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Thh National Pnmnnn in) Conventlon met at Allanta, Ga., on the lflMi, buKlnett men from all parta of the eouutry beins present. The object of the ment na; is a general itUcusii u of the busin ja-t ïutori-S-a of the United Stat. s. Tng twenty-fltth conventioyi of tho Uuited Slat -g Brewers' As-o.'iatiou commencud in Nw York on the ltílh. Thk now flowlng oil wtll at Ensvrnr'h Pa., has causad jnvat ero temont in th neighborhoo 1, and lare traets of luuc were bring h'ased. At Paris, Tex., on the 19th Samii 1 P Holmes killed Prof. Youmam, his liater in-law, Mrs. W. J. Tio-he, and Itabbèd hi own wife latally, all with a bowie-knife Holmes escaped. Extknsive forest flreii were raming on the 19tU at Harvey'g Late, noar Wllkea barro, Pa. The New York pllot-Loat Alexand r M Lawreuce rnn into a whale jus: out ,i 1 ¦ thi harbor on toe 19th anJ uarrowly escapee destruction. Prop. E. Odlum, thlrty-three yearsoM Jumped from the Brooklyn liride na thi löth, 135 feet to the river Ijcneat.i, striki nr the water on his side, wheu he iutendud to alight fnet flrat. Paul Boyton, wlio, with others, wai in a Uu awaituii the event jumped overboord and secured the profesor, wbo apoke but a few words before ho expired. In the Brewers' Convention at New York on the 2üth the report on prodnctipo showel that duiinj; 1884 there ¦¦, 7 , t I , - 777 barrels of ale aud lager biewpd in the United States. Forkst lires had on the 9Otb deitroyad hun.lreda of acres of Umbor near Prederick, Md. A mob at Sac-rauiPiito, Cal., on tbeüOth attacked a church in vrhlch fh Slv Army was holding n meetin r,wrecked th' buil liu, and dmv.! tli ¦ Silvatioaista into the street. Many persons w -r tdvarely injured. The entire polica f oroa waa called out to snppress the rint. ilKs. Ai.h'k C 'vu .y, of Logaaaporti [nd., has baon swáTdd 1 damagas of s 'V(mi Ihoinaad dollars for th accidental death of her ht:s lan 1, t flr uuaa on the T,i n - ETandle Road. Thi report of th operations of the Minneapoliü milis lor thn aeven days endeil on tli.'.'i.h show. d the Uour output to have been 18S,#2O barrelt, aga nsi 1 .'!,17-t barrels for tho preoedlng w ':, anl li!,D) barrels for the correspon llnK time In 1881 John Blaisdkll, the absoon Uu ; bookkeeper of the Weetamoj mili at Pall River, Mass., was on the .' uh dicovored to be a defaulter to the extent of .f 1 1 !. The flrst car-load of cherries ever shippid East from California left Sin Francisco on the 2Oth, consined t a Cnicago llrm. Louw Fran"is, n Frenchman residinff at New York City, giran ltfd his mistress with a hamlkerchief, au 1 was arrestad oa the 2'th wuile on his way to tlirow the corpse into tbj North Riv.;r. While crossin; the calle fi-rrv at Port Spokeua, W. T., a lew dayg ago tbu boat ui s t and J, M. Kanlio, William Sr. Cluire aud Patrick Boyle, of Captain O'Hrieu'a lnfantry, were drowned. Copi 8 of the revisad OU Testament were on sale in all the -New York City book-Rtores on the 'JOth. A dispatch of the 2Uth from Fargo reports that C'anadian Imlians from the neighhorhood ol Qu'Appulle were croasiai; in o the United States. The seaffoldi íg on the new post-ofnc1 af Bal ti inore was blown down by the wind on the i'Oth, one woikman being killed aud six othrrs fatally wouuded. Early on the mirui.i ; of the 21th a huRP ijaso etfr, ut the comer of Second anl Cunveut stretits, St. LtmU, exploded, Willin two muu and ¦Merely iujuriag a thinl. Dürino the absence of her motbor Lizzie Lewis, ae 1 fóar years. utu.'mite(t on the "ith t'i inur t 'V hAr ql 'ii i s in -, i : it r ai, Purt JelTeisou, L. L The babe was cut witli a carviu ;-kiife iu a t Ti-ü.le manii'r, and