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The swallowshave homeward flown. The most popular book - the pocketbook. Now is the time to repair the country roaüs. Paint }-our house and hare sone style about you. Progressive bilüards is getting to be quite popular heie. Miss Minnie Pierce, of thia city, has opened a uew tuilliuery storo in Duudee. Eli V. Jeukins who died at Springlield, 111., the latter purt of February, wa8 buried Mouday. The hollow just west of tlieT. fc A. A. freight depot, is being filled in - a good improvenient. Those who accuse people of being tools uf otliers are uudoubtedly caUpawg theinbelves for somebody. The Episcopal choir is Hable to lose the services of Mr. W. H. i'reneh, as he expects soon to le;ive the city. The Iïev. Mr. Nichols, of Boston, wlll probably occupy Ht. Andrcw'd pulpit during the inonthsóf June, .luly and August. Don't brag about the worth of your prop.'ity thia time of year. The assessors liave secret emissarie 3earching for such kuowledge. The Manchester Enterprise refers to "the cliicken stitfler of tlie Aun Arbor Courier," and theu takei tlie whole chicken itstlf. The frame dwellins on the north side of Liberty st., second east of Divi.-ion, is liavIng the roof raised, and otherwise tliorouglily repaired. " What is it that determines a girl's popularity in society?1' asks a coutemporary. In nine cases outof every ten it is the size of tlie faUiei's bank account. It isencouraíring to note the large nuuiber of iuiprovuiuenU conteniplated md guing on all over the town wliich gives employment to worthy uiechanics. Accordingto oflicial reports Washtenaw county has seven old soldiers in the poor house, and there are gome seventy in otlier county houses throughout the state. The rinest bird concerts of the season are uow going on at early dawn, when unfortunalely a large number ot our citizens are taking their ïuorning naps. The Chequamegon band bas onlered new uniforms through Mmup. Blitz & Langsdorf, consisting of coat of Norfolk style, with other gHrments to match. Michael Dempsey was sent to the county jaü for twenty days last week, by Justiee Webb of Saline, tor larceny, and was brought over by Üfflcer Qillen. The interested parties who are to take a prominent purt in a wedding to come off sooii at the chuich, are now practicing tor the momentous occasion. The supper given by the St. George's society last Thurwlay evening, was yery pleasant and successful. They talked UenelUfa In the rale liold way. No 'alf and 'alf. We'll take it all back. J. H. Peebles didn't sell his house in the 6th ward. He made a fair and square bargain, and the other fellow failed to come up to the scratch. The old lady who asked for a gold ring sixteen parsnips fine, was probably related to the elderly gentleman who said his daughter was atteudiug the conversatory of music. Last night's Evening News has a rumor that Judge Thos. AI. Cooley of tuis city, is about to remove to Chicago, where he will act as attoniey for the consolidatód or pooled railroads. While pounding a carpet a nun ia South África recently dropped dead. It is hoped this warning will not be wasted on the good housewives of this towu. The loss of a husbaiid is often a dreadlul thing. We had an item written up last week, stating that Geo. W. Cropsey had once "Rain put in a telephone, making the excitante now nurnber 101, butsome way it Kot mislaid, and didn't get in. The editor of the Mllan Leader Is rolling la altnost fabulous wealth. He records the fact that he hasjust flnlshed a four-dollar Job of envelopen aad note heads for au Aun Arbor mercliant.