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As overflow ol tho Keil Kiver had on the mbmergod porton o( Fulton, Ark., and the surroundiug country was inund.iii'l, cnusing a heavy loss in live stock. Cultiyatad landl wer under water and raüway trurks nnd bri„res had been waslied out. In the Arkans.'is Valloy heavy raim hal eaosad serio is daraage. Mrs. II. C. Bukt and her littlo danghtar were found floatin..; de:i 1 in a cistein at LiUls Rock, Aik., a few days ao. The thorv was t:ut til i child accid-nitally feil into tho cistjru aud the mother pluugei in to rescue lt. It was stnted on the 28th by the Thlrd AwUteat Platinaste -General that the two-ci'nt po.stage rate durin the 8rst ïi of trial linil been a success. the revenue being }o23,liX) groater thau was anticiI ¦aii-d, Near Eldorado, Mi, on t.he2Stu Ru9sell P. Garrís slut and killed his fatlior, sixty years of age, in a dispute over a trunk. Tuk capital of West Virginia was on the 2Sth being removed from VV'hoeling to Clinrleston. TfiK Chicago Board of Trade, organlzed In 1848, removed to thoir new building on (be evenlng of the 2Sth. The opening excreises were atten lel by about twelve thousand persous. The new edifico cost orerdfiOO.O A ure in the Lindell Hotel, at St. Louis, ou the eveuiug of the '28th caused the ir alarm, as the house was Wéü lilleil by faiiiili-'S. The ñames oriyiuated in the c.llar, and rosa no higher than the ofllce floor. The loss was eslimated at ïluü.OOO. A committee of architects who examinad various building! in New York erected by Baddensiek reported on the 28th thatnearly all of them must be taken down, as the wulls are bulged, the foundations defective, and the general material of the worst order. T. A. Durham & Co., cotton factors at Chnrleston, S. C, have failed for $125,000. The Cincinnati Pólice Cuminissione s on the 28th issued au order that hereafter the tluatirs aud all other la es of amusement must be closed on Sundar From s!x to twelve inches of snow feil on the 2Sth throu-;hout Northern Michigan. Herbeut C Hall, member of a good fauily, wns nrrested at New York on the 28th for embezzl ing $12,000 while clerk in the transportaron office of Gerard F. llastings. Miss Loüisk Peukins has bronht suit at Los Anales,, against "Lucky" Bal hvin for $300,000 forbreach of promiae. Mus. E. Hawlev, who is over flfty years old, was air sted on the 29th at CinciiiiKtti for attemptin to burn the Palace Hotel lilock, in which structure she had oondnoted a small manuacturing business for inoutlis. KLY half a liuudrod psopla of Coruina, Me., assembled on the 29. h in tnbernacle ilress-'i in white robes expecting to be translate 1 to a better world. At last accounts they were still citiz ns of the Uuited States. Ar Uuffalo, N. Y., ou the 20th Josiah i-ley, a real-es. ate dealer, was gwindled out of i"j 0'W by a Chicago buuko man. A fire on the 29th destroyed an operahouse and rarriiige factory at Rahway, N. J., wortli J10 1,000. Guvep.nor Carpenter, of Montana, on the "J'Jtli issued a p.oi-lam.ition against catUe enteiin iitto the T.rritory. Aftkr beiug intli couits for twentythree yenrs the estáte of C. H. McCormick, ol Chica o, as on tho SBth awarded damages of jli;,J31.10 agaiust the Pennsylvauia Kailroad Com-iany for property destro.ved l.y tire. Ir was annonnced on the 29th that unlass fh strikiii-í minera iu Southern Illinois reluiu d 10 work sooii tbere would be a coal fumín; in St. Lo ns. Mart F. Connor, aged twenty-flve, of Quincy, Mass., visiting the fainily of Rev. Georjío A. Thayer, in Cincinnati, drowned bi raell in a cistern the other day. The window-glass trade is reported as nnusually dull, with several factories closeil, and u íless business improves several others will suspend opeí ations. In a quarrel at Chattanooga, Tenn., the olher evening Wül Irvin killed his brother rharley by pluagiug a dirk-kuife into his baek. Fires in the Blue Mountains, between Bcrfes and Srhuylkill coiinti ¦, Pa,, were r:ii,i„' hercely on the 29th, and several thousand acres had been burned over. The Goveruor of Iowa on the 20tb issued a pi-oclamation quarantining the State acrninst all cattle trom States east of the Hississippi Kiver. Opi'hessively warm weather is reported at New Orleaus and throughout the Southwest. John L. Snovall, book-keeper of the Georgia Jheinical 7orks, at Augusta, is a defaulter to the anuunt of $tJ,00 I. The North Chicago rollinj:-mill, located at South Chicago was coinpelled to close on Ihe ROtli uit. on account of a strike