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Doings Of The Pomological Society

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The April meeting with President Scott In the chalr, was a succcís. The committM ou fruit paokagcs reported by J. D. Fullor. The following rules for sliipmeut of fruit were preseated inil adopted: I. AU tneiubera should put ui thclr fruit In the very best order. t Tbo conslgnee is requested to return the emply crates wlth proinplness wlth as many baaketa mui latí u possible. :!. ( 'oinmisslmi dealers are requested to see tbt tbs retallen retara the baakeis packed in tho saín1 way üh recelred uu! nesttd. The seeretary was ordered to have 5,000 slips printed. Merabers of this society eau buy them from blm at cost. They should be pasted to the lid of every crate iiiside and ontslde, so tlial the consignee will see them at once. Kev. Mr. Da; submitted an interesting report ou trantportatloo, wbloh was unanimously adopted and the comniittee comiiiued. Judge Pnge for the commlttec on rlght of fruit growers submitted the foltowlug report: The coramlttf e are not expeeted to conslder invaslous upm prupcity by beas s or blrds, bul by tl, e hiimaii kind, by thlevcs It 1h weil incalí tbinga by right uaiues. Ií a boy sieais a ch.ap ank-Ie Hom a store or bhop he is i-oMjpiiuncü ui lor lurceuy and fur il punistied by oourt, wlth tlie lull approbalioii t the ouminualty. If tlie sume boy buals and deslros ïrull on the Iruil growers premlses oí leu times the vulue, lt Is tiiought linie of, except na n sort of venal oflenco and He rt'Ctsivt the syiupathy ufwmo who bave beeu enuuged In similar dolugs. Why should li. not le complulned of, brmided as u iliu-i :is uWl as In ihe lormor case? 'fliere Is probubly moro sieallng i,om the premlses of irult growers of thlstown during lour montba of the year, Ihan lro.u all the stores and shops dunus; tlie wtiole year. The merchant uurini: diiyUiüe Bull'lWIf tSñn niiñisi iïï ordluury ïulrusion ut ulght. The IrullKrower has no such eítlcient remedy. Il, s ex ten Mva premlses are open day aud nignt and he ean piotect them ouly by vuilanl attd expensive uatcliuiniss. Thls fact of llself would Indícale, that the (ruit thlef ought l ïecelve al least, as severe punlshment as any o her thief. Tho boy of a farmer, or fruitgruwer hus a plece of landalloted him tor hls uwn dm, Ha piauta lt to meloua, wblob through all tlie lammer he carelully cul.lVMttw. He has a fine erop. neaily ripe lor market ui, huik moou-llght nlgln, a dozeo boys, aud sonitlmes meu In size, clul togeiher lo rob hlin, of the avalls of bis hard earnei toll. They usually destroy leu timi ¦ aa muob as ihey take away. And how la sucli aii act regarded by tue public ? Many regard H as aslight oöence, and pass it by wiili the cominon rcmark-"boys wlll be boys. If lu such canes thev were called by iheir ilgiit ñames thieve " and palns were Uiken lor Ihelr conviellon and punishnient as In the case of larceny ironi stores and shops, tuere would be much less of these depredaüous. N. Ulier even handed Jusllce, nor luw, mako any distlncllon beiween these diiteient kinds of stealii g. The statute most dlrectly bearlng pon the subject Is- General .Matules of Michiuu- Vol. & C'hap. 318. Bec, "Everv porson. whoshall wllfully comnilt auy trespass by euteiing upon the gardeu, orchard or olher lmproved land of another without permlbhlouoi the owuer thereol aud wlth lntenl to cut, take, curry away, ueslroy or injure the trejs, grlo, grass, hay, fruit or vegetables Hiere growlnu r belug, sliall be puiilslied by Imprlsoument In the county Jall not more than thlrty days or by flue uot exceedlng iwenly dollars ; and if any of the oneuseu meutloued In tbisor theprecedlu seclion shall I e commltted on the first . ay of the week ur lu dlsgulse, or secretly In the niglit iline betweeu sim setting aud suu rlsïiig lmpnsonu,eiH shall not je k-ss thun nve dollars." The report wasaccepted and the following resolutiooa paed : Tint as cltlzens, pnd as memberg of til society, wb will mulually asslst each olhcr lid Ihe omceis of the law, In bringing all fruit llueves to merited puiilshineut. Ihat thedolngs ol the society on thls subJeci be publlshed by the uewspupers of thls J. D. Balduin : the une odium should be put on trespass in orchard or üelil as ou ateallng from a tiuit stand In tlie city. Dr. Oarrigues: wheie property Is not protected, trespass should be more punishable. t,. tfaur: conveyances and travelers who pass by our place on the Dexter road, friquently stop and take what frrapet they want. Before we get to the (ruil trom imr back field thoy arcgencrally gone. Public sentiment In regard to trespass „„ (ruit rtliich is growing, needs correctiou. Have no doubt that many of those who stop to take grapes do not consider t an oftence. They are likely good christians, who on Sunday in tlieir pows, are reminded more frequently of awful sins committed way oft' than of theirown; seriously conslder the necessity of sending missionaries to Germany! or some olher heathen country. We have to worfc barder tlrnn any otlier elass, putting in frequently sixtcen hours of work per day. Yet public sentiment treats the sweat oi our brows most indifferently. Even slrawberry plants, the propagation of which, on account of the many weeds, is one of the costliest items, are eonsidered worthless by some. Mr. Page: schoolchildren should receive instruction in regard to the sacredness of property. MeiMI Day, Jlaldwin and Polier were appolnted, a committee to draw up a lis1 of rules and give the best method of keeping accounts with those we employ in l.icking our fruit and report the same to the next meeting of this society. The committee on fruit exhibit reported : J. D. Baldwln'l exhibit of Golden Rueseta and Baldwin's are a proof of the success of nis fruit house. Apples kept wel] doring the severe cold and are biinging good prices uow. M. 8. White's exhibit of Willow Twigs, Boldwloa, Northern Spysand Greeniugs was well received iie gave DU tücory on the cause of hard spots in apples. IwftC tí. KimuJe of Ypsilautl, exhibited a seedliiiíj apple, a bybrid of the Talman Bweeton the Greenlag, fruni a tree littteii yearsold, of wfaich he pickcd 17 busutls of perfect appks lust tull. 1 11 fonii it recembles the Newtmvn Pippin ;,iid Greening. Quality v. ry good, iweet wlth a slignt subacid tute, Season trom December to June; considered by the íociety a most desirable' late sweet apple, worthy of propairation. The wisli of Mr. Kimble to name the apple Joaephine, the name of his wlft who originated tlie tree, was eomplied with. Prest. Scntt reportcd that the severe winter wenthw had killed many apear tree. 11' warm weather sets in we will find siill in., re dumage done, tlian we oan M now. He liad airead; cut down 12 of his pear trees. Mr. Baldwin advised not to be too hasty in cattiu down trees. If tho .-;ii r.-.-els are uot spoiled below snow line, trees aic uil rh,'lit. Mr. Ganzboro : peach trees slx years old and over BW In (langer. A great many, especially on luw and 1 vel ground Will suceuinb if waim weather sets in. riant a young tree at once as soon as the dead one ta removed, lic oaVC ., V(;ry ilstr„ctive a(j count of the way to prune peach trees aftci the Betere winter.


Ann Arbor Courier
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