would probably die. Lizzij was saiJ to be insaue. Orders have been received at tho Portsmouth navy-yard to prepara the C rmorant for sea and expedito wark ou fuur iron-clada. A YOUNO Bohemian, of Pittsburph, nam?l Frautz Karlina, on the 21st killed a girl of three years, a dauhter of tho family with whoui ha boarded, and then took his owu life. His reaaun for the deed was not rovealed. BIaskeu men to the numtr of one hundred forcel the jail at Oioster, Miss., on the 21st, and to k out and hanged a colored railroad laborer lor au assault on a white woman. Forest fires had ou the 21st wiped out the towu of Dollarville, Mioii., and threated Newberry, near which plav.e tha flaraes were Luruiug fiorcely. Foob roblers were caught in a store at Burton, O., the other Dight, aml iu the ensuini; fight one of the hurglars was killed and a litizen was fatally woundod. Thu robbers escaped, carrying off $2,000. In a quariel at New blraitiville, O., on the -list Albert Guest shot Murslial Jlturv Auer fatally, another ballot from Guest's revolver mortally wounling a boy. A mob broke into the prison at night, took Ou ;st out and hanged him, and riddled his body with bullets. Süsik of the lar je propeller lines running from Chicago to Buffalo ottered on the 21st to earry Wheat at one cent per Lushol, the lowest priee ever known. Bullivan'8 printiag establishment on Sixth street, Cincinnatl, was burned on tha 21 st, Uiteen persons losin ; thiir lives. Th fiie wa causad by the exploiion of a (ras (liue-stove on the secoud floor, and tho flames, pi-inging P the elovalor-chute ni'xt to tic stuirw'ny, at onc cut off escape. Five p Tso ib were killed by leuping from wi:idows, and ten corpsea were found on the upper floors. The pólice of Boston on ths 21st arrest ed Rev. Dr. Gordon aud sevsral of liis as8ociatei for holJ ng religious serrices on the common on Siinday altcruoon in viulationof a city ordiuance. The evarifrel sta said they would have one hnndre.l clergyniea 011 haud at tlieir next Sund.iy meet ing, and he pólice threatened to suppres thf in "ti i -. In the tlnitcil States and fanivla there were 210 1 usiness failures durin : the seven daysendud on tho 22d, aainst I8tí the previou aevcn daya. 'L'ha dislril unoi was as follows: Middlft States, 4.1: New Kn Btates, 24; Western, .12: KouLli tu, O; Pacili" States nJ Torritories. '_'4: Cañad i, Un It ís announced that vcíssl lntürests on the liikes were never la no d.preuaud a coudiuouas at present. Joseph Khodes (colored) was hanjed at Galvestou, Tex., on the 22J for wife-murder, and Ooo.lwia Jatksou (coló ed) ñas executed at Clarendon, Ark., íor k.lling cu ui his race. At Aynew, Pa., the hillside for a quarter of a niile was sliilin into the liver on the 22d, trees beln.; moved lo lily, roots aml all. Beveral buuses wire in danger, and ihe Fort Wayne track was irnpeiiled. Recent heavy rains caus;d the slide. At Stony Creek, N. C, on the 22d John Pinnax killed lm two children, a boy and g rl, withan ax , aud Uien drowned himHlL Ha was iusane. A verdict for $48,750 damages against the Lake hore Roa 1 was awar led a few diys aso t' L. Rjgjnzwei,',, Pa., for being ejeetö'l froiu a li nile-1 ezpreHS train. He feil on a pile oí stone and became paralyzed. Reports rrcefved by BrndstreeOs on the 22 1 Indioat d no general improveinent In trade th.ouyhout the country. The recent digastrous flre in Cincinnatl was causad by the explos on of a can of benzine. Another girl died on the 22d, makins tho total nuinber of deaths sixteen. The barn of Albert Martin, near Readiug, Pa., wa burned au the 22d, ani hls wiie, twelve head of cattle and two colts perished in the flarnes. The I uil liu