- Adriau Record. And that same merchant is now reeeiving his patronage from Milan instead of Aun Arbor. In view of the expected visit of tho cholera tliis Beason the board of health should receive iustmction to be utiusually vigilant in making everybody clean up the accumulated ftlüi of the long winter about tlieir premises. A new switch board has been put in ut the telephone office accoinmodating 150 telephones in all. By the way, Anu Arbor is said to have the moat prompt service of any office on the line of exchanges, and we believe it, too. Joel V. Taylor, of Chicago, vice-presidentofthe Hideand Leather Bank.of that city, who was exectitor of the estáte of Eldndge Gerry Taylor, came to the city Monday, closed up all the business of the estáte, and lcft on the eveuing train for home. Some of our farmers are again having troublethi?yt-ar with theirseud corn. The cold weather froze it before it had thoroughly dried, and we are infoniied that nucti of the seed saved is nearly worthIe88. It wil) be wull for farmers to aseerti'in what kind they have before it is too late. A six ycars' oíd son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Waite who live about two miles east of Dexter, on the Ann Arbor road, died Tuesday, of diphtheria. The loss is onc the parents feel deeply, and they have the sympathj ot iniDT friend in their atlliction. P&roline M. Gott, et al., have entered 'uit ajrainst lbo city of Ann Arbor and 'ty Marshal Fall for removing fences across streets dedicated to sald city In 1808. luuue Joslyn has issued an injunction reatraiiiiiig "the city from removing the 'noes. Wlieat has ijoue up to a dollar at tho H11!" in ttiis city, yet the amount coming ln 's not large because only about ten per cent. oí last year's erop is still in the ULt""¦rs' hands. Those who held on can uow get twenty-cight cents advance on l"e price in December. Some farmers io had agreed in the wluter to deliver n the spring at eighty cents are not com'ni to time, and one of the mlllers talks of maklng them The assessors hare been calling on (heii constituents. The plow will soon turn Dp tlie Beventeeu year locusts. Rov. A. F. Bourus occupied tbc M. i: pulpit last Sabbath. Oourt stands adjourned until ncxtTucsday, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The streets sprinklers commeiicecl tlioir lerarabulHtious Monday. A change of 30 degrees of temperature In 2t hours, ono day last week. John Burg has bought the old Grisson property, on Jefferson st.,for $2,000, cash. The Main street bowling alley of Bliss & Bliss, has been taken to the Turner Park. Sonie of the Ann Arbordemocrats were down to Detroit Mouday, looking up the political plunder. Patrick O'Hearn is the first supervisor to return the births aud ileaths to the couuty cleik's otllee. Joe T. Jacobs U to build a store building to the rear of lus block unU fronliiig ou Washington street. The circuit court docket for tlie Muy term will contain aboutöO cases, with not a criminal case vet eutered. The Chequiiraegöns are to give a concert and skating party uext Thursday or Fiklay evening at the link. I,awyer Dowling, of Detroit, was before the court Tuesday, settling up the Chas. Blackinan assignment, of Milan. The young people of the Presbytcrian ehurch hold a social to-ight at the resideuco of Samuel Mlller, ou Paekardbt. The jail corumittee of the supervisors met Tuesday and received one bid from St. Louis. Further biels will be waitcd for. A genuine surprise nrog. euchie party, with bananas thrown in, ut Gilbert Bliss' Suturday nlght. All had u jolly time. S. & J. Buumgartner loaded a car of potatoes for Ciucinnati, :it tlie T. & A. A. depot Monday. And Ileury Wuesch sent one yesterday. There were four deaths at tlie county liouse laat weok, all old people, tlieir average age being 8.") years. All died from general debility. The road between Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor is well travcled by tlie boys of the foriner place. Tliere must be some extra attractions - some thatarc ab-Xonnal perhaps. The Ohequamagona will peraplre three nights in each week at Marquette this sumuicr, indicad of golng to the sununer reëortat Minuetonka, Minn.. as previously stated. Dr. W. W. Xichols haa rented the iarlor and suveral adjoining rooms on the foutli tïde of the St. Jame, 2d story, :md will have a grand suite of dental pnrlon thereiu. Mkhael Howard, of the towu of Xorthfiekl, died April 27th, at the age of 80 years, of pneumonía. Deceased had resided in Nortbflekl 53 yeara. Was bom in Ireland. Oison W. Cody, who has been clerk ot the Commercial house, ut Ddlidee, for tlie past six months, bas returned to Ann Arbor, and will go on the road Rgain asa commercial lalesman. Jiulge Joslyn s-ays that out of .'