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3f.lMO.M4' I IK IX TOK Y. ANS AKIl.lH COMMANDKltY, HO 18 lllects 15 rst Tuesday of eacli inoiilli, . J. Uoly. E. C; W. A. Tolcbard, Recorder. WASUTENAW ('IIA1TK1!, NO. , R A. M.- Moets flrst Monday eaeh inonth. Isaac Handy 11. P ; Z. Koath, Secretar?. Go ldes Rdle Lodoe. No ISB, F. and A. f.1.Meet flrsi ilmrsday of eacb month. I.. i'. Goodrich, W. H.; N. l. (iuu-s, Secrelary. Fratbknity 1.OIHJK. Ko. M2. F. and A.M.Meets flrst Wedomday ol eaoh month. B J. Morton, W. M.; Will iloluuuls, Secretar}'. BUSINESS CARDS. W. H. JACKSOX, üiie.iitx'iitíjiüsiítii. OFFICE : Over Vachs Abol's Dry Goods Store. Entranci by First National Bank. GEUMAN CLASSES by Erall Bnur, fornierly teaclur of Germán In the Ann Arbor High cüool. Beginning and advauo-d converaatlon! olaaaas wlll b arranged above MneehaD iV Tos book Mor6 on State Street. Slmnon Sieen's '¦stiiilln mul Plaudereien " will te used for convernatlon. Korgrammar classes any grammar the student deslres, modern laneaagei are soon forgotten lf not praotio-d. Eleineinber tbe ireal advanlage of knowiiiK Uerraan In business at well as llterary pursolta. Beginn ng Uie r.'th of Januarv. References : Dr. Henry K. Friese, Dr, Alexander Wlnchell Dr. E. L Walter, Prof Klislia Jones, Supt. W. S Perry. For ensv term 8 enqulre if Mesan. Sheelian 4 Co., Osslus ('o . oraddreM PROF SU.IL BAtTB, City. uii.i.nn iiekz, Houso, Sijn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! PapwriDg, OlHz.ins, (üliline. nd ('alciraiiiiiic, and work 01 every decrii)!K)M done in tbe twst style. and warrauied (u givc oatisfactinD. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. C. SCIIAK1ÍKKI.I., RiaiDïKCi, 57 Sooth Main St., Teícbkh of Piano, Violin and Thisory of Music. IICTST.R.'CrCTIOIsrS Glven on Plan of the Hoyl Conservatory of Muslo at Leipsic, Saxoiiy. W. W. & A C. KICIIOLS New Dental Rooms, over Joe T. Jacob's Store. GAS or VITILIZED AIR Aiminlstcrad for Ihe palnleu extractlon of teeth. .IO-1.I'II BERKV, The Practical TAILÜR AND (JUTTER, Of the late firm oí WINANS & BERK Y , has located hin place of business at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITH A rüLL I.INE OF Suitings and Trouserings, And would gay (o hls old frlends and MW ones that lf tbey want a GOUD FIT aud a NOBBY FII at RK8(JNABLE PK1CES, chII ou hlm and ihey will be eure tu get one. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security held for the protecüon of the policy CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresent the followlne flret-cla-s compnnio, of which one, the Etna, has alone naid tS6,OUO,000 nre loseee In Blxty-flve years: iEtna, of Hartford $ 9,192,041 Franklin of Philadelphta 3,1 18,718 Germania, N. Y 2,700, 72H Gorman American, N. Y 4,085,968 Lionrion Assunincc, London... 1,416,78e Micliijran F. & M., Detroit. . . 887.608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,696.679 National, Hartford 1,774,000 Pboenix, Brooklyn 3,7.V,).o:( Losses liberally adjusled and promptly paid Policies issufd at the lovvest rates of premium. llUltf J. J. GOODYEAR'S PHARMACY! IS THE PLACE TO BUY HANDSOME TOILET GOODS! ELEGANT BRIC-A-BRAC, Statuetts, Mirrors, Plush Goodi ETC, ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTV No. 5 S. Main Street,


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