for liighor wig by uu nuudreü pMiaoM Twelve huudred workiuen were throwu out of empJoyment. Seven thoüsand people witnessed the openini of the base-ball league season at íSt. Louis on the 30th uit., the home club del'eating the Chicagos S to 2. The United 8. ates Grand Jury at Kansas C ty, Mo., on the 3Jth uit. found separate indictruents againat sixty-eUht of the Oklahoma boomers and one sweeping imlirtment against the remainder as a whole, upon the charge of "inciting and asaistin,' in rebellion." John Murgatrode, a miser whorecently died in the city hospital at Philadelphia, lelt $TO,O(X to his trother and sister. A tornado at Pleasant Hill, Mo., the other niht wrecked houses, blew thirteen freight cars off the track, badly wounding three men and killing a number of hogs wiili whch the cars were loaded. A chlld wns killed at Holden, and property in the vicinity suIfereJ seviTely. The total issue of postage-stamp stamped envelopes and posial-cards durIng .April aggregated 271,008,819, against 264,046,900 dur ng the same month last year. The number of stamps issued sho ed an increase of 13,1)00, while the issue of po8tal-canls feil off 4,000,000 and atamped envelopes 3,000,1(01. The baggage-car of the Chicago expresstrniu on the Louisville, New Albany & Chicago was entered a few miles Irom Bloominjton, Ind., on the night of th :.'!lih uit. by a solitary train-robber, wli), a ter shooting the expres messeneer and b ;íi;e!iian. secured a large su.u of monev trom thr safe and ecnn . The crinage executed at the United Stut a Hint in Philadolplna during the inonth of April oggreated 1,6U1,4UU piects, valut-d at $1,83ö,00j. Twenty-flve employee ere dismiss d on the 3Jth uit. on orders f rom '. in ovving to the suspension of coinage of all pieces of nioney less than a (lime. The exerution of Ruperto Lara, for the murder of George Nesmith and his wife and dauhter in August, 1882, took place at Las Cruces, N. SI., on the 3llth uit. A i.AiiüE number of lllijois catilemen gathered at Springfleld on the 3Oth uit. and passed a resoluiion asking the Le,ci8hiture to appropriate $2.V),i)U0 to stamp out pli'iiro-pneutno:iia in the State. At the Scott Haven (Pa.) coal mines flfteen humlred miners resumed work on the Süth uit. at reduced pay, after a strike of nine weeks. The business of the Pension Offleo at Washington during the raouth of April exeeeded tuat of any previous month. The total number of pensions issued was 8,199. Three masked men broke into the resid. nee uC Samuel Kramer, near Bowmansville, Pa., a few nihts ago, and alter torluring the eutire family secured their money and other valuables and fled. Repohts of the lst to Bradstrect' indicnted no general improvement in the buBiness situatioa throughout the country. The pul 1 c-debt statement (old form) issued on the lst makes the following exbil t: Total debt (induding Interest of $0,478,2%), ,888,007,671; cash n Treasury, M?3,93266( debt, less amouat In Treasury, 41.399.975.005. Decrease doriojc Mrob, $60,073,229. W. H. JoNCa, a locomotivo englneer, mortally shot bis wife at Macon, Ga. , on the lat and thon killed himsjlf. Duinostic unhappiness was the cause. A trunk which arrived ia Pittsbur ,li, Pa., on the lst frnm Chicago was foun 1 to coutain the remaius of a laboriug mau, about tbirtv years of afje, tipil with h ¦irong corri. Tuo only clow was an Ínternacional money-orilor drawn at Cbl last Feliruary iu fuvor of, for :6.i4. Thk plaiuo at Plymouth, ]'., wns ou the lst said to be increasins in horror dail .-. Fourteen funeruls wurn helil on that day. Sevonteen hunilred persons were uniler medical treatment, and the physicians wire exhnuslcd with thoir lahors. The water was believed to be imprejjnated with the germs of typhoid fevor. In tbe United States and, .Canada there were 197 t.usiness failuros durlng the seven day s ended on the lst, aainst 219 the previous seven days. Tho distribution was as follows: Middle States, 47; New Enlixnd States, 18; Western, 4(; Southern, 40; Pacific States and Territories. 