was set on tira by Mr, ilartüi, wuo was luaiie. j Haam Amobm roÜ7 tíüti two men at Egl Crek, A. T., and foar Alma, N. ïL. Mol'ntain and forest flrei were on tho Ï2d doing Immense clamase In different aectiong of Pennsylvania. Jeff Hooïrs shot bi) brother at Sikest.oTi, M..., tlin 231. and while reaisling arrest was shot dea 1 by a Sheriff. A hanosomk younj lady, givin? tbe name of J. Junes, tooit a roo:n in the Grand Union Hotel in New York, where she Rhot herseli through the heart on the 22 1. She was sane enou;h to cut the iultials frum her handkercliljf, and there was no clue to her idantity. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. After a struggleof tour mouths, during which time one hundrod and twenty ballots were cast, General John A. Logan was re-electod Unit :d States Senator by the Illinois Leislature on the li)th on the tiist ballot. The vote was as follows: Logan, 103; Tree, !(); Morriaon, 1; Hoxie, 1; Black, 2, and (v-holl !!, 1. The Speaker duclaied Lo;an elocted, and that genllemau returued his thauks to the Legislature. Tuk Michigan House of Representativas on the lUth adopted a joint reaolution to subruit to the .'u;il: an amjii lm ut to the Constitution removing the rostriction upon sullrage, so thiit all persous, male or femalo, iiuv have the privilega of votiug. The usual semi-weekly conference of Drs. Douglas and Shradf took place on the afternoon of the 20th at Geueral Grant's houge. The throat of the General was examinad, and the doctors f uad no marked cbange. Sorae part of the swelling below and behind the ear had subsided, and less pain was the result. Tho General passed a good lay. F. A. Switzler, of st,. Louis, has been appniuted Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of the Treaaury Department, vice Joseph Niinino, Jr.i resigntd by request. Titk bill to restore the death penalty for murder was deleatf.d in the Michigan Senate on tho WOL Freubriok T. Fhkliniíhl'yskn, Necretary of Ktatt? undyr President Arthur, diod at his resideuné in Newark, N. J., on the ¦veiling of the 20th, aed ftixty-eiglit years. At the Commercial Convention In Allanta, (a., on the 2üth resolutiong were adoptad that publl ¦ interesta require a uni'()rinIi:itikrii])U'y law and that Consr., pms laws for reciprocity with aM i natlonSTitKflaim win inaile on th ïlat. that Louis Riwl is au American citizen, having out natji'aliz;itlon papers in Monliui.i, !iit hè took part in t,li eléctl fl oi IH.KJ. Jamks Mixei,i„ President of the National Bank oL Wet Virginia, dropped dead in Wüeeling on the evening of the zinc, ne was seventy yoarn or age. l.v the Commercial Convention at Atlanta, Ga., on the 21st a resolution that public int en sta required a continuation of tl e -ilver ¦ÜMge. was defeated by a beavy ma jorit v . In the en ges of Macltin and Gallagher, in the Paéeral Circuit Court of Chicago, Justice 11,-irlau and Judge Gresham faileii ta agree uu the 21st, utl aunounoed that the pdlflt would be cenifled under seai tu thi' Vnited States Supreme Coart, and that o il.w ision would be reached at the Ootober term, tiir il-.fndants pr be held in $f0,000 eah. A bronze statiifl of the late Genera) Frank P. Blair was unreiled ou the 21st at Füivst Park, St. Louis, by bis daugnter, Mrt. L'liristiue Graham, tea thousand persons '. itnssiu{ the ceremoni s. Dit. Doüolas said on the 22d that General Grant had not feit a well in two reeks. The ductor attributed theiucreased ii'ritiiliou in the throat ihe pruvious night to tho reaultof the air of the park, vyhicb affected ihe General while drivin. Tuk extra sesson of the New York Legill.ture aeljourned siif &U on ths ïüd, after imssins ¦ mut JdUI