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DYSPEPSIA. Sedentary liabits, mental worry, nervooa excitemeut, excess or tmprudence in eatlng or drinking, and various other cauces, induce Constipation íollowed by general derangemeut of the liver, kidneys, and Rtomach, in which the disorder oí each organ increases the Innrmity or the othurs. The i inmediato renults are Loss oí Appetlte. Nausea, Koul Breath, Heartburn, flatulenee, Dizziness, Sick Headaehes, failure of physleal and mental vigor, distressing ense óf weight nnd fullness in the stomach, and Inereased Costiveness, all of whieh are knowu under one head as Dyspepsla. Inevery instance wherethis disease does not origínate from scrofulous taiut in the blood, Ayer's Pills may be confidently relied upon to effect a cure. Those cases not amenable to the curatlve influenee of Aykk'8 F„t.L8 alone will certainlv vield if the Pills are atded by the powerfuf bloodpurlfying properties óf Ayek's Sarsapakilla. Dyspeptlcs should know that the longer treatment of their malady is poitponed, the more ditlicult of cure it becoines. Ayer's Pills Never fil to rclicre the bowels and promote tbeir hcaltliful and regular action, and thus cure Oyspcpsia. Temporary Salllativcs all du permunent hart. The tful actlvity lulo which the enfeebled ¦tomach is ppurred by "bitters," and alcoholic limu hints, is' inevitably íollowed by reaction that leaves the organ wcaker than beiore. "CoBtiveness, indticed hy ray wd(ntary babtu of lift-, bt-caine chronfc; ArsR'fl Pills mfforded me apeedy relief. Their occanionul use hu ilncc kept me all ngtat." Hieiami BalKeHorr, lfevark. A'. J. "I ws induerd to try Atkr's PrLLS a a remedy for Indigestión, Constiparon, and Bemdache, from which I had lonft been a sufferer. I found their acüon eaay, and obtained prompt relief. They have benefited me moro than all the medicines ever before trfed." M.V. Watson, 162 State St-, Chicago, 111. v - "They liave entirely correctd the coetivo nabíl, and vuntly improved my general liealtb." Rzr. Fkancis B. Uablowx, Atlanta, Ga. "The mout cffective and the easicet phyuic I haye ever found. One dose TiU quickly movo my boweU and free my head from palo." W. I. 1'iQl, Itichmond, Ta. "A sufferer from Liver CoznplAint, lyspepsia, and Neuralgia for the lant twenty yeari, Atxr'b Pills ïiave benefited me moro than any medicino I have ever taken." 1. li. RoexHs, Needmorc, Srown Co., Ind. "For Dyapepsia thcy are lnvaluablc." J. T. j Batís, Merin, Texat. I AYER'S PILLS. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., toweU, Maaa.v Sold by all Druggists. LUMBER! T TTT T3 TT T5 T LTJMBEE! lf you contémplate building, cali at FERDON hiiiiii l'iBii! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lamber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES 49Give us a cali and we will make it to your nterest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assernon. Telephone Connettions with Office. T.J. KEECH Supt JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GE1VERAL liVSDRAlVCB ICRNIJï! I il ¦ i Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. UÜRON AND FOURTH; STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinburg. [Capital, $13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insnriuice Co., CashAenets $600,000. Sprlngneld Ins. Co. of Massaclmsetts, CaahAesete $1,800,000. Howard Ihs. Conipniiy of 'cw York, CanUAaset $1,000,000. Agrlcnltoral Ins. Co., Watertown, N.T., CashAeseta $1,200,000. Loneei Llberally Adjusterl and Promptly Pald. Rose Leaf, Fine Cut, T% ?' Navy Cüppins G&J?


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