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"Hon. A. J. Sawyer, is rapidly iinprov Ing, we are happy to slatc. Miss Sarah Hcnriques. of Phlladelphia is visiting he sister on Fifth at. Miss Helen Steereof Saglnaw, has beei rUltlng her brother, Prof. Steere. Prof. C. M. Gayley conlemplates going abroad during the summer vacation. C. E. Wyman, owner of the Palaco Kink spent Saturday aud Sunday in the city. Miss Viola BI ss was called to Howel last week by the death of lier grandmother Robert E. Frazeris to remove toDetroi soon to enter the firm of Uarbour & Rex ford. Mr. Calkins of this city, filis a prescrlp tion clerk's position in a Pontiac drug store. Rev. R. B. Pope left yesterday for a trip to New Orleans and other southern cities. Mrs. Dr. Breakey went to Detroit Saturday and remaiued with frlends untl yesterday. Henry M. Tabor left Ann Arbor Stnr day last for Dakota, to look after nis land interests there. Mrs. Julina Bemis of Owosso, and Mrs Jane M. Root of Detroit are visiting at Mrs. O. B. Church's. Rev, Miss Augusta Chapín of Ann Arbor. prenched at the Universalist choreta Lansing, last bunday. Mrg. G. E. Smith, nee Miss Belle Earl of Detroit, is visiting fora few days atthe the home of Will A. Hatch, Jr. County Treasurer Fred II. Belser anc wife are spending a week in Chicago, taking in the musical festival, etc. Mra. O. Collier, of Liberty st., who has been visiting her daughter for several inontlis at Owosso, haa returned. News bas been received in the city that Dr. A. V. Cha8eis verysick, in fact, dangerously Hl, at bis home in Toledo. B. B. Morgan (the artist) and family have returned from a sevVal day's visit among friends and relatives in Howell. Thos. Wynkup of Grand Traverse is visiting bis brolher. Isaac, in the 5th ward, called here by the latter's serious illnesa. Asgistant Engineer G. W. MoKIroy, of the United States navy, is visiting bis old shipmatp, Prof. M. E. Cooley, for several days. Don M. Dickinson, Elliott T. Slocum, Jol ni B. Molonej', and Saín B. Sinclair, of Detroit, wcre up to Ann Arbor Saturday. Mrs. Mary Conover of S. Fifth st. bas returned home from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Hamilton of Bucyrat, Ohio. S. P. Jewett who bas been a great sufferer from an affection of the throat during tho winter, is about once more. Mrs. Jewett is seriously ill from heart tronblp. Miss Francie M. Breakey who has lived with her brother, Dr. Breakey, for several years, left Ann Arbor Saturday for De;roit, after which she will return to her aome in the cast. , G. M. Monroe who has been representng the house of Everts & Kirk of Philadclphia, in Nebraska for the past Cear, carne home Friday for a few weeks ael'ore returning. Ilarry Morse and wife gave a farewull receplion to their friends Wednesday even11 ir. lie goes to Alpena a short time before starting for Dakota where he will take charge of several farms. Nelson B. Beers of Thayer Street, is laid up from a sprained ankle which he got in one of the ïliany holes in tlie sidewalk on State street near the n. w. corner of the campus. Snme one should be stirred up to repair s dewalks all over town. Mrs. A. Howe of Chicago, after attendng the meeting of the woman's foreign missionary society at Toledo, where she was rtëlected president, returned to Ann Arbor, and addressod the juvenile nieetng Saturday and Mie ladies society Sunlay afternoon. Robert D. Fowler and wife of Chicago visited Rev R. B. Pope and fnmily Sunl:iy and Monday. Mr Fowler is the head of the American Pork-packing Co. of Liverpool, New York, Chicago and ÏHiisas City, one of the largest firms in li is country and is quoted over a million. Sarkis H. Tufenkjion, the Armenian nedical student, who by selling oriental joods is making his way through collese, ïas left for the east on a business trip. lis father's trade is that of a rimsmil li. iinl from that htocurioui name, translated nto Eoffllsh meana, "ason of a gun." Although hecame here ayear Rgo scarcely ciiowing a word of English he is now well up with Ii is clüfs and a good student.