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Mr. Rennett, of Wliitmore Lake has lost 40 swarnis of bees the past winter. Webster farmers have engnged their snmmer help for fiom $18 to $20 per muDih. The Saline Sheep Breeders' Aatoelation hold a public ihearlng fesUvu a Saline, April 15. Havo our citizens lost all iiitcrc-t in seciirinjt the T . A. A and X. II. R. at ilii.point?- Dexter Leader. Frank Polhemus, f.nineily of Manchester, is now publifthiiig a paper at Greenville, called the News. Al. Stevens is to run the Ltke house at Wliirmore this summer, and will put a lot of new row boau on the lake. The Wliitmore Lake boya have organized s ball club and elecied Miltou Todil, captain ; Chas. Colaall, trea.-. ; and Frank Kane, secretary. Edward R. Doane ohmvs up bright from the eöVcts of his Southern trip He pent several weeks in Ni-w Orleuis, and speaks well of the exhibition.- Dexter Leader. W. I. Keal, who is on the for thp the Jackson Punficr Woiks, with headquarten" at Kansas City, is in town, with liis faruily, visiting with Mrs. O. M. Bmltb, his wife's ruother.- Dex. Leader. The saloons beinp cloêed on Monday by order of the conimon coiincil. n surprised lot of countrymen were seen uppn our streetó. It was a quiet day and tlnew order gave prettypnod saiistactiun, we think. - Manchestrr Enterprise. There is to be a good deil of buildinir in tliis village this season. On the east side of the river we learn that 10 dweilings are to be eiected by the follnwiu?: Conrad Lehn, Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. Knrfess. Geo. J. Hfleu8ler, John .lackson and G. Schlicht. Besides this C. Lehn will pui up a brick building coDtalnlog two stores - Manchester Enterprise. Wüson & Sons have contracteil wlth Me."8rs. J. T. Noy?, of Huffaio, New York, one of the oldest firma in the country, to put into their mili 10 pair of Steven's rolla, t; jetber with a new bolting and purifying system, with a cnpacity of 60 barrels of flour per day requiring 300 bushels of wheat tuerefor - Milan Leader. By the T. & A. A. railroad acciden near Milan on Wednesday, the derailec coaches turned on their sides and were thus drawn a short distanre. J. B. Con ners, trainmaster, who whs running the train, and H. Smitii, roadmasfer, were quite badly hurt. Mrs. Wm. Clute aiu Mrs. Corbin, of Dundee, and anotiier lady and ,-inall child. name unknown were injured. Mw. Clute will probably net recover. Slie had to be taken home on a stretcher. Mr. Taylor and Putman, of Dundee, and tliree otbera, na mes un known, were badly injured. The track was blocked all day, and trailla üelaycd uutil 6 p. m. Mr. V. L. McC'ullougli, of the firm of McCullouh Bros., founders and machinists, ha? just finislied new and impro7ec Wade & Wardell rotary steam engine. ïhe improvement stlll furtlier simpliries what was before one of the simplest ani! most perfect rotary steam eiigines ever manufactured. MoCullough Bros. are owners and manufacturera of tliis new star in the mechanica! woild, and it will ooubtless prove a valuable possession to them. Those of our readers wlio may be interes-ted In mccliauical improvements should cali at McCulloiigh Brothers' shops and witness the opcnition of tliia little steam giant. - Ypsilantian. THE MOZAKT QUABTETTE AT SALINE. The following accounts of the recent concert at Saline, have been received: Tbecltlzens of Saline had the pleaaureof llslenlni; to : he Mozart Quarleile asslsied by Mlas Sarah Houndtt, e.ocullonisi. The entertain men l waa of a IiIkIi character and niiuwnl talent and study. Hpuce will not permltof our menilonlng eafh performance. Uut all In all, lt was a program wpII rendered tiirounhout. MIhs KuuiiiU' rendltlon if ' Wliy he wouldn't neli the farm." dekervcs special mentlon. Mrs. A. K. Himiie, In lier solo. the " Dalsy," shows her positeiisloD of s splendld volee, and well uniler coutrol. We Hhould be pleased to llsleo to Uk-ui aiialn. ROXEY. The people of Saline were by no means dlsappoluteo in thelr expeclalloiia In retan! to the entertainmeut ulven lij' tlie Mozart quar tette. April Ut. Her music was Uur MiowIng an excellent tante In nelectlon, and was reudered wlth feeling, especlally. 'llmb, there my baby," and 'The ManaKer'a troubles " broUühldown the house wlili laughtsr. Misa Houndn, being no stranger liere vri well received. slie repeated by request, "The 13ird Slnglng LieHKon. and reheaied 8evoral other pleue to the great hallHlacllon of the audlence. Tosaythal hIic shows great proflclency In her profesión of elocutionlst, bears out a natural aptltude and Uiting for work which 1h appareut to all who hear ner.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News