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TEX UVK 8HX0TBD BY TBB ïï. S. OOVT TQ QABBT THB FA8T MAIL mist' ft yS GOING WEST. OHLT UKE KU1ÍHING TWO THEOUGH TBAIN8 DAILY FBOH CHICAGO, PEORÍA & KT. LOUIS, TliroOKh U Heartof the Continent b way or Paolttc JUDCtlon or Ornaba to DENVER, prvia Kannas city and Atchlto.i to Denver, conBerllnla Union Depots at KajiBU City, AlcliLion, Omaba and Denver wllh throjgh traína for 8AN FRANCISCO, ¦ad all polnU In the Far West. bbortest Uneto KAMSAS CITY, JLnd all polnta in ttae öouth-Weat. TOURrSTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Hliould Dot fornet the f act that Round Trip tlek at roduoeé raus can be purenased vla tlila 4 .reikt Througb Line to all iLe Health and Pleasnr Reaorta of the weit and U'ffll, Ircluding tbMountaln or COLORADO, the Valley of Uie YoMmlM,tue CITY OF MEXIOO, aad all polnU In Um Mexlcan Ktpuullc. HOME-SEEKERS Hfaonld aillo remmber that thl lino lend direct to th heart oí tb Ooreromeut and Rallroad Lanils lp Mobraska, Kansas, Texa, Colorado and WasbJngctn Ttrri tory ¦ It is knotfn M tb (raat THROTJOH CAK LlNE f America, %od U unlvereally admltted to Ui the Fineat Equlpixvl Rallroad In the World for all clamnt af Travel. Through Ticket vla tlils line for sale at all Hallroaö Coupon Ticket Oüice In Uw Uulted Htate aud CMIWifci T.J. POTTKK, ""MSi1 IXWELL, Oen. Pass. A[ cblc&go. JNÜ. U. A. BEAN, üen. Eastern AgM, étf Broadway, New Ycrk, aud ia Waabiuülon 4.1. , Boulou. ('iiiiiinlssioiiors' Nol ice. CJTATKOFMKJHIGAN.CountyofWaxhtemiw.H O The andcreltfncd having boen appointed liy th Probte Court for naid Connty, Cominleloiifrs i receivt:, examine aud adjust all claimt and dt'rmuit ot all persona auiui the t-staie or Dsvlct Uodfrcy late of ald county, decea.ed. hereby givu i om tiatsiimonth Trom date are allowed, by order c ¦aid Probate Court, for crcdltor to present the claims against the eeUte of said decetised.and tha they wili meet at the Btore or Bach & Abc in the city of Arm Arbor, iu Haid coutity.on 'W n day, the rounh day or Auyuel, and on NVedn'dwy the fourth day of November next, at ten o'clock i M. of each ofaaid daye, to reene, examine and at jastxaid claims. Dated, May 4. 18W. JOHN M. WHEEI.8R. tr ¦ .,...„, PHILIP BACH. {¦lommiloiiers. Chancery Notlce. fpbe Circuit Court for the County of Wasl X tenaw, iu l'hmicery . Dciinis J Kockwell iird David Rockwel Conipialnants, vs. Elizabeth Twitcbell, Uui lel Twltchel, Anu Case, Franklin B. Cun mings, Joanna CummlngM unü the unkimw heirs of Juuas 1 wih-in , deceabeü, Uefeut UDtt). At a sesKion of siiiil court. held at the cit of Ann Arbor, Mlcblgnii, on the 7th day o May A. D. 18X.1). Present Hou. Jub Un, Circuit Judge. 8ull pending In the Cl cult court for tho Couuly ol W'asluenaw I Anu Arbor, Michigan, on th 7th day of May A. D. 1885. It salisïactonly appearing to thls court b tbe aflidavit oí gftid conplulnant. tiU'd l this couit at Uie time of rillng the bilí i complalnt In sai.l rause, limt iald Jona Twitcbell, deceitóed, died leavin hrirs, whs names aud piaceö oí t ¦ .si.i, mr are unknow to aaid afflants in Huid aflidavit, nnd II lui ther a[ cal ni" to tile sal iKlactioti of Ihi court that such unkno-n helr ure nee BIT partles to thlH uit, tlierelure it is ordere tbat aald unkuown helrH of 8aid Jona Twilcbell, deceitöird. cause iheir ap[iearaue to be entertd in gald suil on or helere Fr il thelOlh dny of November A. 1). 1S8.1, and Iu cae of thelr appearance they cause thelran uwers to rhe ciiinplalri Dl'a bill of coinplaln to be íiled, and a copv thereof lo be stTved on complaitianl's sollcitor, witbin iwt'iih dav afler service on llieni of a copy of sail blll and notice of this order; and that in defaul thereof. nald bill be laken as confessed by tb sald unknown helrs. And it is furllieror dercd, that wlihln twenty days afler the dal hereol, tl said cornplainant e:. use a notie of tlils order to be puhl isli.,1 in lire Ann Ar bor Coukikm, a uewpaper prlnred publlKhei aud riiciiliitint; in said counly, and llial snel publicutlon be contlnued 'lierein al leas once in eacli week, for six weeks in succes miou. DaWd Aun Arbor, Mtch., May 7 A. D.. 1885. 0. .IOS YN, Sawykr t Knowlton Circuit Judge. Sollcltors lor Complainants. Kstalc of John (i. Darix. