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siiorl advcrtlRemenU i.ot U exreed tbree llDH "I LaataM Found. House for Sale or Kent, WantH. et, Insertsd three weekH for L3 pent. siiiiMtloii whiiUM. fri'f 1lOB SALE - 'J6 000 ARDEN PLANTO. Karly Cabbafa (Jersey WakeBeld), Tomillo, (Livingston, rewest and t'esl). Order i etlber al Urocory tores nrdel'vered lf ordared iy mail, Laftojr N. Pulnon, P. O. Box, Umi. Uardeo, IV, niile souili u sinie Hnii IPOB 8ALE-An excellent Horse. gentle ' and liigli xpirlted. W. K. Kemlail, No. 41 TbuinpHoii street. Anu Arbor. HOUSE FOR RENT and nrarly iipw furnltiire toveg, etc , il-. for sale. Inquireat No. 12 Seuth Uuivemlly Aveuue. JHave a lew Cnlonles of BEES not In vor.v ¦4'-[ i'oiidition, wbleh X will sell ¦!'. i iih 1 aiti nol to care for i Ihmii, also Iliv s and rutares extra. No. 80 Nortb tate Mrett, N. A. l'ruilili'U, Aun Arbor, May 1, 'Si. HÜJSK KOKSALE-No. 80 East Wasbiuglon .sim i. Tama reasouaüle. "7 ANTED- 3.00each vrlll bepald for VolTI 1 and II. of Scrlbuer's ilontbly-and 76 WOU i-ki'Ii Wl NovemOi r l7ó, and Marcb 1KTU Nuiiibcrs ol Bame all to be in goud cou¦ l.i ion. AddrtSN tbisofBcfl. VOK SALE CHEAP.-Offlce Furullure- I"1 I .t.u s Ie8k8, eto. 5H il ur.-n Ntreet. WANTED---ROOMS. Iwiahto s. .me i'illicr furnlBtiiHl orunfurnlibed room lor HkIh lnmsekeeplnii, for tbe college year ol '85 and 8ii. Addreu lox SUS mi rbor, glviug loottlou aud decriptlou ol room. F OU SALK- House, lot and barn, 89 WashniLjioa Street, on easy terina. Apply to J. H. f'eebles, on the preiutses. FOR ALE- Ten acres of land on Mlller Ave., good for gardenlngor nmall Iruit. 'j o b sokl cbeap. Apply to Jas. Kearuü, KeglHter ol 1 i.-ftis ónice. LOANINU-Money to loan on flrst-dasH Keal KMif Mortgugeat Curren! ratea ol luiereht. bailsfaciory arrangeiuents made wiilicpllali!.u deslrhig ncti Invealiueuia. Kvery uouvuyunce aud trausacllun lu abslraci ol tltlescarelully exinuimil au lo legal etJecl. Z K.1KU. Anu Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
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