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Only two priaooan In the juil. The Board of cöuufy canvassers meet next Mondaj'. The next council 11 stand 8 republicana to 6 demócrata. Wm. Heiz is fixing up the 2d and 3d stories of John Goetz's store, on Main st. WalterT. Lathrop has rented tlie Whiting farm on the Soulh Vpsilanti road, for five years. The Beethoven Gesangvercin gives a concert April 27tli, it being their sixth anniveraary. The trustees of the M. E. church will receive f2,000 from the estáte of tlie late David Godfrey. Sheriff' Walsh went to Adrián, Friday, and arrested I. W. .Jamos tor neglpctinr to support bis family. The domocrats eleeted ¦ supervisor in the flfth and lizth wardi for the fint time Alonday. N. G. Butts was tbe lucky man. Notwithstanding the effrt made to defeat Supervisor Brean in Ann Arbor township, he was clected by M majority. In Northfield P. S. Purtell was re-elected supervisor on a stump ticket, by a unión of prohibitionists, republicans and disaffccted democrat?. Mrs. Prof. Van Slyke died April 4, after a week's illness, aged 22 years, 9 months and 12 days. The rematui were taken east tbr interment. A novel decoration Easter Sunday was at the M. E. church whcre the pulpit was draped with long grey Florida inoss brought home by Mr. G. A. Douglas. The lirst game of progressive billiards ever played, c une off at the rooms of BI iss &BÜS8 last Saturday afternoon. And the boys suy that it bids fair to riyal progressive euchre. Monday evening the Beethoven Society, assisted in the concert given by the members of Gennaa Lodge, No. 476. The occasion beingttic celobralion of their second anniversary. Tlie reraains of Mrs. ('. H. Norton, who dled at Jackson, some time since, will be brought to Anu Arbor for interment to-morrow, reaching here on the Grand Rapids express in the morning. Next Sunday evening union services will be held at University hall, under the auspices of the Students' Christian AssoeiaUon. Consequently no meetings will be held in the various protestant churches. Democratie city committee for the ensuIng year: First ward, J. F. Schub; second ward, F. Besimer; third ward, W. H. Mclntyre; fourth ward, Frank Howard; flfth ward, W. A. Porter; sixth ward, E. Duffy. Spriug is coming and the lambs are being sheared. The widows and orphans are rushing in to buy silver mining stock in a hurry before it is all gone. Somebody Is going to make some money. Look out. Cari Schurz, the mngwump, lecturcd in University Hall, Friday evening on Lincoln. He had a fair sized audience and made a fairly good address. Af ter the lficture a reception was given him at the Phi Kappa Psi house. D. W. II . Moreland, traveling passenger agent of tlieSt. Paul, Minneapolls & Manitoba R. R., senda us an interesting pamphlet entitled "Wheat Farm Mortgagea in the Northwest." Sent on applicatión to C. H. Warren, St. Paul, Mimi. The Juvenile Temperance School will give a jug breaking entertainment In Temperance Hall, over Noble's store, next Saturday evening, April 11, commencing at half past seven. A small admission fee will be charged. Everybody invlted. E. LeSeur, Henry W. Kellogg and Z. S. Pulcipher, of the 5th ward, cast their flrsl vote in that ward of this city in 1833, and every year since they have repeatcd the same thing, with the exception of Mr. Le Seur, who voted twice in Pittsfield. Such a record isunusual for this región. Adaline Booth, nife of the late Horace Booth, of l'ittstield, died April Gth, at the age of 77 years, 3 mos, of heart disease and dropsy; Funeral to be held to morrow. Deceased is the mother of Nelson and Jcsse Booth, both of whoai are quite well known to our citizens. The Unitarian chiirch of this city is to hear for the next four Sundiiys, ministers froru Chicago and Cincinnati. Next Sunday the minister will beRev. Win. C. Garnett, sou of the late Dr. Garnett, of Boston, Mass. Friends should not fail to hear him. The following comes to us in the American settler, a paper publUhed In London : "Ifthis meets the eye of John Bladen, late of Wolverhampton, England, last known to reside at Blooiningdale, Michigan, United States, about August 1882- will he kindly send hls present correct ad. dress to No. 11, St. Mark's Hoad, Wolverhampton, England; also, if this meets the eye of any perdón who migbt have seen or employed the fcaid John Bladen, if such would kimlly communicate anything they know of the said John Bladen to the above address, they would relieve theburden of hls widowed mother, and expenses would be remitted." Michigan papers please copy. Thejail loan is carried by about 2,000 majority. The official returns will bc giyen in full ncxt week. D. F. Schairer is building au addltion to liis on División st. Mrs. Shewcraft has moved her tonsorial parlón inlo the opeia house block. Ueo. L. Moore, of the State st. bookstore, broke round for his new residence on División st., Monday. Doe. Simonds the tonsorial artlst, bas moved into the store adjoining C. J. Durheiui's place on Huron street. Hayden and MacLay have the contract for the mason work on a large Catholic church to be built this season in Brighton. Anna, widow of Blodgett Smith, of Saline, is to receive.