18; Canadn, 8tt Thk total iinpoits of dry-oo U at New York during the seven day endud on the lst were valued at $1,938 4li3 and tho aniount thrown on the raarket at $1,04.1,929. Thk tr'al of Ricnard Short for the attempted assassinalion of Captain Phelan in O'Donovan Kussa's olllce at New York conimenced on the lst. Advicks of the lst from the sprinp;wheat belt of the West and Northwest showed th area sown to the cereal to beconsiderably less than that reportad last year. In Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wiscon8in unseasonable weather had retarded farm work, and the acreage of spring wheat in these Slates would sufTor a decrease of fully flfteen per cent. About one hundred clerks were engaged on the lst in couuting the monoys and bbcurities in the United States Treasury at Washington, and it was not expected that they would compltrte the work before the 1,'ith nst. At the Brooklyn Navy-Yard oh the Ist the catire forcé of the construction departraent was disi'harged. Edward Bushman, aged seventy years, who was ruined by speculutiou, hanged himselt' at New York the other inorniiig because his soa-in-law iiiformod him thut he had botter leave his house aud go toone of his sous in Chicago. It was estiiuated on the Ist that from geven to eight thousand coal minora were either idle or on strike in the State of Illinois. Georoe Mack, a colored niurderor, was taken from the ofücers uear South Bend, Kan., the other niglit, and with a ropo about his neck, was dragged by a gal loping horse into town, where was suspended to an awning ia front of u billiard saloon. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. ïhk ühio liBislature on the 28th passed a law reqiiiring saloons in Cinuiunati to remain ciosed irom midnight until six a. m. Ex-Goverxor Baker, of Indiana, died at Indianapolis on the 28lh, aged sixtypiyht years. The President on the 29th made a number of forela ajpoiutrnents, auionj the m re important bein Charles L. Scott, of Alalmraa, Sliuis'er Resident and Consul(ïi'iieral to Venezuela; John E. Bacon, of S outh Carolina, Charge d' Affaires to Paraguay aud Uraguay; Auson Green, of Kantacky, Consul-General to Kanagwa, Jnpan. The Ohio Iyesislature has passed a law fixing a heavy fine and iinpiisomnent for offerinO' receiviug money at piimary or gi n ral elections. General Grant's conditioa on the tOfh uit. was so good that he feit able to devote some tim 3 to work on his bo k. TnE Niágara Park Reservation bilí has been si ;ned by the Goveruor of New York. Anthony M. Kkilky, oí Virginia, who declined an appuiutmeut as Minisúerto Italy, has been commissioned Envoy to Austiia. DFTHa A prtl P-t-rnsit-pr-f}finprnl Vilna appoiuteJ six huoilred four.h-class postmasters. These appoiutments were inade to fill vaeaneies. TnE President on the lst appointed K. J. Hale, of North Carolina, to be IXaited States Consul at Manchester, Eng., vice A. D. Sbaw; John Goode, of Virginia, to be Solicitor-Qeneral, v ce Samuel F. Phillips, resined; and William M. Merrick, of Maryland, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, vice Andrew Wylie, resiprned. J. B. Baird, of Georgia, was appointed Superintendent of tho Dead-Letter OlDce. General Gbant continuad to improve on the lat, and resumod work on his book. íis son Fred said the General was boginning to feel confident of ultímate recovery. The paia in his throat was very slight, and did not affect nis speech or power of sallowing. A BILL providin for the registration of voters In Cincinnati and Cleveland passed tho Ohio fíense ou the lst, and 13 now a law. ComioiMM Connni.roa E. Qhrrtsok iied sudduuly at bis late residanoe in New York cily on the lst, in hisseventy-sevenlL year. FOREIüN. Lord Melouno discovered on the 28ih that tae Catiadian rebels were strongly inIrenched at B.itouch, where General Mi 1dleton expected soon to have a desperatj battle. Advicbs of the 28th state that Piussia had refaced arbitration as a raeans of settlement of ber present diff trences i;h Eugland. It was said on the 28th that many of the wealthy and influential resiJents of Cuba favor the annexatiou of the islaud by th United States. The Prince and Princess of Wales returned to London ou the 2Sth froia their visit to Irelauil. A box contaiiiin 50,0(10 in uns: bank notes of the Banco Mexicano storod In the cusiom-uouse at Paso del Norte, Mex., was broken open on the 28th and robbed of all buta $6,000 packajje. The Colombian National troops, nnd r Montova, arrived at Pauaraa ou tlie ÜSth and sent Aizpurn notice to l-'ave the city within forty-eight hour3. The rebel leader declared ha would fight, and there were poor prospects for the town unless the United Slates marines intorfered. The Russian advance south of Penjdeh on the 2ith and tlio occii])ation of Meruchak were regarded ín I'iuliamjntary circles as dispelliiii tha last hopes of pea e and as a precu ser of a Russian adv auce apon Ilerut. Tuk nullicat on of the rovisod edilion of the Old Testament has been postpouod until Ihe 19ih of May. inciuioi lusses ai juoncreai ana vicini'y by the reieit fluoJs were on the i'Jth estimated at $50),0.W. The ce in the St. Lawrence had brokeo qp, aud fears of further dumage were at an end. Panama advicts of the 20th state that the Revolutionists undirr General Aizurn had auree to surreuder to the Govsrnmeut troopa and to leave the city. General Wolseley left Cairo for Suakim on the :9„h. Arrangements wera beiii made for the immediate withdrawal of all the B itish troops now in E_rypt. AizruRN, the rebel leader at Panama, uncondiüimally surr.