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AYER'S Agne Cure; contatos an antidote for all malarlal iltorderi whlch, lo (ar al known, Is osed in na other remdy. It contalni no Qulntn, nor any mineral nor deleterioiu inbstancs whatrer, and coniequently producei no Injurióos ffeot apon the oonstltutlon, but learei ths Titem ai healihy ai it wat bef or üis attack. VB WAERANT AYER'S A9ÜE CUSE to oure Tery oase of Tvnt and Ague, Intrmittent or Chili Fevar, Kemlttent Fever. Domb Agne, Blllou Feyer. and Livr Complatnt oaased by malaria. In cas oí f ailur, iter due trial, dealen are authorlzed, by oor elroular dated JuJy Ut, 1683, to reinad tb money. J Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LowelI,Ma8i. i L7BoldbyaUDroggUt- ..-jjrfrf C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldeat agency in the city. Establlshetl overa quarter of acentury ago. Representlng the loflowlng Hist-class companles, wlth over $00,000,000 Capital and AlHtl. HOME IN3. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phllaüolphia. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Londou. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE aud MARINE, of Boston. Rates as tlie l.cuvcst , Losse Liberiilly Ad j usted and promptly l'uiil. C. H. MILLEN. ll1 I II IVIACKINAC. Th lloil Düliihtfol SUMMER TOUR Pilase Btuman. Low BatM. Taai Tnps per Week BatwMn DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Mvnj Wtik By Bitwm DETROIT AND CLEVEUND Wrlw for oar " Picture.que Mackinao," Illustrated. Oontslna PmU PurtlouUr. itaUed Tn. Oatroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. whitcomb, qin. pa. aot. DETROIT, MICH. GILBERT BLISS, Agent. THE ANN ARBOR SAVIES BANK, ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $80,000. Organiüed nnder the General Banking Law of this Htate, the stockholaorB re Indlviiluallv Hable for tn additional amouut eqnal to the ntock held by them, thereby creatinp a Uuarantec Fund for the benefit of Depositors of $100,000.00. Thre per cnt. interest ts allowed on all Savinge Dcpoetts of one dollar aod apwarrts, according to tbc rules of the Dank and interest comp 'iinded seml-annually. Kouey to Loan on unincumbered real catate and other nood eecurity. DIRECTÜRS: cnRISTIAN MACK, WM D. HARÍUMAN, W. W. WINES. DANIEL I1ISCOCK. WILLIAM DKDBEL, WILLAKU B. 8MITÜ. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Pre. W. W. WINES, Vlce-Pres. C. K. HISCOCK. OuBhler. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S iliiiwüi AND ¦ Flour and Feed Store. We k-ep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Tmde. We sball also keep a oupply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! Dellii Flour, Kyc Flour, ItiK'k wilCHt I lour, (urn lloitl, I i I, KIe, At Wholesale and Rettll. A general stock of GROCERIES and PROYISIÜNS Constautly on hand, whlch wlll he unid on as reasunahle terms as at auy oLher honse In ihe cit, . Cash pald for BUTTKR, EQ0-. and COUNTRY PKODUCE encrally. (ioods d'-livered to any part of the cuy wlttumt extra charge. RINSEY & SEA BOLT. TTT1T rjforworkinp pcople. 8i-nd 10 cortf I II I II poí-Uíít', and we wtll malí yon fret n H fl I ruyal, vnhinblc vample box oi gouds I that wlll pnt jou in the way ol makiiiií nutre money in afewdayslban yon ever thoupht pnsxiblu at any business. Capl tal not requtred. Vou can Uve at homo nnd work In pparp time un'y, or all the timo. All of both srxes, of all ages, crandly successfnl. 60 cent to 5 easily carned t-very evenlnv. That all who want wtirk niay ti-pt the business, wu make thlsunparal leled offer: To al) who are not wull xatlsfled we will send f 1 to pay for the trouble of writlng ns. Ful) puriirnlara, dlrectlons, etc, sent free. Immense Say absolulely ure tor all who start at once, üon't elay. Addraas Htinson & Co., Portland, Malne. Hale's Iloney the great Cough euro, 25c, íoc. k 11 Glenn'iSulphurSoap heals & beautlfles, J5o. fcermanCorn Remover kllls Corns k Bunion Hlll't Hilr and Whliksr 0e- Black and Brown, 60c. Plke'i Toothache Drops cure In l Mlnu.te.25c Dcan't Blisumatl rtU Kt mr cur, WA


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News