himilar to tbe one j T-tojd by the Governor during the regular session. No 8ECKKT was being made ou the 22l of hu fact that the i Inesi whicb raus 'd exSecretary Fieliu ;huys m'a doath was primuvily Wllil Vy t lr- UAnti(y of oonite.which had been mystêriously placed n the mineral water bo used. I ri:tNKV-(S.'ERAL ÜAIU.AND ha de'iile.l that n ii ludían is not eligible for a x)stmnsters;iiv. It bas heretofore been ;bb euom to appoint Indians to postotllco tb Iii'lian Turritory. This practice will heneWorfch be d scontinued. FOREIüN. More trcubla was reportad on the 19th from Coneeption Bay, Newfiun Hand, betweeu tut) Orangemen and Rjman Catliolics. Sereral persons had beea iujured, housos had been attackud and proporty thrown in;.)tlio soa. Mr. James Bdssell Lowell od the 19tb intro luced his successor, Mr. Phwlps, to Queen Victoi ia, and presented his ovvn letters of rec.ill. DisrATCiiEs óï the 19th to the Hiidson Bay Cjniiiny at Winnipeü announeed that seviral of thoir most important posts in tha Nortb Suskateuewan district had been pluudered by the ludians, all tbo goo'js carried away or burned, and tHe ollictrs and people turned adrift to starve. General Middleton was preparing to move ou the redskins. Two deaths from chole-a occurred at Harseüles, Franco, ou the 2)th. A firk a few days ago partially destroyoil the Mon Bijou Palace at Berlín. The works of art and valuable relies wera saved, but many of them were damaged. Frederick the Great once oceupied the palace as a residence. A battle lastinj flve honrs took plac1 on the 2Oth betweeu the army of Salvador and the Revolutioults led by Menanlea, tWe latter bing completoly route, 1, with the loss of their artillery. The French Canadians at Quebec mniutained ou the .tb that Riel raust not bo hanged, organ claiming that he should be magnan mously trêated. It was ann .iinc.'.l trom U'innipsgon the 2Oth that Big Bear aml Poundinaker had joined forres and would put frwelve hundred well-armed Indiaii3 on the war-path. It was understood t.iat Genural MiJdleton had received orders from the Government to begin a rampnin against the Indians with the ol.jeet ol c; ushin j them. It was anuounced on thei'lstthata mysterious disease had broken out at Paris Koails, a small town eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, Pa. All cases provod fatal and tüus far eiyht persons had succnmbed while eight olhers were stricken with th malady. The Canadian Government male known on the 21st its inteiition to confiscate any iinpnrtauon of gooJs made by prison labor. Several house wero unroofed ut VVinnipeí, Manitolia, by a cyelcne on the 21st, and a number of persous were injured. Advices of the 21st frora Guaymas, Mex., stut that General Carbo had a bloody engagement with the Yuquis. Fifty-seven Mexicana w re killed and many wounded. The atronghold of the Yaquis was captui-ei. Tiieir losg had not been asoertained. The rumor of an outlireak of cholera in Great B, itnin wm pronounced totally unfounded on the i'lst. A nrsPATCH of the 21st frora Calgary, in the Northwest Territory, reported that General Steele's advance (tuard, on its way to Fort I'itt, met the ludians and lost several meu in askinish. Old-tiinersexpressed the opinión that the trouble was spreadiug, an 1 that all the Indiaas in the country would be in arms presently. Bartholiu's statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World" left the shoroi of France for New York on the 21stMr. Gladstone declarad in the House of Commons on the 2l9t that nothing was yet settled in regard to arbit ation hetween England and Russia; nor had It been absolutely decidod who should be arbltrator. Vir tor Hugo, the