-nddred to the Culo nliian troojis on the 3Oth uit., who now occupy the city. Business had been resumi'd, and the Uuited States marines wonld doubtless soon be recalled. Tuk British troops at Simkim recently ropulsed an attempt of two thousnud Arabí to destroy the new r;iilay. Advicks from Winnipeg of the 30th uit. state that General Middletou was awaiting snpi 1 es before making au ad vanee upou th rebels. It was announced on the 3)th uit. that England had again proponed to Russia to submit their differences to arbitration, aud the Czar had called a meeting of the Imperial Councll to conslder the proposition. A violent torm the otber nlght off Halifax, Nova Scotia, did much damag; to thippiug. HaoOKi of earthquaHe were feit on the ' !t m overal aigcncrs oí tn Aips ruíi &hu in Vienna. Several bous 's were damaad and a numher of womon killed at Kindberg, in Styrla. GïNERAL MlDDLETON deel led On tho lst ko n'lvaiio.i Immed ately on tho rebels un.1, wil lumt. wallin tor luppU s. Qcnxral Bribrb bi r.'lsi.K tèlegrapbed on Uit is! to ilii' Frenoh (ïovernmenl (rom Tonqaln that tho Chinea warehrjrailj tulfilling lito conditions oí ps It mi rnnvired on the lst that Qreat Brltain and RubuI wer oona derlog the wisdom of siilmiiUiau' toont of tliu CTOwned Iii'ihIh the queatiim whether lii i convuition of Uarcfa 17 was brocen by Rnisla. Tho King of Denmark iras tho most likely to üe seleetod aa arbitrator. CATER NEWS. A boiler explosión on the 3d at tho Treeiout Uotel, ia Gulveston, Tex., nhattered tho ballding, demollshsd three housL's, killed imir people outright and biully woonded 8Teral uihers. The pbytJci&D! oí General Ormit, lio held a consnltátlon on the 3d, rojiorted tliat the in. lii, prerloai wmt om of the most restlul yot paued by tho patleati and thut the glandular iwelllng had almost lis(ii']niarod. Tuk i ommander of the Colombian force at Panama imprisontd QenwaJ Alzpurn on the 3d in the Parlinmont House for not baWng delivered tho lull iiuuntityof arms. Muny other revolutionists had been placed in the couimon prisun. Forest fin s on the 3d extended along the blue Hidge llouutaina for flity milis, ïluch valual Ie timbcr had boen destroyjd in Berkeley Couuty, W. Va, ElOBT pi rsoifs pei'ished in a tenementhouse tii !¦ in Ki.ih avenue, N. Y., on tho Dighl of the 2d, and lourtcen others were injurod by smoke and through leajiin from tbo w indows. A hail-stürm which recently passod 0T9T the section ncar Pttersbnrí, Vn., destroyiil all the cotton, corn and growiiiR Farra! s would be compelled t i'ilaiit. Fikti i Inchei of Buow feil at Dizmont, Ms., on the 'Jil. Sik Edward Thorhtom tclnuraphed on the 3d rom St. Potersliurgthat Ilussia had acoepted tke prfaud] Ie of arbitration in tho pending diflSÜeultiei. The Czarina was actirely afding in peaco negotiations. Threk persons perisbed in the flatnei at a burning houae at Watertown, N. Y., early on the morning of tho Sd, and a yoiuií woman wai so badly injored that she was not expected to li ¦¦. At tho joint leislon of the Illinois I, lalu e on the 2d Morrlson received six'eeu votes fui QnJted .States Sc nator and Logan two. ThE reatdenoe of James Logan, at Wafa rloo, N. Y., was de stroyed by tire on the night of the 2d, Mr. Loan, his wife and a niut'-year-old boy perishing in the Barnes. Three other chkdren were rescued. Vks! virs was iiaiu in a state of eniption on the 8d, and a copious stream of lava was Iwaing troin the principal cráter. Durino a flra in a wan house in South Water streef, Chicago, on the night of the 31 a Hoor feil in, killing Martin Mnlvey mul Charles l nl, two flri men, and seriously injoring flve othi ra. T n: ezchanges at twenty-six leadlng deariag-hona s in the Unii?rl States ilurní the week i n I d on the 3d n ?,432againLt.166 week. ys coinvnroil with the correspondia;: period o 188, the falii'i off amouuts to 4S.4 per cent.


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