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1Ioniat was general Grant's birthday, and several loyal cities of the iinion cclcbrated it. Has anyoue hoard of a greenbacker beingurged for an appoiutinent toofnVe? And yet that appendage to the demo crntlc party carne ncir giving Michigan to Cleveland. The official returns f rom the state show that tliere wasa f:illlneofl"of 60,000 republiean vote, 23,000 prohibition Votes, and 20,000 democratie vote in the state ut the spring election. And Htill the braves of Michigan receive no signal from the Great Father at Washington to come to hia wigwam mid bold council over the plunder. Oh, the cold, and cruel procrastinator. The Vpsihinti Commercial man ia nonpoking fun at " the bloeding and teiirful editonals " he wrote when a republioin. Since turning prohibilioni.-t Mud fditorlals ure probubly dry and Tuk lejtislature having appropriated $200,000 for a soldier's liomo. the various citie and villares of the stite are imw on the tiptof of " Come and .fe us, and locat the school herí-." Grand H:ipids seems to be the first to wake up. The Veruiontville Hawk has changed its name and now it's merely an Kclio. Theie are othen amonir our exclianges that mijfht be more promptly termed an echo, for the Hawk ha3 always luid considerable orighiality about it. The Kent county board of supervisors stands 17 republicans to 17 fiisiomsts ;ind one prohibitlonist. So you sec how grave the repon8lbility t!int weighs down iipon the shoulders of tliat prohib, He may be cliairman of that board, who kuows? In the Norwood (Mass.) Review is the following : " The water commission that we interviewed this week was mum " As the editor of the paper is a reformed temperance lecturer we should like to ask, was the Mum(m) Extra Dry? If so, " miim's the word." He neeu not take our sugestión unleas he chooses to, but our advice to Congressman Maybury 3 to lmve PresidenI Cleveland to appoint Hon. Don M. Dickhison to a foreigu íuission. And to Mr. Dickinson we proffer the same adrice re8ect!iig Hon. Wm. Muybury. Each would be out of the other's way tlien. The committee appolnted by the President, to provldetlie bestand most efficiënt nieans to prevent the spread of cholera in the United States tliis gpason, consistí of: Drs. Sternberg and Kmart of the l'. S. nrmy; Dr. Rolire, of B;iltimore; Dr. Vaughun of Mich. University, Aun Ar' t'or; Dr. Kaymond of Brooklyo, N. Y.; Dr. Leeds, of Hoboken, N. j.; and Dr. Watkinsof New Orleans. The Adrián papers arejust at prwent full of the WHter-works suit. Tl. e city and the water-works company ba vlug had a deadly falling out, so soon. The Press closes au editorial upoii the question m lollows: "Never it seems to us in all the farcial operations of thls company, has there been a broader farce tbüB in brining tuis suit, upon tlie ttrengih of its ihowlng, to the supreme court. Tlie step is one of defperation." The Legislativo Manual, whicli is appearing on the editorial desk of ncwspapermen throuofbout the state just now, ia one ot tlie most valuablc - próahly the most valuable- of any ever published. It is replete with luefiil statistics, mapa, etc. The folder, jriving the rote of the stnte, however, s a nolrance. Nothing of the kind should eer be put into a bnok. and especially a b.iok nf tliis kind. Otherwise crlticistu can not be made upon it. The annual meeting of the Soldiirsand Sailors Association of southern Michigan was held at Adrián last week. Branch county was adinitted into the associaiion, which now consista of Waohtenaw, Monroe, Lenawce, Hillsdalc and Branch. Tlie time for the ncxt eaonipnin4 wasset for Auirust 20, 27 and 28. The phire WrtB not decideu on, hut itsselection was lelt to the executive committee. A propolton whi reeeivcd from the cltizens of Joncsville offeriMg $500, providing it should be located at Jonesville. The Sentinel, published at oar neifihborlng down streain city. really asks for infornnition upon a subject! But it is In a sarcastic way thoujfh, with an uiidertone aooompaniament that says: " I simply want to htar what you have to gay." He wants to know fint, wbat the city of Ann Aibor does pay for lighting 'the court house clock tower? and second bow many people look at the clook to fee the time in the nijrht? To the first ques tion the answer is $72 per year. To the second, more people in one night thau read the Sentinel durinr a year. TuKgovernment is seekinj; some menns to transport $35.000.000 in oíd trom San Francisco to New York, iind cxpects to pay, $100,000 to aooompIUh it. The lust amou it is n smal) sum. The goverument might better buy a car of ts own and hlre t handled by the railroads, (credit up the Union and Central Paclflo for a few thousand whicti they owe the trovcrnment pjihaps) than to be bied by the cxpress companies. The new adtninIttratlon is commencing pretty quick, it seems, to cali on the western reserve fund. Hadn't it better get lid of severa! millions of its silver lirst, thal it has in the cast?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News