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The Captured Flag Of The Twenty-second Michigan Infantry

The Captured Flag Of The Twenty-second Michigan Infantry image
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It seenis that the inembcrs of the Twenty-second Michigan Infkntry are to be doomed to dlsuppointment, In so far as their flag wblcb wis Oaptared on a toatbern battle-fleld bytheenemy during the war belng letumed to the regiment by a late rebel, as liiis lieen tulki d in the newgpapera, ni the next meeting of tiie !¦¦ inifiit. L.C. Mi-.u!, it tliis place, who as a nunilier of the Twenty-Becorid, wrote to llciirv S. Deun, of Aun Arbor, who was colonel of Ihe regiment, in reUtion ti) the matter and recsived the followilig reply wllicb we put lisli, sceinr tlmt the Item concerninjr the return ut the flng bas been so general ly copied througbout the state. Colonel Dean saya: "I disoovend tiie iiDtice you reter tu on the lltli of January, and iniinediMtch wrote to Mr. A. J. Swouger, of bliiluli, O., fo tlie address of Ihe "Confed " said to have OUr old 11. ij; in his pOBB8SlOO. Mr. Swanjfer reeponaed at once, nnd I wrote to the "Johiini ¦¦," iuvitinj; bim to attend our next reunión and to prenent tbe flag In peison to the regiment, offerlngto pay mid Mr Öwanger'a expenses for the trip to Michigan. After t.onie delay ihe "confed" answercd my letter, statiucr that Mr. Bwangerhad uilsunderstood bim in regard to having uur flag In bis posses sion now; bh ld he did have it in hli possession for three days atler the battle ofChickauiauga, and that oo tbe tl.inl day he was orde red to üeliver it to Gen. Bragt, wlmh lie did, since whicli time he lias not seeii Uieflag. üewound up letter b saying, '¦! will now gn earnestly to woik to Oud tlie tl.ijr, and it' it eau be touml 1 will briny il to yuu ut your next reunión." The "Jolinnie " wrote tiie Mme in subetance to Mr. Swauger, and hu (Swnngtr) wiites me that "Johnule" is elther a ciank or i un, !i,i i took down lilg statement m my paaa-book ai the time ui hta request and publiahed the notlce at nis requeai' Mr. bwunger tct-ls very much annoyed over tbe wbole and has iiiicn in tin; CMptalu of the rebel oompaiiy thal had OUr Colon, and 1 have hi reply, iu whi-ii be tint the colora wre turned over to the relel HUtborlle adayoi two aitui the b.ittie. Tblaoaptaio ttaa knserteil tidvertiaementa in severa! Southern papera uskiag infoimiition oonc.rniiig tiiu flu viih u view (o securiua iu it-tuiii te na. I have looked up tiiTrecord oj Mr. Swanger, nnd liml tbat beia :i Itralbtforward, upiijjht man, and 1 bave lull coiifldeuce iu bia li teyrity and HvHetty ..1 puipose in the publlcailon ol the notice in the ÏN'utioiiai Tribune. 11 lias tent mu tli)s fiom Virginia papera ;Ol,lr" .'¦"l-1 "I" the 'JohuniV' ioi slopimij; over." li the prevent whereahoul ii the fl a can he obtuined, 1 aiiicouflUenl thut tüoe whoA)eiuaa enemiee tweoiy-one ytara go will do all Hint tiK.v aan to brinir UD..LU iu return to us. 1 have a oomber of letter tmm different "Johnnlea" wbo ie dfdcetol ice with you al l hickumauya .ujU tncy all c.xijic-s iiduiiralloM foi t7e courage and {ailHiitry ol 'i'wenty-aao oud upon ihut occaaion, and alêo deaire i" aieel the iurvivora ut the regiaionl wheu charge i not the order of the l fee) gniHtly dhappilnted over Uie oatcoine ol the uffitlr, hs, nu ilnubt you aud all t lio other raembers ot ihj ngiimnt will." Your frlend.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News