock the best of everything, but to secure the Agency for such articles as have well-known merits and are popular with the people, thereby sustaining the reputation of belng always enterpriilng, and ever reliable. Having secured the Agency for thecelebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptlon, will selliton a posltiveguarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of Throat, Lungs, and Chest, and to show our conflüence, we invite you to eall and get a Trial Bottle Fre. Cure for Pile. The firet symptom of Piles is an intense itchlng at night aftergetting warm. This unpleasant sensation is immediately relieved by an application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Rcniedy. Piles in all forma, Itch, Salt Rlieum and Ringworui can be permanently cured by the use of this great ! reraedy. Price 60 cents. Manufacturad by the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Company i Plqua, O. Sold by Kberbach fc 8on. iaoa-1268.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News