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A SUEPRISING CHAKQE. With its broad streets and majestio iiics kdorned with stately buildings, I iitroit is one of the most magnificcnt cities u tliis continent, lts new system of i K' -trii; lighting throws into obscurity all ilie uld method, and leavesordinary Street lamjM wbere dingy tallow dips used to be. The new lights are on light lattice work towers, lüö to 150 feet high, shedding radiaiuv whirh is like intensified moonlight. The ellect ofthis when the city is covcred with its white robe of anow, is ageiy beaoitftiL . DÜemmn reccntly spent adayortwo in Detroit, pushing his researches toiome eitent in the direction of fiuding out as to the new nicthod of curing rheumatism by rneana of Athlophoros, the remedy which in ihc last jrear or two has attained such favor as a TictOI over this oíd enemy oí the human race. C'alling on Mr. K. B. Wataon, the well-known superintendent of the American District Tclegraph Compwnr, lie found that gentleman cheerfuHy rcady to e;iy all the pleasant tliings he ! aboDt Athlojihoros. "M_v wile,1' faid Air. Watson, "was sufi „'torrilily from rheumatism ; herpains were bolh in joints and muscles. Éio exentciftting were her agonies when she moved, that sometimes on assuming one positiun in the morningslie would remain U) that position all day rather than endure the torment of being moved. 1 pronired a bottle of Athlophoros, and the t on mv wife was as surprising as it was gratifying. We had no ideathatany mediciaecould so spcedily remove such an obstinate diseasc. She was soon cured, :iinl the cure was complete. Since that she luis h:id no return of the disorder. We apeak frecly among our friends of thegood viik of Alhlophoros, and have no hesitation i in sayiug how highly we esteem it." Niailin;; ïuarly all the le.ading drug stores in the was found that all who had kept Athlophoros had received from their customers marked commendation of its effioacy. One lady had taken six bottles of it with the resultofa completecure. At Frizelle's, on Michigan Avenue, one of the clerks had taken it with excellent effect. This young man, Mr. Cohen, had pullered greatly with rheumatism. Thoogh surrounded by medicines of every description, they did not reach his case. Mr. Cohen tried Athlophoros, and found that it did for him what nothinc else had been able to do. From Detroit to Chicago is but a day's ride, and in the latter city Athlophoros lías aiso accomplished some wonderful results. In Chicago, at 905 West Twelfth streel, Uves, Mr. William W. Summers, of the well-known firm of Summers, Morrison & Co., commission merchants, 174 South Water street. Mr. and Mrs. Summers gave substantially the following facta : "Wlien Robbie was taken sick some weeks agowe tliought at first that it was only an ordinary cold, but it proved to be something much more scvere. The pains were evidently those of rheumatism. We wrapped the IJoy ín cotton and gave liim a number of the remedies such as are generally given. Ilis agony was dreadful. We had to liold him in the bed, his agony was so great. We had two phvsicians, who did not succeed in making him any better. The poor ehild's torture was so intense that he asked fora pistol, so that he niight E ut himself out of the way and thus end is suflerings. When he was at his worst we tliought of Katie Gill, who was well known to us, and the medicine that had cured her. We sent to Mr. Gill's to know the name of the medicine and where to get it. They happened to have some left in a bottle - Athlophoros the name is - and they kindly sent it to us. It is surely a very strange and powerful medicine, for it stopped the bov's pain very soon and very enectually. íle took but a little of it, forthere was' only enough for about three doses in the bottle Mr. Gill sent us. This was only a few weeks ago. The boy has had no return of rheumatism. You see him now as liearty and as happy as any other boy." If you cannntget Athlophoros of your drugglst, we wlll send It expresa pald, on receipt of regular pnce- one dollu r per bottle. We pref er ?¦bat you buy It trom your drugglst, but lf he hasn't It, do not be persuaded to try sometblng else, but order at once trom us, as dlrected. Athlofhoros Co., lia Wall Street, New York


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