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TH USZ BKLICTE BT TH U. B. OOVT TO CABBY THE FABT MAIL GOING WEST. OBLT LIHE EUH1ÏI1TG TWO THEOUGH TBAIIÏS DAILY FBOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Througb the Heartof the Continent b way of l'acltic Junctlon or Omaba to DENVER, orvl Kanaan City nd AU-hlsoj lo Denver, connecllngln Union Depot at Kans&a City, Atelilson, Oinjti and Iwuver wltli thrujgh trama for SAN FRANCISCO, n4 U polnta la the Far Went. bbortest LJneto KANSAS CITY, And all polnta 1b tbe Huuili-Wtst. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Hhould not forget thefactthat Honnd Trip ticket at redurwl ratea eau be purciiaaed vla Dus rcu4 Throilah Uufs to all the Hf-alth and Fleusur Ruaorta of tb west and Soutu-Weu. Helmi n tbwMountalnsof COI. OKA HO, the Valley of tüe Y.Kierolws, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all polnts In the Mexlcan Rcpublic. HOME-SEEKERS Hnould alao rmneniber that thia line leds direct to the beart oí the (ioverument and Railroad I.andn lu Nehraski, Kansas, Texas, Coloiado and Washington Terrltory. Itla knovTnas th great THROUÖH CAR LINE f America, tod Is universal ly adniltte't to Ik; the Flnest Ecjulpord Kultroiiri in the World for all classes of Travel. Through Tlcketa vla thla llue for aale at all Kallread coupon Ticket Ollloeo In the United btates and Canada. T. J. POTTKK, VU ITe. and Oen. Manager. PüKUEViL LOWKLL, Gen. Pasa. Ag'i Chicago. JNO. Q. A. BKAN.Oeu. Eastern Au't, 417 Broadway, Npw York, aud JUS WanliliiKtou Kt.. BuotDU. Moiii[f!i!re ali DKKAC T HAVlNii BKBN MADK IV TUK condition o! n certain Inrtentore ol lAortmra executed by Laura Barkir to John Lynch, b"ib .if Anti Arhor, lu the county I vVhtena I i ihe StatiJ nf Michigan, l'cir ui.' il'itf, tl' Blghtett tli 'Ihv 0 iictohcr. A. D.. IH77. iiimI ricordci in Ihe uOice of the Ktviitor nr Dtsedfl tor the Counij nf .-htcnaw, In LilierMol MorCgH-'C-. paffi t8,andll siüned on tlu; Kth day of Muy. 18H1, y wriiten aiBlgnment to Johu Sinith. of Atn Aibor t wnhi In the coimty aibrvjaajd, and vhicii BMtsjiiina4 u recotded in the olllce aforecaid in Ltber Scven f AfiiK'ituents of MiirtïaKes, on i ae IAS ml by which delault. the power of Bale contained in -aiu mongage haviug uperit.vr, m i ¦ l no uit or proct-eding al law nr ii 'qiiiy, I ;iv ng been instltuted to recwr tin; ain"iint doe on nuld montage or the bond acci tnprtii tiiu juii-. and tih re hftng now clnunt d t" he due n tniü liond and raurlat'f tbe turn uf Kuur htindrd and eigh ty-nine dollara and ninet-tw j cxn 148P9S), NOTICB íb therelorc heietiy frtven, Ihat wild Moriga e will lie forclopecl on Shiu rla,thr Is h day of April, A. I). lHXó. at ten ..'clnck in tne lo untton of ihat day, by a Hak' at public aucllon 10 Ih1 highcflt bidder, Ht tbe E iet Duor of ihu Coarl HtniHL', in the City of Ann Arhoi, in 'ht Coant HÍore(aid, (yaid Ooart !!¦ ne, lieiiiC the pit holding tbi: ( iicuit Couri for s;iid Connty) o" the mortgaged premiaee, dipcrib'"d in 8iid mort. so much tliereof, a- may ii'ci -!-ar (o ratiarj tnam'nint ot principal and iKerssl r iniïtnn ntipald upon eaid mort. ai?e, with rpanonaMe eoiii arjd expenei-e ; wiiith prcinice ar1 ce-cn aid mortgafifl a follov[ : All ih' Hr Cirijiln pifres or parcele of laid, eiiuated ai d be4n0 ín the city ol' Ann Arhor. in ihe County of Va-hk'i'iiw and State of Miihiean. nnrt daacrlbed as lollowt. lo wit : The west-hall f lote uumbi-r Kilteen and Bistei-n, in hiork tmmher Ptve (&) itnh if Huron street, in Hauye numher Elfrbi eapt, HffreoHbl) u thw Ann Arbnr Land Comparo' additiun to tbe iald City of Ann Arhor. Datid, Janna. y Is), A. D. 1885. JOHN RMTTH. K. D. KINNE, I lgne I M ¦ Ati'y lor AMlfoae. US0-'41 The above 8 Ie ip ïu'jouii'-M tor one weck, to Büri urday. April 5t.i, A. D. IS85. ut tiiu s:nue plavc,aiid hour of the day. I)atid, Atin Ai+nr. April 18th. K. !'. lwi-ï. .IOIIN' S1VI1TH, E. D KINNE, A-Mgnce of Mort". Att'y for Morttraeee. IÏ48. The aboT ¦ sale is ivdjontued to Satnrtl.iy, Vav 2d, A. I). 