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dyspepsia: f Sedentary habits, mental worry, nerrooi eicitenient, excess or irnprudence in eatIng or drinking, and various other causes. Induce Constipation followed by general derangement of the Hver, kidneye, and ! stomach, In which th dinnrder of earh organ ïncreases tlie inflrmity of the others. ' The linmedlate resulta are Loss of Appetlte. Nausea, Foul Breath, Heartburn, Flatulence, Dizzlness, Stek Headaehes, fallure of physlcal and mental vigor, distressing sense of welght and fullnesg in the stomach, and increaaed Costlveness, all of which are known under oue head as Dyspepsia. In every instance where thls disease does not origínate from scrofulous talnt in the blood, Aykr's Pills may be confldently relied upon to effect a cure. Those cases not amenable to the curative Intluenee of Aykr'8 F.L8 alone will eertainlv vield lf the Pills are aided by the powerful bloodpurtfylng properties óf Ayejr's Sarsapabllla. Dyspeptlca should know that the longcr treatment of thelr maludy Is postponed, the more dlfflcult of cure it becomes. Ayer's Pilis Nerer fail to relieve the bowcls and promote tbeir healthful and regular action, and thua cure Dyspepsia. Temporary nalliaiH'ps all rlo iwrniHtipnt harm. The Btful activlty into whicli the cnfeebled ¦tomach is spurred by "bitters," and alcohollc mimulanls, is lnevltably followed by reactiou that leaves the organ weaker than before. , "Coetivensn, Induced by my sedentary habita of life, becaine chronic; Atkr's Pilla affordod me apeedy relief. Thelr occaalonal uae bat tlnui kapt me all right." HlBHAHM Bbihsmowr, Ifewark, A'. J. "I waa induood to try Atir's Pnxs aa a remedy for IndiKeatlon, Conatipatlon, and Beadache, from which I had lontf been a aufferer. I found their action easy, and obtained prompt relief. They have benented me more than all tbe medicine! ever before trled." M.V. Witiok, 152 State St., Chicago, JU. t ' -- "They have entirely corrected the cottiTe bablt, aod Taatly improved my general hcaltb." Kir. KitANua B. IUklow e, Atlanta, Ga. j "The molt effective and the eaaieat phyalc I have ever found. One doae will quickly move noy bowele and free my head from pala." W. L ¦ 1'ao, JiichmonU, Va. "A aufferer from IJver Complalnt, T)yspcpala, and Nenralrta for the laat Iwenty yean, Atib's Pills have benefited me more than any medicina I have ever ukan." P. K. j K00XB8, Ketdmort, Brown Co., Ind. "For Dyapepnia they are lnTalartle." J. T. I AYER'S PILLS,] PREPARKTJ BY ¦ KOr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LoweU, 5Ua. gold by all Drugglstg. öPiDiT5Bfn i'íllí," ';"? ,""' P'ri" hnbit wül ,!o wrll to -rit to DR. 14K.MI. (,f (J.iIdci, Ith., ba liu „rlil ,J. rcpuntiun f„r thn turra ho hu niado dunng llie pust twdrr The min pjinli to h cuinmuimt.Hl nro tli pren-nt tal. c.f helth, length of time iKe.l. n.( proiitamouiit of dniii u.a tH-r m ¦ k S.nitarium Trcalnrnt wlien dal. Scd for ttitimwiUll Irom Icmüiui piiysiciims and repiMcnutive and wuoieu cursd. Estáte of Jolin G. Davis. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehteuaw. 188. At a seBsion of the ProbateCourt for theCounty of Waehteniiw, holden at the Probate Office. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Mouday, the (6th day of May in the year, onn thouMnd elght hundred md clghty-ttve. Prebeut, William D Harrituan, lader ol Prubate. In the matter of the estáte of Jobn O. Divis, d.cea-ed. On rcadinu and ülin the petitlun 'tuly venfled, of Emma A Davis praying That adiniiiietratiiiii of eald estáte may be grauted 10 herself ortome utlier euitable percoo. Therenpon it Í8 ordered, that Mouday, the ¦J4d day of June neii, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be attfigned for the hearing uf sald nilitlon and that the helrs at luw of ald duceaeed, and all oiher pemons Interexted in ¦ld estáte, are required tg appear at a eesolon of said conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city ol Aun Arbor, and show cause, lf any thtre be, why the prayer of tbe pctitloner should not be grant ed. And it ia further ordered, that said petitiomT .'ïve notlce to the persons Interented in said estute, of the pendency of said petitimi, and the hearint' ihereof. by causing a cony of this order to be pubiiahed in The Ann Arbor VourUr, a newspaper irinted and circulated in aid couiity. three iiiccessive weeks prevlmis to Baid day 01 hearing. (A trut' copy.) W1LUAM D. 11AKK1MAN, Judüe ol Probate. WM. Q. DOTY. Proht Register. VU-i-ia Chaucery Xotlce. rphe Circuit Court for the County of Vt'ash 1 lenaw, m Chnncery. üennls J Kockwell and David Rockwell, Complalnanls, vk. KliznbcMi Twitchell, Dannl TwIMbel, Ana Case, Frtinklln 13. Cum inings, Joanna Cuinmlugs ana theunkno nelis oí .li.ii:i.s 'i'wilcheil, deceased, DefeuuUUtfi. Al a sesuion of said court, held at the city of Ami Arbor, Mlonlgun, on the "iii day of May A. 1. 18Kj. i'resi-nt Ilon. (Jhauncy josUn, Circuit Judge. Sult pending In tiieCir cult court lor the Counly oí Washtenaw in chaucery, t Aun Albor, Michigan, uu tlie 7tu day of May A. D. 1885. It Ballsfactorily appearlng to thls court by the affldavit of naid con plalnant. öled In Uil8 court at the Mine of flllng the lull of ooniplalnt In sald cause, that i-ald Jona Tw,tche!l,decettsed,dledleaviiiK heirs, whose uainea and piaces of resldence are uuknown toHnld allianlN In sald allhmvlt, and ltfurIlicr upiit'arlnir lo the NaliHfuctlon or Uil court Hint Midi uuknown ln-irs are nnrnin! i pmlies to thls sult, therefore lt n ordered that mild uuknown lu-lrs of sald Jonaa TwltcheU, deoeased, oaoM thelr apparanoe to Ie tnterfd in (ala mu t un or before Friday tbe lOlli dny ol November A. U. ]8K, and lu' case of thelr appearunce they cause ihelr answers to ihecomplaln nfs blll of complaint to be led, and a copv thereof u servcd on coinplaitiuiu'a solicltor, withln twentv day aini service on tliem of a oopy ol sald blll and notlceof Ui! order; and Unit In dcTault thereof. aald blll be taken as confessed by the wild uuknown nrs. Alul II 1 lurllHMordared, Ihat wtihln twenty days after the date hereot, the sald complaliiant caime a uotlce of this order to be publllbed in tbe Ann Arbor Coitriek, a uewspaper prluled, publUbed and clrculatlng In said oouuty, and that mucIi publioatlon be coutlnued Uu-ruin at least once in each week, for six weeks In racoatsion. Dalrd Ann Arbor, Mlch., May 7. A. D. 1888 C.J08LYN, &AWYEK& Knowi.ton. Circuit Judge. Uolicitors lor L'omphiinanls. SUBSCRIBE for the COÜRIEB.


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