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Conquering The Car

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" I 'hen; was a pathetic sccne on a train 011 tile we.-U'in división of the Erie the otlier day," sinl a conductor on tbat road to a New VorkSun reporter, "Awoman boarded the train at Olean. She cnrrcd in her arms a l.aliy but a few weeks old. It was very cross and peevlih, and delied all its nurse'a efl'orta to keep it qulet. lts cries were-at times so luuil and pierclng tlmt the oiher paMengen could not hide their annoyance, and afterawhile audible expres.-ions of thelr feelings carne from all parta of the car. The woman wns patiënt under the doublé trial of the cliild's troublesouieness and the evident knowledge of the annoyance it was to her fellow passenuers. She talked SOOlhlnffly to the child, placed it In all positions, and tried to arrange its wrappinjrs as to. In a measure, de.ulrn the sound of its cries. Finally soine one In the car, wliose impatience had gol the bul ter of lus sympathy, shouted out: " 'If tliat child oan't be kept qulet, I hope it may be removed lïom the car at the next stution I' "Th Is unfeellng remarte aeemed to meet with general approval, and the poor wutnau's eyeg Ulied wils teare, and in atteinptinftospeak her feellngs overéame her, and she pressed the baby closer to lier and sobbed violently. She soon recovered herself, and redoubled her efforts to keep the ehild quiet. a short time she succeeded somewhat, but presently the cries of the baby were as loud and prolonged : i ver. At lasl a man arose and gala ihurply: " 'Madam, it would leem I" me tliat the mother ol au mtant should know how to take at least half care of it.' "The train had now Stopped at Salamanca. At'lhe remark of the secoud the woman aróse in her seat, and, faciug the car full of passengere, said in a voice tietnbling: " 'I am not this poor little thing's mother. I ncver saw it before yestenlay, and I believe it hasn't a living relativc lts father was killed on the railroad a wti-k belore it wen boni. lts mother, living in a dtetant place, hurried to the scène of her hii8baud's death. The child was boni amon straiifiers. aml day before yesterday the mother died, leaving her lntle one with no one to care for it. I lived in the house where the mother died, and volunteered to do what I could for the poor little thing, and to go with the dead woman's remaing to her uative place. Her body is in this train. I am sorry the Otalld is (O troublesome, but isn't it eutitled to sume little sympathy ?' "Tlir effeet of thé womarfB words may beimagined. There were few dry eyes in the car when she dropped, sobbing, into her seat. All selflshi.ess was lost in sympathetic thoughts of the desolate little wanderer, and a score of hands that a moment before were almost willing to ralle tu cbastisement of the babe were now anxious to extend aid to it and its self-saciilicing{iuardian. It was a touch of nature tliat inakes the whole workl kin."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News