1K85, lor one week, al Lhfi saiu. piaci' and hour of the day. Dated, Ann Ar or. April 23th, A. O. Kf. JOHN BM1TH, E. D KINNE. A.-.-i ., ,,, Hoi . Af'y Tnr Mortgagee. 1211 Tbe above pale ii adjou'ned to Ö.iturday. May títh, A. D. 1885, or one wei-k, at the i-atne place, and hour of the day. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 2c!. A. D. 1885 JOHN S ITh, S. D. KINNK, a%ovi tÈvitgmgrv. Att'y lor Mortgasee. ' 1-M1 The above e ile íb sdjotirned to Bmtorday, M y 16. h. a. d. 18, out week, at the saín.; plac, aud hour of the day. Dated, Aun,&rbor, May9ih. a. i. 185. JOHN S .IITII, K. D. KINNE, of Mi rtg i Atl'y lor Mortganree. 1246. The above ale U adjiurned to Sittirdiy. May 28d, a. d. 1886, one w uk, ai he s une, and hour of ihe day. Dated, Aun Arbor, May Uhh, a d JR85. JOHN Mi ril. E. D. KINNE, AHiignei' of yiongagi-. Atl'y for Mrgasee. 1UI7. Comnilssioner.s' Notice. STATEOF MICHIGAN, C.nitit (.i Wu-hm. The nnderpigned having been ftppolnted In ih. Probate Court for eaid C'iunt . CommiHalonera to receive. examine and adjust all elaimn and demanda 01 all panons aifafnst the atata ol David Uodftey, late of aid countv, de ea-ed. bófehj l'ív.' i otlce thatsix inotitlis irom date are allowed, ly order of said l'robaie Court, lor cndltorr to praaeoi their claimt} against the eutte ol said deceased.and tliat they will meet at the tton "I Bach A' I. in the city of Ai n Arbor, In said couitv.nn i n bday, the l'nunh day ol Mii:ii-i,aiiil on Wedne-diy. the fou'th day of November tiext, ut ten n'cioi k '. M. of each of saiddaya, to receive, examine andad just said claims. Dnted May 4. 1W5. JOHN M. WHEEL R. I ,, Pail.IP BACH. f Commlssloners. A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, 8F.LI.3 MIXED CANDIES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Fresh Stick andy for 15 cent per ponrd at A. F. HANGSTEKFKUK, aggotltli Muiu Street. Frenen Mixed Canules for IS eonta nrr poiind, Ht A. F. HAJfGöTERFKK'a' 2s Main Street. Nlce Oranges only 15 rent per doze, at A. F. HANGSTERFEK'S at 28 Main street. AU kind of 2FUT8, FIG.i D ITB8 RA1SINS and MALAGA OBAP&k, tk A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, No. 28 Main Street, - Aan Arbnr DrCLARKE KSSSfiS The regular old established WL fflSvMl?111 and 8QrReon DE. ¦W MJGufflUlCLABKX, at the old number Wit w flV Hlcontinuei to treat with his usual Ml 9 _JK lilgreat skill all private, l&SkfljIclironio, nervous and special lUSbJB lldiieasea. DRCLAHKEiith ImKBÍbJ l liest Advertising Physician, as ille of PapcHihow and all old Resident; luiow. Aga and experience Important. 4Kervou Diiefties (with or without dreams,1 "' debility and lost of nerve power treated s cientifically by new methodl with never failing succets. "Ii : maltet no difference wliat you have taken or wno hai failed co cure you. "Toung men and middle-aged men and all who ,ufjer ,hould consult the celebrated Dr CUrke at once. The terrible poieoni of all bad blood and gkin distase oí evcry kind name and nature complctely eradicatrd. Kememoer, that one horrible disease, f negiected or improperly treated, oarses the present and coming generation.. #-Diieaied dischargcï cured promptly without hindrance to business. Both sexes coniult eonfldentially. if in trouble, cali or 'y. ;e dangerou. ' ' Prooraitination li the thief of time." A wntten warranty of cur ipven in every oase nndertaken. " Send two stampt for oelebrated woiks on Cnrsuio, Nervous and Delicate Diseascs You have an exhaustiva irmptomatology by which lo ttudy yonr own Oaiei, Consultation, personflly or by letter, Coniult the old Dootor Thouiauds Offices andparlors private Vou see no one but th Doctor. Before onfidine Vu' c" conult Dr. CLASKE. A Iriendly letter Jaa c'].m'7 kv8 '"'"re suffering and shame, and idd golden yearstohfe. Medicine sent everywhere lecur from expofnre. Hour, 8 to 8 Sunday J to ij. Addret letters : F. D. CLA1IKI i " D' errill Bloek. Cor. Woodwaxd and TeffisrionAv!, BEIBOIX, MICH. i Ibtamed In the United States and ForcignCoim ' TO Uri.ivul. U., Detroit. IBieU.


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