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POWDER Absolutely Pure. This p'iwdpr nevpr varíes. A marvel ofpnrliy.slrength and w holesom on css. More ¦¦ ti - omical than the ordlnary klmis, and cannot be BOld 1ti coinpetition wlth the multllude ol low tsi, slio t wejghi, Hlum or pbOBph&tfl powdero. sM only in cans Rovvr Baking l',nrw:ii 00., uw Wall St. N. Y. (jiticiiTa INFANTILE SKIX KEAUTIFIERS-AX APPEAL TO MOTHEKS" TUÏ THEE. 1rOH CIcRusiiiR the 8kiu ami Bcalp of Birili 1 Mumors, Tor allnyiue Itchine, Burnlf" and li.fl iinmitioii. lorcurinï the flrsi sympton e ef Kc.¦ mi. Paorlwla, Milk Cnit, tclJd lload, hno nla and other inherited i-kin and blood dit-ase. Outlcnra, the :ic;it Skin t'urc, and Culicura Soi.p, an exq'iiílte skin BeautiflVr, exlernally, and Cniicuru HKohem,the new Blood I'urifler, liiturnaüy ure in iiiliulc. Absolatuly pure. "TERRIBLV ACFLICTKD.!' Mr. and Mrs Everett Sict)bins, Becturtown, Maf8.,wrlte: "Oor little boy wan terrihly afliited witn Scrofula, Salt Rheiim and Erysipeias ever Blnce he waa born, and nothinir we coud tiive him h'led him. nntil we tried the Cnbcnrl Keraediep, whlch cradnilly cored Iiiin, until he is as fair ax any chüd.'1 '¦'2OO FOK NOTHIXIi." W m. Oordon, W Arlinïton Ave., Charleetown, Miiea., writes : "HaTing paid about $200toflnt dav doctorn to cuie my baby, without hucci'bh, 1 tried the Ctiticnra Kemedi, which compietcly curid, after aslng three packnges." FOK I'ALE, LAXGIIO, Kmaclated chlldrer, wiih pimply, paüow skin, the Cuticura Remedies will proTS a pt-rfiTt hl. elfaiingtbe blood and nkin of mherited impuritiee aud expellii.g the Rerms of croful, rheum ui-m, conöiiinpth:i, anü Btvi-re kin diaeases. 'BKST FOK TÍIK SKIN." YourCaticura RímediH are the best furekin dlseuei I ha ever siid, and yonr Cnttcnra hennest medicinal toili t WD JU 'hom irKt-i. Osceolí MilL', W:s. Dragglst. Sold prerywhure. Price, ('utirum, S0c. lie-o]vent, 11.00: Sold, 25 cents. Prepnred by J'otter Drug and Chemical Co.,iio8ton, Mass. Send for "Hor to cure SUIn Dlseases" BA BW LT8td Culicura Hoap, an wqttUitel fiilfil perl'umed Skin Heauiiner. CATARRH Complete Treatment, witü Inhaler, lor Every Form or Catarrh, $1. AHK FOR SÁNDFORD'S RADICAL CURE Hcad Colds, TVatery Discharges f rom the Nose and Eyes. Rtnglng Nolses In the Hcad. Nervous Headailr' and Fever Instantly rellcved. Choklng mucu dlsloged, membranc clcansed and healed, breath swectened, mell, taste, and hearing rcHtorcd, and ravages cheeked. CoDSb, Bronchltls.Dropplngslntothe Throat.Palns In the Chest. Dyspcpsla. Wastlng of Strcnglh and Flesh, Loss of Sleep, etc, cured. One bottle Radical Core, one bol Catarrhal Solvent and onc Dr. Santord's Inhaler, In one package, of all drugglsts, for 11 . A8k for Sanford's Radical Cure, a puredlstlllatfonof Wltch Hazel, Am. Tlne, Ca. Flr. MniiRold. c'lDvcr Blüssoms, etc. Potter Dm 1B u. o.. Boston. Fotter IruK and Chemical o., Boston. I III ¦ ' for Sl.lltl.rcil : I IM CiNerre, I'ainful Musciexand lx1" W Wenkenert Orerann. C'oliLTAIC i „¦ ,.n i i l.l trie n fSlk 1'JastT lustanily affectx 'J i TW the nervoup 8yftera and ! V f 31 baniehes puin, nurvmiMie , i iKV""'1 WW' A l"Tf'-' ,?lileftr - nlvaulo ELECTRIO Ha(,ory e, il CTPR.5HIi a hiKhly nio.ll'-y I fc fiiinl lMuKtor for 25 CtB. All arugcislH. lililí: A HBALTHT AND EXC1TINU EXERCISE Can be had during the winter montlis by playlng TEN PINS, COCKEB HAT, Ornny of the games of a bowling allcy. Ol FOUBTH HTBEET, opposlte the i lonrt Hnuse, is BI.KSS9 Bowlin Allt'J-, wlilcli has recently I" ' flTi.-ly deconitcdund IlttcU lip In good atyle. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. SHi.lii.t hero Md ft one of tho bMt viiTitnncs df a nvimmsmni. The exercu u ve ood olrVuhi.lon, help .gestln" M al'p.tlle COME AND TRYIT! A. C. BliINS A CO.


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