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Cleveland At Gettysburg

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Krom the Clncinnatl Commercial. Washington, May 5.- It ís liard snd up-liill work lor thf pipéis wlio desire ti) si-c nntlilm: but greatnes and lurv in tlie new President to write flutterinvly about lila lirst appearnnce in public yeterduy and tlie impresión mailc by hira. None of tliein can void the knowledgttliai. except in name. it woold liave been jn.t us Mtlxf iictoi y t" tuke along a wooden man. In his conduct lowaid the people, the pluiii truth i thut lie is ungraciou, and i either ignorant or oblivious of all social ainenllies The iinpresslon mude upon everybody by liíiii ivas not h goud one. On the cuii trary. it was a bad one. Think what a duy Garfield or Blaiue or Qrant would have made of it. 'llilnk of tlit'ir kind and gracious gieetings, their tree and cordial intermiiigling with the people, and the eloquent words that would have ma ie thut historie battle-field ring Wlth cheer8. Cleveland appeared to detest the c owd. He to be fairly drajrged out U thu Carrlam at the Getiysbuig station He persisted in having a carriage run aiound totherearof the train, so he ould slip away trom the eople who wereawaitliim, and who had come rn.iuj' miles lor the purpose of greeting biin. He refused even to face the throng it tbc National Ometery, and against uil retnongtranre, lippeci out by the rear, gained hls CiirriaKe and drove rupldly away. Perhapg be did rljjht in ihit, for what in the world could that poor man have taid imid micIi grand and sacred axociatlous and with the immortul woril of Abraham Li"colu, spoken upon that spot, .111.1 uicnift ti i ui, carved in the marble of tüc u'reat monument. LrNCOLN AT GETTY8BURG! Cleveland at Gettysburji! From Abraham Lincoln to Grover Cleveland! Well, we'.l. "Turn the rascáis out." Thy stuud ;ibiut you, Mr. Cleveland. They have empty cleeves pinneU to iht-ir Ineabts. They linip upou wooden or hobble along Upou crutcbes. Tlieir bodies are covtred with ccars; in tlieir flesh are -till imliedded the bullets thut tore tlirouyh lli-sh and bone on that dreudful nay when the fate of the rovernmeut and the naiiini you are now tlie heud ut, hun: irembliiig in the bal:ince. Wiih Baobiuy cycs they piiint out t you the scènes ot tue mijihiy siruügle, teil you the -pleiil iet -tory of hih iiianhood, ol desperate dar ing, of unequall'd heioisiu displayed iiuoii thia fii'iii Uy tt A-.u. ..! i ..ii, ot the noilh and the eouUi. They sliow you wliere the Southern soldiers inaile a charjte so brave, so true, so dasliinf; thul it goes into history as one of the mosi ina;nitiei'nt tilines in the annaU ot warfare, and they poiat you to the 1 c where tlie nonhera men met tliis churgtwith A VAI.IANT 8TEAÜFASTNESS And unflinchino: courage that swept huck even such an in-uult as that, and all these tlelds were heaped with dead and soaked with lilood! Uoes not the tliought til lili you, Mr. Cleveland, aml make your beurt beat quicker, a- tb'Se gnzzled vuteians teil you tiir wild tale ut the gloiioiis deeds of yourcouutryiiieii ? Roue up. Mr. Cleveland, you are on the field of Getty8burgl Wiiy. man, the veiy word Is enough to make the blood go to one's cheek, and hi. breatb come faster. Cast your loiv, 8inall eyes iihout you ut the dlrection ot the old soldier who is talkinjr to the eaiit'rly liiieiiiiij; throng, and let youi lr;e, olid body teel thetlirill of a genuine putrioticand human enthuiaaiu. N? Slili stohd, horeil and imp isaive. Well, turu to each oihe.r, old soldiers. Drive on 8;r!;i"aut H'iltzworth Takn llllt President around ti.e routine trip, and let him get back to liis private car and eat. l'liere is a j;iiiid slipper, with a plenti t mie of edibles aud potables wating him there.


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