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BACH & ASEL'S COLUMN. This week we are prepared to show you our entire stock of Muslin Underwear for Ladies and We have attempted to make a display, although a feeble one on account of the limited space in our windowsWilFyou favor us with your presence in order to examine closely the medium and lower grades, and see how we have I bettered The richer garments you will linger over, naturally enough, their neatness, finish, elegance, perfection, will attract every lady. You will find them trimmed tastefully with Hamburgs. Torchons and Mediéis Lace, and your criticism we freely invoke, that we may learn We have made better use than ever of our facilities to bring prices to a uniformly lower price, but why say that, when you will so soon see it. Some people of kindly hearts with whoin sentiment is oasicr than reaeoning, fancy that working women are hárdly dealt with in the production i of To such, permit us to suggest two facts: Bteam sm ing i , man"! work :is mui s ber pay is heavier than that of the '¦ poor sewing woman." l'lic maasea uf women toilers, ín lleu of usin toeir needlea at nlght when the labor invi' and Improve tlielrmi out f life n recreation, i cnst to raking range of una!;' t, s nol this production a bl the Je fortune, luxiii v and tliosc of toil f Ordinarlly, however, the low and medium priced garm of fliuisy o luslin, and carelesaly pul gether. IL jou ir Underwear, yoo will be surprteed at Uie line sewing and t In; excellence of in:i!eiials compared w'uli thal yon Bnd elsewhere, . ïflghl : rom 8& " 50c '¦ 6 00 Drawi " 7R Chenj " Coi-set Covers, " 50c " Child's " : $1 00 " G 00 Infant'a Robe, " 1 00 " C 00 We ;i-k sp ial ftttentlon to our Chilüren'8 Dres ea and [nfanf Mol] linche for nm;h wear, travel! etc, 25 cents a box of sis yards. Btyle is plain. Enormousquantitlea of it are sok!. Our lowest ptici's heretofoi and 33 cents. We ezpect to wipply the cl j . BACH & ABEL. 'J'lie taikes place at the Pal n Friday eve. Everything has been (Jone to make a -. The costumer will be at tlie Franklin House ánrfng the day wltha Boe line cl i ontract not te charge ex irbitant prices. No one will be admitted in maik unless they present an invitation, und haa 1 een I in sending thera out so that a nice party will be in. IU be oflertd, and Bkating will continue until 11:30. The purchasetl new oniforms, and to asg'Bt iu paylng for them, the manager of the Palace rlrtk has kindly ofiered them a benefit n rj bursdaj ( veuing, April 83d. T will be an exblbitli 1' ball on katea liot v latlou, and one mlle ?kate for tlie chamilonshlp of the U ofM. For the race, one enliy will be recelved from oiioh depactincnt. Every one should buy a ticket to ad giré Un ma goori " oll"' fOl the : ra-on. . '¦''' ! cali i Free Dlstribntlon. '¦ Whai causes the greal ruh al Eberbach & Son'sdrug atore?" The free dlstr i button of SHinple bottles et' Dr. 1; ko's CougU and LunitSyrup, themosl p"iular remedy forCpngh?, Colds, Conjura] - tion. anrl Bronchitis, iiow on the market. and SI. 00. ( ongri ¦¦ -men . 11 colored, but tluy do whitewashing all the same. Purebloodisabeolutely necessary in prder to enjoy perfeel health. Hood'e Bapariila pu rifles the blood and str the eystem. m mmm. At private sale, the Bedroom Sets, Bedding, Cdrpets, Stoves, Grockery, etc, etc, of the SI. James will be disposed of at rare bargains. Ipplyin person or oy telephone to .1. B. :, IL at the Courier Office, who will show the goods from 9to i j m ,' to 4 P'


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News