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The unlversity base ball club is to meet the Chss club Saturday, in Detroit. E. W. Fleming, medie, of '85, is pending tliis week ut nis home in Lansing. The inter-collegiate association of literary societies will meet in thia city Friday. Prof. Taylor goes to Colorado this aumin er in the interest of the Star Mountain mining scheme. Each senior will have live inviUtion?, and as many more as he cares to pay a shilling apleee for. The senior pharmacy studenta vlsited some of Detroit's great medical laboratorics lat Saturday. Tlie 27th annual conventiou of tbe Delta Tau Delta traternity 8 to be held in Detroit next August, 19-21. In the game of base ball Saturday, the Plyniouth club got live runs while the Universitys inaile ten, in seven innings. Next Wednesday even ing J. V. Denny g to read a paper Lefore the Political Science association on " Reconstruction." A piaao-forte recital was given by Miss .leanie May, Thursday evening, assisted by Miss Lois T. Angelí, soprano, in the general lecture room. The law lecture room is said to resemble a buil and bear scène on 'chauge in Bedlam when Prof. Kent enters to give his lectures. He is very popular. Saturday the Unlverslty base ball club cnnie out aliead in their game at the fair grounds by a score of 10 to 5. It was an excellent exhibition of the national game. Last Saturday the following new editors of the Chronicle were elected : W. A. Blakely, Chi Psi ; Ed. Pitkin, Zeta Pal ; W. M. Gillies and Fred A. Stevens. A year's University life has told on the class of '88. Thelr merry dancers completed the last dance of the program one hour after daylight this morning.- Chron iele. The " levelling up " of the campus hag enjraged the attention of the universlty authorities for the pst few days. It will be an itnprovement when thegrass grows over it. Senator Jones, of Florida, expects to arrive In Ann Arbor Friday, .Tune 19th, to di-liver a lecture bcfore the law department. It will be held in the university hallNext Saturday night the Mendelssobn Quintette Club will please the ear pang in the heads of Ann Arboritei at University hall, under the auspices of the stT dents' lecture association. Hon. D C. Smith and wife, of Pekin, 111 , have been in the city several days visiting their son, Walt-r F. Sinith of the literary department. Mr. Smith was a memoer of the XLVIIth O-ngress, and has traveled extensively. He expressed hlmself pleased with Ann Arbor and the aniversity. While not doubting the correctnes of the following from the Detroit News, we most certainly believe it would be a grand thing for some of the boys to be converted: "A ' ministerial band ' hag been organlied at the university, and the salvation or 8ome other army may expect a valuable lot of recruits frora among the ' boys.' " The followini? offlcers have been chosen by the Students' Christian association for the ensuinjf year: $7c í'ry.' W. WC.mob.ll. '86 and MiB F. M. Potter, '80 ; medical, W.P. Munn, 'SB, and Miss Mary "Thompson, '8B ; ,Iw K C Vllller, '86; hotnceop., E. D. Brooki, '85 ;'dent.' M. W. Lane, TM. RecordlngHecrelary-K. E Grove. 8L CorrespondliK? 9ecretary-. A. Brown, 88. freasurer-Alex. McEwen. '80. JiÏÏZS&F .'Teidman. E. Olney and A. B. l'rescott. At the inter-collegiute contest held in New York city last Saturduy.F.N. Bonine, of the U. of M., who was entered for the 100-yards dash, won the same in 10a seconds, bcating the eastern champion. Over which the university boys are much elated. Upon hls return home Monday evening he was serenaded, and Frlday evening he wlll be banqueted. Wooster, who was entered for tho walking race, was barred out aftor the first lap for running, together with several others. COLLKGIA.TK ALUMNI. At the recent meeting of femal graduales of the various universkles, held in Chicago on the lSth inst., Mrs. Louisa Reed Stowell, of the U. of M., read the principal paper, and the Chicago InterOcean givea the following notice of it: Mi-h. stowi'll has the distlngulshed bonor to have been recently elected Fellowofthe Koyal Mlcroscoplcal Society, an honor to a ornan accorded to her alone In the United staten, and wlilch she shares with only two others, wlvo respectively of the president and secrctary of the society In London. Though not waivlng the lntellectual galna and pleasures, Mrs. Stowell dwelt npon the pecuDlary adran ages derired from a postgraduate course. In order to meet the constantly lncreasing compeiltlon of college alumnee tbe college woman malntalDlng her self by teaching throngh one, two, or flve years extra study vastly reduces the enorinouH competltlon. One hundred and flftyflve thousand women teach In the United States, one-half of wliom posslbly have a complete college educatlon, hut the number of post-graduates reduces this large forcé to a mere handful at wliose command are the superior poHltlons and the salaries. And in the studies to pursue Mrs. Stowell advocated a special line of work, the foundation of whlch has been laid, lf possible, prior to the high si hooi course. repeatedly emphasizlng the fact that a speclalty leada to thoroughness and distinctlon. To the woman specialist of to-day the grandest openglngs are at hand. There are places of emolument fllled by men which belong solely to woman's sphere, but the women are wanting competent persons to nll them. She followed this excellent advlce by a summary of the advantages aflbrd by the Unlverslty of Michigan for various specinltles, t e niini' it of courses giveu. the faclllt es of librarles, art oollections, museum, laboratorios, etc.


Ann Arbor Courier
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