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zAb2rV&l ON LY TRUE BTONEC j TVM1 piirllY t'e BLOODi repifUgll lutu tli. LIVERu.i'l KIONEYS. lP ?1 am! 1íf..toiiiL Tirn HEALTH MaiaflaV and VIUUR of YOUTH. Dn-. ? - HA pt-nsla. Want of Appellt. I uL? R& digestión, r.ack or strenirtii, ¦ i'l Tlrpil Fi-uliiignruiniiiK Ijr L cureil. lïoiies, niiif."lt' t;ul EaflaV. ntTves vecflvo liew lor. -e. ¦aW KnUvens tlie mimi and 1 i n I F Q BnS?rhig'rom compWiiÜ imXLJfi HO pecullnrto thelrirx III fl d It DR. HARTER'S IUON TONIO ut nd sj) -ure. ¦ iTei :i plenr, licaltliv complcxIcMi. Ki-equent attcMupISKt uiiiilcrfc -IIIiik oiil) add to die j..itiil;n ii orthe ortfrinali Do uot exprl munt- getthfl Obicinai. and jíkpt. ("uraddiefstü'J'ho Dr. f. I o-iis, Mo.,fr onr 'DREAM BOCK." ¦ i all of straptfe god usetui ioformatlon, fnje.# LAST CHANCE 1 o obtain Ciovemmcnt Lands free - that are suitable ¦ for farmmg and stock nüiing purposcs - before ¦'¦"B" "'" ma per DIU now pending in Conifress. 0OflIN THE DEVILS LAKE, ¦ ll TURTLE MOUNTAIN, wfcW And Mouse River Country. north ipprQir'bsutrnldo DAKOTA HUIILO ïlTliïiï Ovr 2,000,000 Acre of R. R. Lands in Minnow.ta at the low price of $3.00 per arre and upwards. becoonal Map and full particulars mailed ¦¦¦%¦¦¦ freetoanyaddressbyC. H.WARREN. I. Gen'l Pass. Agent, St. Paul. Minn. and f K F F Mamtoba R. K., St. Paix, Mins. I I I L !¦ H. U 1TU H. El! EGAN'S IMPIiRIAL TRUSS. - _. H Tli is nw Trim Iim h tj.'ral tpri-tg mm] mum. J html ftlwAvi. WomrfaM,dicif'ittir..n W fort. 8enl on TrUI. Enclow Swn.p fpr Clr.ulir Umi i.i botb fnhr-lty HoipKuk. eOAK'S IHPtRUL TRUSS CO.. Box 2S8, Arn Arbor. Mkh. Office. Hamiltoii Block. Ann Arbor. O devoted to 60ienc, mechanica, enKtneering. dieoTono, Inventionsand pilnntprsr publishud. Evstt namber illastrated with plendid on(rrainit. Thi. pnbhcation, (nrniahss a most valnahle en. yclopodi ol Information which no pernon shonld bo without. Th populantj of the Kctehtific Amkbica ia uoh that ita oirculation nearljr oquala that of all other papers of It claa oombinid. Prire, $3.20 a year. Picount to O'nb. Sold br all newadealers. MUNN i CO., lmbHphern. No. 361 Broadway Ñ Y BAfFklTO Mnnn 4 Co. hv also .ATENTS. rt Thlrty-Seven li-iiifcli 1 x Years' practice beI ¦¦¦¦¦¦a" fore the patent Office, I nrt have prwpnrd more than One Hun Idred Thousand applioations ïor ptlenta in the United StatoB and foralxa J eoantriea. Oavcats, Trade-Marka, Copnghu, AssiRomentfl, and all other paper or BticurlnK to inventor thlr riirhtfl in tha ed State. Canada, Enftland, Krance, ïany and other foreign oonntrifa. prep&x4 ort notiee and on reasonable tenuR. ïormation as to obtaming patenta cheerfully i without oharfre. Uana-bcioka of informa, sent free. Patenta obt&ined throogh Mana _ -. are noticed in the Beien tifio American freo. The adyantage of euoh notie is wel) understood by all perftonswbo wish to diApoae of thelr patent. Adiiress MUKN 4 V.O., CHBoe SC1K3TOTC AMZBiauc lei Bro4w7, Kw ïof k. - n BALL'S M& Jí'íí ' mBffftf CURSÉIS Th. OM.T COUR m,lv thnt c-n ba tMVHl by ?cAod"k ¦.yly;-;ly,lTfi: American youiig ladi(s li have heen 'l'i'" "I H8en that it is dreadfolly hard to lincl au bonesl ('"iint. I oaiiM Sleep!" öuflerera trom nervnu prostratlon, and wasted vitalitv, can regala health by uring Hnnt'a Kidney Krinccly. Uttie tx.y t lady tencner dnrlns n Sun'3 MlooJ lessoo: '%Min Jinke-, have v.mi if..i h rongtei Í " Miss Jinhes: "Ton muiti nol ak Buch qatlong. There ire sfveifll roosters at mr houor." Boyi "Well, you lirlng on of Vm down bark "I thr luir groimdatUi' ril bet 1 c;.m l.rinsf One tiiat onn irhlp blm." Ediieateil and KxKTemc(l. i Bood's SarsHparffln s prepaVed by C. 1 I. Kood A Co., A)otlirc:iric, Low]l, ; Mass., wliobaveattiorouffli knowcldgeof ' pbarmacy, tut many ye:ir inactk'sl experlenoe In the business. It is prepated witli the fiiciicst iktll and e;in, nnilerthe 'lirtction of the men who origlnated It. Henoe Hood'a Snrsaparllla may he depended opon a a tberougbly pure, ( est aml reüat)lo medicine. '


Ann Arbor Courier
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