{;! young men who have come up bflfore liim for minor offénoes, and opon wliom lie suspended seutente, but one had ever proved recreant to his promlaea so far. C C. warren bas purchnged üi feet Tont on Ann st., oif the lot ot Mrs. Dr. Wells, and will imnipoüately proceed to erect u new dw. 1 mg for lilrusetf thereon. Tlie locatiou is a pleasant une. The house of Dai.iel Ross, on División st. north, was injured by lire last Thursday aiternoon to the extent of $300. The nstirance companies haviug policies on the same settled uu the loss the next day. Xearly all the lawyers In tlie city were n favor of the original water works contract in spite of its now tyo evident looaeness. Was it because they saw it wou ld tnake plenty of business for them in the 'uture? Tlie argument that a man is a durn5I100I and dishonest becaufe he diflers 'rom yon, on - well, on a watnr works contract, for Instauce, Is one tlüit is being reely used, but it isn't very convincing, afterall. John Kelley, Jas. Thompson and ('has. Sinith were sentenced by Justice Hatch of Chelsea, last Saturd iy, to 15 days in ail for boarding a freight train witli inention of stealing a ridfi. Sheriff VVal?h iow furnisiies them with meala. Rev. Dr. Marquis, of Chicago.under the auspices of the Synod of Michigan, will eive a serles of popular lectores at the Presbyterian ehurch, commencing next Sunday. Topic in the morninsr, "The 8ible," in the evening, "The Inspiration of the Scriptures." A gentleman from Toledo has lookrd over the lst ward school building, and at the coming meeting of the board be will send in a proposition to put In the Ruttan & Smead system of heating and ventilatng Hip same. It is to be hoped the proect will be successful. The old board of health, reelected by the council last Monday evening, consists of the following members : W. F. Breakey, M. D., Thos. J. Snllivan, M. D. ; O Jeorg, M. D.; N. W Cheever and Hoiner iendenon. They elect their own health offleer, president, etc. There are people who think that the nterests of the city, in making a contract binding for a period of thirty years, is quite as important as the interests of the awyers? Litigatinn is what the city should use all diligence to avoid. Litijiation is what lawyers often use all diligence to foster. The concert of the Beethoven Qcsang Verein was a success in every respect. Music rendered by Mrs. Woodard, soprano, Fiöhllg, violin, and Prof Kcmpf, on the piano, was most excellent. Tbc music rendered by the visltingclub from Jackson, and also by the home society was very line. Jas. Ashleyone of the giants of the T. A. & N. B. R. management, has a large, eautiful blood-hound, born in Georgia. He is very fond of ehildien and never ittacks other dogs, if let iilone. Helias ïowever airead y broken the back of one venturesome cur and killed hiin outright gome you coleredpeople look on hiin with an evil eye. Tuesday Judgc Joslyn sentenced the confidenee operator nh sailed underthe name of Gordon alias Bennett, and who tried to obtaln inoney from different memberg of the M. E. Church in this city about two months since, because of his extreme piety. to one year at Jackson. And Myron Still of this place, reccivcd the same sentence for burglary. Both pi end guilty. The man who holds tlie position of health oflicer, of this city ought to be a man who sets a good example for others in sanitary matten. He should especially avold complaintö by neiglibors. Neither ghould he show partiality to any one ou account of their nationality, patronage, or personal relations. He should be independent, fearless and fight nuisances in the shape of hog pens, tilthy out-iiuildings, etc., etc., as iiercely as he would tlie cholera. The man who will stand up before you and say that the principie for which the elght members of the eouncil voted one week ago last Monday night, is right, and that the charter has been right for the past thirty years, but that those members ought to have committed a wrong In this ínstanos, is not an honcst man. No man will comniit a wrong deed or ad vise nnother to do so without he has an axe to grind, or deslres to help some one else grind one.