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wachtenaw en. AtacesHionof the ProbateCoiirt for thcConnty o Waehteoaw, holden at ihe Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. on Monday. rhe s5tlr day o May In the year, one tbnurand eiKht hnndred and eighty-ftve. Present, William D Harriman J udge of Probate. In the matter of the eetate ol John G. Divis deceaied. On reading and flllng tlie petltion duly venfied, ol Lmma A Davi praying Ihat admfniiatration of eaid estáte muy be grauted lo ht-r aelf or (lome otber saitnble per-on. Tberenpon it re ordered, thai Monday, the 221 day of June nexr, at ten o'clock in Ihe foreuoon, be asr-igned for the heuring of said pititlon and that the belr ar law of eaid deceatted, and all oihcr pertton intereted in eaid erttate, are requlred to appear ut a ees alón of eaid court, then to be bolden a the Probate Office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and ehow cauee. If any there be, why the prayer of the petitloner ehould uot be graut ed. And it Is further ordered, rhat said petllloner ïiTe notice to the persons iuterested in eaid entnte. ol the pendeDcy of sard petition, and the hearing thereof. by caueing a copy of rhii order to be pub ushed iu The Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and clrculateil in said county. threesneeesaive weekt previous tosaid da oi hearing. (Atrm copy.) WILLIAM D. HARltlMAN, Jndge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Proht Keüister. 1244-1245 A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, SELLS MIXED OANDIES AT 15 GENTS PER POUND. Freh Stick ( andy for IS cent per pountl t A. K. HANQSTERFER'S, 28 South Main Street. French Mixed Candles for 15 cents per puiind, at A. F. HANUSTERKER'S, ! Main Street. Nloe Orangna only 15 cents 'per doze, t A. F. HANGSTERFER'S at 28 Main atreet. Aü kinds of NUTS, FI08, DATES, RAliSINS and MALAGA GRAPES, at A. F. H ANCSTERFERS, No. 28 Min Street, - Ann Arbor. DrCLARKE X9 m ( Eitabliíhed 18S1 i Merrill fflBitUfl 1 DETBOIT, MICH, f Bfêck. !Sgl; y Th' regular oldettabliihed Wrí E8tfoMBP'uyiciaI1 and Surgeon DK. tff% yjj}CLAEKK, at the old number l[ i nV Ulcontinuei to treat with his usual B y Jm ijlgreat ikill all private, IlkC Anchronio, nervous and special {SM nldiieaiei. DE CLAHKE rstho ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Hiyioldcst Advertising, as Kies of Papers show and all old ResidciHs know Age asi azpcrienoe Important& Jïervoni Diseaies (with or without dreams,) ' dabillty and Ion of nerve power treated cienifically by new methoda with never failing success. -Ie mk no diffcrence wbat you "ave takca or who hi failed to cara you. WTounf men and middle-affed men and al) ho suffer should consult the celebrated Dr ;iarke at onc. .The terrible poisoni of all ad blood and skin dilbatet oí every kind ramo and nature complttely eradicalrd. Kememxr, that on horrible diieaie, f neglccted or "Proptrly treated, curse the present and coming gtneration. 490iseaied discaarge cured rompily without hindrance to business. Both seei oomult oonfldentitlly. If in trouble, cali or 2ly' 'F "i"m " Prooraitination the thief of time." A wrltten warranty of ar given in evsry oase nndertaken. ¦ Send two stampt for eelebrated woiki on lhrBi, Nentout and Delicate Distases. You is, an exhauitive iymptomatology by which 0 itudr your own Caiei. Consultation, pertonaMy or by letter, fr,. Conmlt the old Dootor öouiandf enred. OfBoei and parlón private. You iet no ooo but the Doctor. Before confidine our case consult Dr CLABKE. A friendly letter 1 cali may save future uffering and shame, and dd golden years to lile. Medicine Sint evorywhere cur from expoBT. Hours, 8 to 8 ; Sunday, to tt. Addreu letten: F. . CtlRKE, I. D., Kerrill Bloek. Cor Woodward and eflénon Avot. DETBOIT, MICH. RU PTTJR.EÏ! ÏOAN'B IMPERIAL TKU8S E B ThU Mr TniM hu fn'ni rfrt.; KiHl oK.nrM innnimiM; ytláiU -vwy moto.i, wutrilng JT th b.rnU lwmn Worn da M nigkt wtrh cumB B fort. Sat om TrUI. KocLom Sutmu for Cln:uUr Üwd In botli üniT.rflty Hoipluli tQAfr$ mnmAL rfíVSS CO., V SSSS, Ann Arbor, M,ch. Office, Hamilton Block. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News