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E- - '- 3 I BB -5- - - BB- - - - B- B-gBBBgBBHB] WHO IS UNACQUAIMTED WITH THE CEOGRAPHY OP THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMININO THI8 MAP, THAT THE . LEAVFÏTi?r QQiimmiJw itö,1' 'r-liIliYOunfly W 1 ¦TiMvl0'' - !f L L I 7 x s CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY By reason of lts central posltion and close relation to all princlpRl Unes Bast and we3t,atlnital ani termin 1 pola .3, constitute i t: o most Important mld-continentillink m that of tarou'i transportction tv'hich invites and fecilitates travel anl trafilo bet. veen oitiea of the Atlantic and Pociflc Corsts. It la also the favorlte and boat routa to and from points Eret. Northeast and Southeast, and cor espondin j polnts W eet, Northwest rr.d Southwest. Tbo fiok i-iid ur-t ¦ iiiwiuUo-i ii it-t uintii line nnd brrncties. Uhlcusro Joliet, LiSill3, Heorlv Gsnoseo, Moüne and Rock Ieland, in llllnole! U ivonport, Mussatlns, Waahlnïton, Faüfleld. Cttumwa, Oskalocsi V Liberty, Iowa City, Dsa Molnos, Indltnoli, Winterset. Atlantio Kr.óxv Audubon, Harían, Guthrle Centro i.nrt Coundl Bluffs, in Iowb Grü Trent m. Camarón aul Kinsas Cit7, In Missouri; Lenvenworth and Atcïuoi la K-nsas; Albert Lei, Mlnnaapolis and Et. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertowr! ïu DaüOLa, aad hundreds of intermedíate cities. towns, viLagff s and staucns THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos lts patrons that sense of personal securlty afforded bv p. solid thorou rhly b lUtad roid-bed; smooth tracks ot continuous tteel rail: subBtan'Jall built c ilvsrs and Drlisre; roain? stock as near periectón ad human skill cin miie it; the safety appliances of patent buffers.'jTnn and and t'iat exic:tn disciplina -whlch govorna the practical oparation or all its trainé. Otiur specialties of this route are T-n-vv - r all connacjn? points in Union Depots, a:.d the unsurpatsed coujiom and luxuries of it9 P tS3en7er Eqiipmeit. Tha Fast Etaress Ti-alna between rhicag'O and the MlPflourl Rivcr ara ixmposedof well ventilated, flne'y upholstered Day coaches. Magniflcent PuD.iiau Palace Sleapers of the Kte3t deMorn, and sumptuoiis Dininfr Cars, in which elabor-tely cooked meals are leisurelv eaten, "grood Digestión wHitlnfr on Appetlte. and Health on both." Befveen Chicafiro and Btansno Citr ftod Atchlsjn, are also run th9 Celebrated Kecllning Chalr Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direct and favorlte line betrween Chicago and Minneapolis end St Paul where connections are mid In Union Deaots for all pointa in the Territoriea and British Provlnces. Over this route, Fast Expresa Traína are run to tUo watering places, summ r resorts. picturesque localities, and huntinir nnd flshïnergrounds of Iowa and Minnesota. It is also the most deairable route to the rich flelüs Rnd pastoral lands of interior Dakota. Still i nother D REÓ r L'NK, via Seneci and Kankakee, ha9 beon opened between Newport News, Ricmond. Cincinnati, Indianapolls. nnd Letayetté and OouncJ Bluffs. Kansas City, Minnearoli3 and St Paul and intermedíate pointa. For detailed informatïon see Maps and Folders, obtainable. a? well hs Tickets, at uil principal Ticket Offlcas In the United States and or by adUresoing R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, PfRülden and General - 'oer. Chlcaao. General Ticket and Passenger Aqent, Chicago.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News