$8 per month pension f rom Feb. 18, 84. O. L. Matthews, attorney. Manchester U the largest Dolling precinct in Washtenaw county, casting 527 ballots. Sylvan follows next with 516 votes. Bennett alias Gordon, has been bour.d over to the ciicuit court, ior trial. He is the man spoken about last week as trying his swindling dodge. Frank Ouodule has made an asignment of his mili property and other real estáte at Delhi Mills, to Messrs. Knight and Treadwell of thi place. Mr. Schaible is putting a large new oven In his house, cor. of Detroit and Pontiac sts., preparatory to starting a new bakery llierein. E. B. Hall has moved his coal office three doors nearer the north pole. As warm weatlier approaches he follows the wild geese, you see. Joe T. Jacobs was nominated for supervisor in the lst and 2d wards by the republicana, hut owing to the draln it would liave made upon his time he deClillf il. At the recent election in Cadillac th ere were 727 votes cast in iavor of bonding the city in the suin ol $35,000 to help the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad, and four agaiust. The musical service rendered by the choir at St. Andrew's Church Easter moriiing- which is spoken of in teirns of great praise- will bc repeated next, we understaiul. Articles of Corporation of ibe Chelsea Oroamery Couipany were filed iu the clerks's olllue Tuesday. The company's capital stock is $5,000 and the stock tolden all first class residents of the township ot' Sylvan. The old house cor. of Fourth and Liberty streets, whicli iias just been torn down, was one of the landmarks of the city, liiiving been erected about 60 years ago. In its place John Koch of Koch & Halier is to eieet a tíne residence. Mr. Hamilton, the republican candidate for mayor, has reason to feel proud of his run even if he was defeated. He polled 603 votes, which was 64 more than the republicans polled last year, and 171 more than they polled the year previous to tliat. The contract for making all the changes and repairs on the upper floor of the St. James block so that it shall be suitable for tlie Masunie budies, lias been let to Gates and Gates. It is to be completed by July lst, and it undoubtedly will make the fiiiest Masonic rooms iu the state. It Is sad to fsee how many ex-rebels Presiden!. Cleveland la placlng Iu promlnenl posltiuiis C'tii'l.iun Herulü, uf April 2ii. The feeling of sadness should have come over our prohibition-democratic-inpeudent sheet, wlien the editor was casting his ballot to put Mr. Cleveland into the highest place in the nulion. The board of healtu bas had over a a hundred vaults cleaned out since last rail. As spring and warm weather is likely to come along any time between now and next fall, every one should sce to it that his privy vault shall not contamínate the air and thereby endanger hcalth. Mr. Hayes teil us that the M. C. R R. will sell tickets up to the 18th inst., good for three days f rom date, to Chicago and return ,for one fare and one-thlrd. This gives our people a chance to attend the grand musical festival now in progress at the exposition building in Chicago, at a cheap rate. Inspector General J. H. Kidd, of Ionia, inspected the arms and accoutrements of Co. A Tuesday night. The company received the compliments of the ofllcer for their excellent and soldierly bearing, and feel proud of the same. After the inspection the boys indulged iu a hop, which was liighly enjoyable. A new clock from the jewelry store of B. F. Watts now adonis the wails of Judge Hariirnan'8 office. It is needless to say, that our Probate office is the handsomest one in the state, and contains soine nicely executed pictures of the former Judges who have occupied that office. St. Andrew's church elected offleers Monday as follows: J. M. Wheeler, senior warden, Chas. II. Riehmond, junior warden, and the following vestrymen: Prof. A. B. Palmer, S. H. Douglass, H. J. Brown, E. Treadwell, Chas. E. Dennison, Prof. Hutchinson, Wm. Cozzens, W. H. French. For the meagreness of the local, the editorial, and the general goodness of this paper, we humbly apologize. The fact is, our mind has been distractcd from business. We- that Is, the city editor of the Courier, enterad the dazzling arena of politics a few days since, clutched for the glittering bauble of office, and, through the smiling of good fortune, and the hard and earnest work of some warm friends, he grasped the thing he clutched tor. Tlils ispeihaps suffleient upon the subject. As sad i deatli as has occurred in a long time perhaps, is that of Mrs. Lucy D. Van Slyke, wife of Dr. L. L. Van Slyke, assistant of qualitative chemistry in the universit}'. An illness of two weeks after the birtli of a child tenninated suddenly and unexpectedly Saturday fornoon, April 4th, because of peritonitis and puerperal fever. She was born June 23d, 18C2, in Pavilion, N. Y., and after receiving an education in literature and music was married in June of 1882. In the fall of the next year she came here with lier husband. Owiag to her sweetness of disposition and temperament there was no happier home, and to be thus abruptly taken from her husband and two baby cliildren - one two years and the other two weeks old seems especially sad. The funeral was Monday afternoon, after which the remains were taken back to her former home in New York. Mr Van Slyke will retnain east a fortnight before returning.