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ff 3THE OHLT TEUE Avbron (STONIC X vrm pnrlfv the ELOOD, roirn!¦ flB late the LIVER an.l KIDNEYS, and RESTOKl THE HEALTH ¦B ndVIÜORofïOUIH. I 2 B peMis. Want t' Appellte. JnBA dlfrostlon. l.a.-k of sir.TiL'il , H umi Tlruil Ki'vIliiKal'snlulely -1-" . :' QL euredi Boíles, qjusc HH ñervos receive )":v t ' r t-. i. Snltvem the mlnd and - suppücs israin I'owir. a n i c es sutil riiiií ii-oiii ciMiipiuii'19 LAUIIHdi"'':!:,:!, tl.elr ex wlll fi d InDB. HARTEB'SIRON TONIO anifiand ui cdyoure. tilvcia deur, liealiliy compl. liicnt attempti :it c .111111 n. Itiod pnlj t Ibopopularityof tlia original. lu nut expt-riment- ge t the Origix il nd Bkst. ' t.Io'ilr., Mo.,for onr ' DRÏAM rOCK." iulloi btruDtfe aoJ usufui information,ire. LAST CHANCE To obtain Government I.ands frec - that are suitable for general farmingand stock raising purposes - before change of laws as per bilis now pending in Congress. AAAIN THE DEVILS LAKE, lIl TURTLE MOUNTAIN, UXaU And Nlouse River Country. NORTH JipnrQ5:ibstLVnl3 dakota HuiilO gia Ovir 2,000,000 Acra of R. K. Lands in Minnesota at the low price of S3.00 per acre and upwards. Sectional Mapandfullparticularsmailed ¦¦¦% V ¦¦ free loanyaddress byC. H. WARREN. I U L Gen'l Pass. Agent. St. Paul, Minn. and F R F F Manitoba R. R.. St. Paul, Mom. I I lla Li An oíd bachelor, on teelng tbe wonls "Families Supplled1' over tlie door of an oygter laloan, Btepped in and" sakl he wnuld talie i wlfe and two ohlldren. Bad Duaixagk causea sicknew; bad blood and Impfoper aotion of the liverand Udneyg is bad drainage to the human systetn, whkh Burdock Blood Bitten roniedy. A Blek lulton sent for the doctor. " I have lol w appctilr," saiil he, in (freat alarm. "All the better," s:iid tbe doctor ; " yotfll be sure to die it vuu recover it." This Idea or Goinir Vfesi to Colorado or New Mexico, for pure uir to i :ieve Consumptlon, is all b mlstake. Any rcasDiiablc mul WOllld use ) Bosanko'a Cough and Lang SyrupforConnatnptlOD In all i t s. ïi r.-t Btages. It never falla io gire relief in all caaes of Uotijrlie, Cold, Bronchitis, Pain in the Cheel and all nffediona that are contldered prlmary to ( 'o n su ni i ilion. Price, 60 caiil and $1.00. tSulil by Eberbncli S Smi. It been siidliiil graln lias been treated llke ii fants, When Ihe In-ad beeamea heavy, il i cradled ; and ii I erally uell threslied lo rrndêr it lii for use. "How ny baokdoesache!" Alldi i Ol the kidneys, ïelenlion oi ,1 hmale weaktaessea, are cared by Hunt'e Retneöy. A ira who as algo ii ihil'8o)her, once siijd that it' gouie inen's bodies no Btralghter than tlicir iiilnds, woul ! be crooked enougli to ildn on ilieir own b ick. These aro Sol id Fuct. The lii'-t ld( M.d ii i :,ii ¦¦ .i i! - ein regulator ever placed wil in i the ie i i ol suffieriug linraanlty, truly a Electric Bitters, [nactivlty of the Liver, Bil J.nindce, Coustipation, : :i;,v di-e.ise ol the nrl ni?, ir w hoever n quires an aopetitzui', hi c oi miKl -:imQlilDt, v iil alw:i e liml KleCI rk.' J bi'st imd only ci ki ¦. act Miivly and quicklj i ver} ¦¦¦ I i r refuii(i hI tilt) 1 1 ih & 8nn. ¦¦ E! lirnitn, thl stious fat- aln't ihej ! rt iih'm; do yno t.liiiik Ihe i-lnl.l luis? " " H ii her heavy, decklodlj ot : I e limbfatic." Your ¦ now mui ¦ to the bi ii ii I iiiiy o tbe)' ïejit-on. l'ako Houl ril'a. ('me for IMfy. 'l'he Bral ftymptom of Pih ¦ iim Itchlngai nlgktaftergaUinA wurm. Thii ¦itpleasanl waeatlon is Imniediately relievid by an áppjlcatlon f Dr. Bosaoko'a I'ile Keineily. Pjlea in all loinis, [tch, Salt Kiieum mul Ringworm can be permanently cured by the use of tliis grrat renjedy. Price 50 cents. Uanufactured by ihe Dr, Bofanko Medicine Company, Piqua, O. öoltl by Kborbiich fc Son. 1209-1258.


Ann Arbor Courier
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