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A 9-lb. son at Geo P. Suttoñ'a in Weíl Salem. Hen. Busl) and Pumily have moved back to Whltmore Lake. The Lima llterary Bociety has clopetl li .rv tur Ihc Bummer. Qardner W. McGIll, one of Llma's oíd pioneen wat bu ried on Uie 5tli int. The school in tb Van Atta dUtrict, Salem, will be taught by Hlram Sober. The city fathera oí Milán are without a cbamber in which to counsel togethor. Chas. Lockwood, of Salem, has boW IiU tarín, and is ítoiug to Virginia to live. Horaoe ftorier, recently of Dexter, had his houe buroed In Iiigliam eoutity. Ín su red. The Unívereity base-ball club is to pía) the Detroit league club i:ext Saturduy, al Recreation park, Detroit. Ilere's a chance for tli ? boys. " ork towmhip lias TOted L100 for vroodchucfe .-culpa at ten cents each, - Hilan Journal. All people intcrcsti'i! in Sabbath sohool 'orl are requested to meet at the Bapist clnirch, Cbelsea, Sunday, .May 10, at o'elock p. m. A piece of the Grand Tiunk line ncar regory eunk to a depth of over tiO Feel 'uesday nijílit. Traína uie't at tbat polnt n either siilc to transfer i he ir passengere nd then return. - rtmitli Lyon Excelsior. A vory valuible cow of the Aberdeen lood, belonging to R. C. Anlil, died Snuay. M r. .Auld baa ju-t gal led from cotland witli thlrty more choice cattle, hich added to tliosi' he ha liere, will nake him a herd of seventy. - Pinckney Jispatch. There was an explosión in Dr. Slielon'í dental office un Mondav. A gnn artrldjgti Iih1 cfitMitiy dfppod int and during the doctora temporary b.sence it took occasion to go off, blowíg the doors oflf the Btove and gcatterlnx ie coal around llie room luir dolng no ui l her damage. - Manchester Euterprise. The Ypsilanti paper conipany furniíhes ie Chicago Time? 150 tona of paper a inntli, or 1,800 tons i year. At 5 cents ponnd, tlie yearly papar iiiil oí thn 'inies wonld amotint to $180.000,aud this s ooly a tmall portion of the money that 'inics into (Hir cily froin this souee. the 'pgilantl paper compinv and the I'eninolar paper company'i milis.- Commerlal. Tbns, from tlie secret chnmbers of t lio mglits of the" Tent comea a ile bow a maaculwr younjr man, whose uníame is Timothy, introduced a feature ot provlded for in the ritual, hile beig inltiated recently. Wlieu told to efend himself to tlie hest of h3 ability, e niistook the meaaing of tlie adrice, nd proceeded to cover the Hoor w ith his ratercnl brethien, Explanaüons ami tickiiifí piaster were in order, and the intiation ceremonies were concluded without further Interruptlon. I f tne above is nota statement of f.icts, Tiinothy is the prevarioator. - Ypsilantian. Herald : At a meeting held at Oild rellows' Hall laat ñlonday evenlDg, Chelsca Cominainlry of Order of Red Crofs No. 21, was lostituted by Grand Dcputy Commander, M. Nielson, of Jacksun. The íollowing otlieeis tere elected and Inttalled: I ; t i i din. - y . r . 1 1 i 1 1 i : . Com.-ll. W. CnamplLn, M. 1). I,t. Oom. -F. I!. Wiglit. Finanotor i . i terpenter. Borlbe -H. E. Barrington. lit'.iMiii e -G. H. Gay. Prplait- K. Williams Sergeant- E. Clark, i tuanl W Oiiiiii'ld. .scniiiu'l- i;. Hammond. We received a ylslt on Tuesdaj t'rom Vm. Delaranter, of ConnerrfHe, Indiniii, H brothet of (. s. SniSbrd, f Tecumseh. He went lo EagWid In 869 Iutc he enlletetl In tbe Énglisb army tml was fent to India. A.tter ln ni ser vico, durlng whlcli Uina he aw Miuch of the eastern country and earned iho hablU and customs of the eople, be return ed h liis malvé country, Hinco whloh time he b traveled with [owe'a Londou, and VaaAmburg'a cir¦ii.. 11.' i.s ii tine Bltgr ;incl bnnjoist, uk! in the ¦¦veiling he lavoicd us with leveral of hta be?t sonrs. Frlendí al 'helsea and Aun Arhur were al) treated o the iiniic by telephone, - Manchester Enterprise. When the vrorkinen In tlm mouldlng lepartment Df McCullough Bron.' shop ¦ijinmeiiccd work last Saturday mornlng, ilicv disco ve red that their tociis rere inissiiir - uil had bren stolen Priday nlehl or early Baturday moralnf. Learmns that a gasplcloui looklnjj felTow, who liad been notlced Ht t he ihop during the week, had been .-een that morning goingeasl On the Central railroail track, Aleek MeCallough starled In purtalt In n buggy and orertook the tramp at Denton'a station. On belng requeated to dellvei ap the luols the fellow denled all knowledge of tlicin ; luit when Aleok displaced -i revolver nul th atened terloua resulta if hedld not at ones dellTei the tools, the frightened culprit at onoe produced them. Bavlng secured bis tooli Aleck treated the fellow to somo very touchlng adrice, and allowed hini to continue his journey


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News