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W f ROYAL PSWJÍ J Ni POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thia pofwdr never varíes. A marvel of purl ty , st renglh and wboleaomeness. Moreeoonnnnrat than the ouiinury kinds, and oaimot ba i"ld in eompetltloo wlth the mulilmde ot low t.-.t. silo t welght, oliini or pliosphate ?wders, Hold only a cana Royal Bakimq 'OWOXI i1".. 108 Wall Bt. N. V. (pïcuTa IXFAM'ILi: SKI BEAUTIFIERS- AS APPEAL TO MOTIIEUSTKY THEM. ÏJ1OR t'naiisitic t!ie S'kin and Soalp of Birth 1 l'iiniiir', for iilnunir ITChlnff, Biiraiug nd li tl 'mm tiopi. lorrnrlne theflrsi fyinptoui-' ut SeRem ¦. P-iirláülí, Mllk Crnsi, ccM Hud, Bcro'au iitrl 'tliBr mlier itil kin ar.d bluoit cli-inu (Juli ora. the j,"i't skin Cara, and Cuil ara 8o(.p, n ezq'ilmre fkin Htiiui41 r, x'e natlTf md Cutícuín Ki'Bolvni,tlic in-w Bloort Hurifler, interiiaily are lu.a.Hule. Abaulntcly uure. "TKHRIBLY ll'FLICTED.'1 Mr. imd Mis EviTctl SWttbliM, Boctl rtnwn, Vu-a., write: ")ur litile hoy -i lerriiily affiited wiL'i rtcrofnlft, Sili Ivit'iitn and ErsipeM8 ever ¦Ince he as iioro, nnd i.oihinir e c u ri ïive him brlud him. nntil we trled the Caticnra Kcmed ef, wrhlcl gmdH iily carod liim, unül he is noiv as kir hild." '-.Ob FOK NttTHIBCki m. i.on'.iiii. f-T Ariiriu ton Avo., Chsriestown, Hui., rites : "Haring pald abmit liOOtoflrat doctor to ruif uiy hnby, without xuccie-, I triad Ibe Catioura Krnu'dlva, which comiioteiy cored, uñer aalog tliree packagea." FOII TALK, LAXCIID, Emaclated ehlldren, with pimply, sh'Iow skin, tbe Cutlcura Kemedlo wUI prore n perfect hlesain, i'ltaii.-lng ihe b'ood and fkin of ïuheritcd iinuurItlet and expelllug the geruiB ol scroltila, rlioumaii-iii, consumpiiun, aoa stv. r ¦ ikin dlteMe. BEST I'Olt TUK SKIN." Your Culirura Kun.diis are tha bi'st for skin ea 1 l.ave cv, Bold, and yimr Cntlcara Soau the fiii'st medicinal toiW i toto In ih" marKat. V C. W. SI'AI.K-, Osceolí MilL", V:. DruggUt. Sold ererywhere. Price, Caticnra, 60c. Re-olvent, $1.00; Sold, SS ceota Prepared liy 1'otthh Dhuu and Chemical Codoaton, Maee. SenU for "How lo cure skin Dlsoase" HflV Pad i'ntionra Hoap. a" axqaMtely UAfil perfamed Bkln Keauilflcr. CATARRH Complete Troatineiit, with Iiihaler, ft Every Form oT Catarrli, $1. SANDFORD'S RADICAL CURE HttdGoMft Wterj Wiebirgei (rom UnN'oseand Blngtng NolM In the Head, Kervoni HeadMhe nul Fever hnianiiy rellen 'i. Choklng ïiHicu dllloged, numbrane cleanscd and bealed, breatfa iveatened, smell, i :- t ¦. and hearing rcsioivd. mul rTgei oneoied. Oough, Bronohltls, Drupplngs Inte tlic Throat. Pain 11 the Ctaeit, Dyipeptla, Wastlng of Strengt h and üeih, Lom dí Bleep, etc., cured. Ooe bottle Radica) Cure, one box Catarrhal Sol vent aodonr lr. s intuid Inhalar, In one packlffe, of all druggtats, foríl. Askfor Sanford'B Radical Cure, a puredJitUtetlODOt Wltoi Huel, Am. Plne, ('a. Flr, Uarigold, CloTer Blouema, ete. Pott Dbi Chbmi -ton. Potter Oma aiil i'hemloal o., Boston. I IKi KfW fc'fe for Sliattereil I l Nervw, l'.iinfiil 1ucieHiid J0' _ ''l Wankoned Oriwnt. Coi¦OLTAIC i „b' Volt ie Bleftrte rüJK lBlLMt r inBtanity affecte A cjt the nervotti ytrm and 'vw t'-' i-A hn1ihe piin, un iFV"'"! 'l.'lnliiy. A perfect Lx7r Kleot ro - ¦.LCTRIC „,, ,.,.y e o ni I i ¦¦'! 1 eTCRb'11' 'l 'C'1.V m'll"5 1 W final llatT tor . All druïglit, ÜBlïï: A HEALTHY AND BXC1TIMG EXERCISE (Mi beliii'l ilurlnu the wlutor months by playlng TEN PUS. COCKED HAT, Or any of the Kamen of a bowling allcy. On HM UMI SlUKIir, opposlte tbe Court House, 1 B&ISS' Howilns AUey, wiiifh bM reoenMj beeo llnely deconitediind lltted np in good style. ; PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. ;sTrr A. O. UL1SM A CO.


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