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A Pretty Woman sSecret. Fear of diseovery, when sho resorts Xa false balr ;m dyes, is a conree of conitant anxiety to'her. The very pereons f rom whom she most deslres to htde tho wanlng oí hpr oliarms aro the ones raost llkely to make the diseovery. But there Is no reason why she should not regaln and retain all the beauty of halr tbat was her prlde In youth. Let her une Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, not only wlll her hair ceasc to fall out, but a new growth will appear wherc tho scalp has been denuded ; and locks tbat are turning gray, or have actually grown white, will return to thelr priütine freshness and brilliaace oí oolor. Ayeu's Haih Vigor cures Hereditary Baldness. George Mayer, Flatonia, Texa$,vrs bald at 23 years of age, as hin ancestors had been for several generatlons. One bottle of Hair Vigor started a growth of soft, dovvny halr all over hls scalp, which soou became thick, long, and vlgorous. Ayer's Hair Vigor Is not a die, but, by healthful tlmulatton of the roots and color glands, epeedlly restores to lts original color hair thttt Is „ Turning Cray. , Mrs. Catherine DEAJran, Point of ;jJJ, JUW., id kM .uddonly blanched by fright, during the late clvh war. Ayer's irAiR Vigor restored lt to lts natural color, and made it softer, glossier, and moro abuudant than lt hul been before. Scalp Disensos TThlch cnuse dn-ness, brittleness, and fallIng of the hair, dandruff, itching, nd annoying sores, are all quickly cured by Ayer'sHairVioor. ItcureaHERBiRT Boyd, Minnennolis, Minn., of Intolerable Itehing of the Scalp; J. N. Carter, Jr., Occoquan, Va., of Scald Head; JIrs. D. V. S. Lovelace, Lovelaceville, Ky., of Tetter Sores; Mis Bessie II. Bedloe. Burlington, Vtn of Scalp Dlsease and Dand'ruff. Torpldity of the roots of the halr, which, lf neglected, may result In Incurable baldness, is readily cured by Ayer' Bajk Vigor. As A Toilet Luxury Ayer's Hair Vigor has no egaal. It Is coloriese, cleanly, dellghtfully ptrfumed, and haa the effect of makfog thu hair soft, pllaut, and glossy. V Ayer's Hair Vigor, TREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., lowell, Mam. Sold by all DruggUts. propoöals: PropOMta for the constructlon of the tone, I prlckand oarpenter work in the erectiuea juli lor the county of Washteuaw, are lnvltpd and win b reoetvad up to saturday, May IS. l86S,al 10 o'cinck, a. ra. Plans and spentications may be seeu at the offl. ..f H. I Bennett, No. 2 Huron slret-t Aun Arüor, Michigan. Tlie corainlttee reserve tlic rlRhi to reject any and all bid8. J. L. GILBKRI', 11. I). BKNNETT, M. I,. CASE, Comraittee. PliPlIlplii)! Sealeil proposals will be received by the Qeueral Pond c oitimlttee of the Common ( .iiiincil, up to Juno Ist, for furnlsniiiK aasoiim., llRhifag, .xtii)KishlngHnd keepluir in repairthe gaaol lampa used In liéiitiiiic the streeta ol tiie city of Anti Arbor The rlgbUa iraMrved to rejeet imyand all blds. Honds for Uie fultlllmeiH of the cwutract will be reqnlred. JOHN HKIN-ZMAN, Chalrman.


Ann Arbor Courier
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