eminent French poet and novelUt, died in Paris at 1:30 on the af lernoon of the 22d, in his eighty-fourth year. It was announced on the 22d that Tipu Taib, a powerful Arab Chief in the región of the Upper Congo, bad eutered upon th conquest of Central África. He had already annexeJ the Con ;o reglón in bfhalf oí the Sultan oí Zuotiuar, and hi arm y was on lts way through th Taajanylk district, niarklag il projreji wUTi ptil; and mujaacre. The crew of the bark Bayard, who arrirai In Quebee oq the 2Jd, r portad Ihat their vess 1 was sunk by (cnbergs o. F the coast of Newfoii idlan 1, au 1 tbat tlioy pent threo avn and ui ¦ hu ou 1 1 ¦ ir ¦ h..1 fore boinj; rescuod. PoundmaE:r r.']pwd the raptured tnnister and gent a lia.; af troce to littleford on the 2-l to learn on wliat trrnn he coiild surremler. A large anionnt of war mat?riai from Kuglaud, consistía mainly of field art Jlery, was belb ; land d at Queljec. A proiuiin'iit Frenrli Canudi ..n had rutaiiirxl two altorneys of Quebec to defend Loail Kiel, an l would pay the expenses incident thereto. LATER NEWS. Oknetial Middlkton lot Frinco Albert on the 2Sd for Battleford witli the M dlanl bttaliou and Oatlinji gun. The Ninetieth rifles foUowad in otber stenniers, wüile the grenuJiors went ly trail. 4Hiel had been placed m jail at, Retina, and it wua tliouphl his trial would tuke placo tliore. Dispatches uf the 'JÜd from CliftOQ, A. T.. state that the Indians were maki g raids thiough New M zied an 1 Arizona, killitig settlers and dfstioyiu. property. Thk r. ligioua survice ou BosLou ComHioii on the 24th w.T8 closely watclicd by a ¦quad ol pólice, mIiu toot the names of the speakers, b .tmadeno altempt tointerfere. Drs. Douolas and Shrady examin d General Uiant's throat on the 24. h. Dr. Khraily nfterwnrd ail: "The pain in the glanda mul, the jaw is leas than lor three day past. The ulcurs at the base of the tOngue imd In lbo throatshow uo temlenoy to iiuTPftso. The general condiüon ia favoralil ¦." JiO.NDON advices of the 24th state thnt the obstad to the progresa of uegutiatinns between England and üussia were greaLer than was jt';eiaHy bli ve l, and the situation was at present un loubt.'dly se; i di. Rkv. W. J. Hahn (colored) feil d.-ad in his pulpit at Des Moinos, Ia., on th eventng of (he 'J4th, aftnr gruwin,' vry earnest in a personal statein ¦ 1 1 1 . Whii.k the C'onimunigt8 ware holding a deiuonstration in Paris on the 24th the police iuterfcred and a riot ensuod. Fiye persons were roported killjd and ei„'hty wouudfd. MioHAnr. M., of Miuoari, ba boen appolntedCunsul-GeneraJ ai Hulitax, Mr. Frye h iving r siued. Kknatoh LoitA! wivg tendïrol apabila recoption at the Oranl Pacitie H)tl, Ciucago, on the eveaing of thj 'Ud, aa.l a. ululo of 108 puns was flrod. Heavt ralns had on the 24th ralsod tlie water in all the streami i:i C.nti-al O:iio, causing s rious damae to cropj. a ld it was feared would als cause a wa.shout of trestles and land-slid h. Tuk funeral of ex-Secretarv of Stat Frelmghuvs "n took place at Newark, N. J., on tbc 2;il, and was alt-'u led by eiPresident Arthur and many other prominent cítiiena. A cvcloxe siruck Concord, O., at two o'cloek on tho aftarnoon of th 24th, doi g preat darnage. The wheat field i wera dclued with water, outl.uil Uu ;s w -re swept away, and Hen y Alwler was fntully hurt. The djiu i„'n ti growuj cropa wa t rv raat. The exchaiwed at twenty-stx leadin ; cleariiig-houHi-g in the Unitixl Sial -s durin: the wei k i u led ou Ihe i'4agjr:::a , l ?:!if.l14,ü73, apr:i nsi 7"T.fil!iSji) proviOUfl u ii ui. h h co. 'respon Hu: per "1 ot 181, o;P ainou;ils to .:!. 1 pr ceut.


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