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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powrlír never varíes. A marvel of purlty.strengthand wïiolesomeness. Moreeconomlcal than tbe ordlnary kinds, and cannot op s"ld In competltlon wltb the multltude ot low tsu sho t welght. alum or pboaphate pnwiirrs. Kold only in cans RovaI Baking Powoer Co., 106 Wall 8t.. N. Y. (jiticira INFANTILE SKIN BEAÜTIFIERS-Ai APPEAL. TO MOTHEUS- TKY TH ESI. FOK Cleansinjf the Skin and Scalp of Blrth Humor, for Hl'avlm? Iichlne, BurDiiig and Ii n iinm ition, lor cnrine the firut (tjtnptomn of Ec¦, I'-iiriavix. Mllk Urnst, fcald Head. Scro'ala and ¦'ther inherin-d fkln and blood diea.'e Uuilcurn. thegreat Sklo Cure, and Cailrora Sof.p, an i'iij !'-' kin Beautifltr, cxiernally, and Cutlcuia K-8oli.eDt, tbe new Blood Hariflér, lnternaily are In a.lible. Abaoloteiy pure. "TKIdtllILl AFFtlCTED.'1 Mr. and Mre Bverett Steoblns, Bech.rtnwn, Mm., write : "Oar litile boy wa lerrihly afflited wifi scrofula, S ilt Rneum and Ervsipe aa ever nlnce be was born, and Dotblng we cou d eive him hiled him. nntll we trie4 tbe Cuticnra Remedie, hfch cradiMlly cured htm, nntil be is no' as fair as any child." "$2OO FOK NOTBI.VG. wm. Gordon, f7 Arllngton Ave., Charlestown, Mass., writes : "ElaTiug paid about ÍJO0 tn flrstcla-- doctor to cuie my baby, wíl hom succes, I tried ihe Cuneara Remedies, which completelv cured, after osing three packages." FOR FALE, LAXCIID, Emaclaten chlldren, wlth pimply, sallow skin, the Caticura Remedies will prove a perfect blessin-j, eleam-lng the blood and (kin of mherited impurities aod expelliog the germs ot scrofola, rheumnti-m, consurapiiou, ana sevtre kin dlee&ses. ''BEST FOB THE SKIN." Yonr Catlcnra Remedies are the best for skin dioeaees I have ev r pold, and yonr Cutlcura Soap tbe flnest medicinal loHet soao in the mirKet C. W. STALE-i, OsczoLi Mill-, Wi, Druggist. Sold eTerywhcre. Prlce, Caticnra, 50c; Reolveot, 11.00: Sold, 25 cents. I'repared by Pottík Dhuo and Chemical Co.,dotun, Mass. Send for ''How to cure Skin Dlgease" fliiV Lad nM""1 toap. an exquiiittly fiafii periumed kiu Beamltter. CATARRH Complete Treatment, witü Iuhaler, for Ewry Form or Catarrh, $1. AiK FOR SANDFORD'S RADICAL CUBE Head Colds, Watery Dlfcbargos from the Voee and Eyes. Klnglng Xotses In the Head, Xervous Ueadache and Ferer InMantiy relleved. Choklng mucus dtsloged, "membrane clcansed and healed, breath sweetened, amell, taste, and hearing restored, and raragos cbecked. Cough, Bronchitis. Dropping lnto the Throat. Pain In tbc Cheit. Djrspepsls, Waittng of Strcngtli and Fleh, Loss of Sleep, etc., cured. One bottle Radical Cure, onc box Catarrhal Solvent and one Dr. Sanford's Inhaler, In one packagc, of all drugglsU, for 11. Askfor Sanford's Radical Care, a puredlstlllatlonof Wltch Ilazel. Am. Plne, Ca. Flr, Marlgold, Clovcr Blossoma, etc. Pottik Dkcg isd Chimiíal Co., Boston. Potter Orutt and Chemical (o,, Boston. -. I I iKl. 1w L'fe for Sl.attered n f) LI- I N í'í, Hainfnl Muclef and h w!Ti ¦t-Ai' Wekiert Orgaot. ColJVOLTi "' Voltaic Electric fjiM l'lant-r Insumí; affect" y j the Dervons syctem and LL banlshes pain, nervonnesp J&W. and dehility. A perfect ELECTRit Ba(l eomhlned PI A CTfROl" hljthly m.-illAy I Wl clnal Piaster lor 25 Cts. All drnggists. lülil LI UUT : A HKALTHY AND EXCITIXÜ EXERCISE Can be had during tbe winter monthi by playlng TEN PINS, COCKED HAT, Or any of the gamea of a bowling alley. On I'OIIMII STREET, opponlte the ('ourt House, la B&ISS' HoAvllnc Alley, whlch ha recently bMB flnely decoratedand fltted up In good atyle. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. Rt uden tu here can get one of the best advantages of a gymnalum. The ezercUe elves eood clrculatlon, helpn digestión and Hppetlte. COME AND TBY1TI A. O. BLI CO.


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