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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. BACH&ABEL A FEW B AGAINS WORTHY OF ATTENTION One lot of Gents' Colored Shirts with Collars and Cuffs to match, 50 cents, former price $1.00. 40 dozen Gents' fancy Hose at 25 cents, former price 40 and 50 cents. 50 pieces Fancy Lawns at 6 cents 25 pieces Fancy Lawns at 10 and 12 1-2 cents. 20 pieces of Satins at 20 cents, former price 25 cents 25 pieces Etoile Du Nord Ginghams at 10 cents, former price 15 Color s f ast. Guaranteed. 1 case of Brocaded Dress Goods at 6 cents. 1 case of twilled Cashmeres 121-2 cents worth 25 cents. 10 pieces Embroidered Muslins at 25 cents worth 35 cents. Misses' Jerseys in Cardi" nal and Navy Blue at $1.00. Our entire Stock of Emjroidered Jersey at $1.60, ibrmer price $2 00, Bleached and Brown Cot;ons lower than quoted by nay house in the City. Remember, all goods in our ïouse will be sold strictly as advertisedAlso remember our Stock is new and fresh, no old truck which has been kicked and and cuffed around for two or three years to be disposed of. BACH & ABEL. Grangers. State si. , tfakes Ice Cream from Pure Cream. Catering "or Parties, Weddings, Receptions, etc, Granger, State st. Bueklen's Árnica Salre. The Best Salre in the world for CuU, Jruises. Sores, Ulcera, Salí Rheum, Ferer lores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Jnnis, and all Skin Eruptiona, and posiively cures Piles, or no pay required. It s guaranteed to jrive perfect satistaction, r tuoney refnnded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sala by Eberbach & Son. The three outlet of disease are the bowls, the skin and the kidneys. Regúlate heir actlon with the bost purifying tonlc, Burdock Bood Bitters. First-Class Confections iilways fresh at Granger's, ttate st. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attentlon glven to olhctioa of Eents and UuugeneBt of hú Estáte Intereats For Nou-Resident. Entire SatUfaotlon to Ownerg Ouarantocd. A. DEFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE I I uu agent (or a Une of Old and Stannah American and Fcreiga Fire Insurance Conp's ¦owent Ratea, Honorable Adjustments, and Lossea Promptljr Pald. RINSEY &SEABOLTS llkMlJilKtll AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conntantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For WhuleBale and Retal! Trde. We shall also keep a npply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kye Flour, Buckwhcat Flour, Corn llal. Feed, Etc, At Wholeealc and Reuil. A general stock of GROCERIES anfl PROVISIÜNS Conetattly on hand, whlch wlll he sold on aa reasonuble térros aa at any other hoaae In the city. C'ach paid for BUTTKR, BOQS and COUNTKY PRODÜOtt generally. Uoode dellvered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEAB0LT. PÁTEÑTS KUKN ft CO., of the SciïNTiPir AMïnicAV , rontlnui' to act au Rollcltnra f ur l'Blent, Cavcatis Trad Mark (Xipyrljllit. for the Uillted State, Cumula. Eniilund. Franoe. Oormanj, etc. Hand Book ubout Patent sent free. Thirtv-neven Je' cipirlonce. Patent! obtalned throuuh MUNN 4 CO. aro notlct'd InthoHoiK.vTirie amkbican. the largest. liost.and most wldely ctrculated aclentlflo panir. H.aia yoar. Weekiy. Bplendid engravlnfia anü lntpffstinu lnformatlon. épedmon copy of the Krlpiiliflr American sent free AddreM MtTNN CO., BcOWTina American Office. 201 Broadway, New York. ¦MBBHHSMI I-ylni Awnn rn't fEI.I.mul trt üü $60. 5 TON HHMB WAGON SCALES. M.M ¦ Bom Bol. Ti Bfm rrcihl Ljllll] .din ;0H13 Of BINOHAiiTCtt,


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