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LI PAY YOU TO GO TO DETROIT AND HAVE YOÜB EXAMINED AND FITTÈd" WITH 8PECTACLE3 OR EYE GLASSES AT ROEHM Sc WRIGHT'S, IMPORTERS, JEWT,LERS AND _ TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE POr TE8TINO EYE8, AND SELDOili FAIL TO GIVE RELIEF" THE BEST Hair restorative In the world f Hall's Hair Renewer. It euros all diseases of the scalp, and stimulates the hair glands to healthiul action. It Btops the falfing oí the hair; prevents lts turnmg gray ; cures baldness, and restores youthful color and freshness of appearance to heads already white with age. The followlng are a íevr lllustrations of what Is done by HALL'S Vpffp.tnhlH Sicilian HAIR REHEWER: Mrs. Hctjbbkrrt, 344 Franklin Ave., Brooklyn,N. 1'., fter a evere attark of KryIpelaa in the head, found ber hair- already gray - falling off so rapidly tbat she soon became quite bald. One bottle of Hai.l's Eair Rknewkr brouebt It back as aoft, browa and tbick as wheD ibe was a girl. Mr. Keslino, an old farmer, rifar Wartaw, Inti.% had scarcely anv hair left, and what little there waa of it had Decome nearly white. One bottle of Hall' Hair Keneweb stopped its falling out, and gave l:im a thick, luzuriant bead of hair, as brown and freah as ba ever bad Xf Mrs. A. T.Wall, Greenjttld, Chtshire, Kng., writes: "I have found the rreateet benefit (rom tho nse of Hall's Hair Kf.niwek, It havlng restored my hair, which waa rapily ialling off, and returned lu original color." I)r. Emil Bsip, Detroit, Mlch., certiflef that "Hall's Hair Keneweb Is excellent for hair erowing, and givi-s back the natura! color to faded and gray hair." Mrü. S. E. Elliott, Gttnvlllt, W. Ta., ¦a): "One bottle of Hall's Hair Keniwik restorcd my hair to IU natural, youthful color." No Injurlous ubstances enter !nto the) composition of Haxx's Hair Kenewer, and it is not a dye. It9 vegetable Ingredients render it in the highest degree beneficial to the scalp as a preventiva of dis:ise. lts effect are natural and lasting, and it does not make the hair dry and braxhy, like the so-called restoratlves compoundeü with alcohol. Buckingham's Dye FOR THB WHISKBRS Is, in four respects, superior to all others. lst - It will produce a riuh, natural color, brown or black, as desired. 2d - The color so produced I permanent, cannot be washed off, and will not soil anything with which it comes in contact. 3tl - It is a single preparation, and more convenient of application than any other hair or whisker dye. 4th - It contains no deleterious ingredienUs, as do maiiy preparatious offcred for Uke use. TREPAHED BT B. P. HALL & CO., Nashna, V. H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. , LIJMBERI LUMBEK! LT7MBER! If you contémplate buililinr, eall at FERDON Li hei I'iii! Corner Fourl h and Depot Sts., aml ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guaren tee AERY LOW PRICES yGive us a cali and we will make it to your interest, as our large and wrll nadcd st'ick lulljr susUins our asscrtion Telephone Conncetions with Office. T. J. KKECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, G EX EK AI. mnm Inner I OFyiOKl Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, UOR. I1ÜKON AND FODBTHÍ8T8., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edlnburg. LCapitt), $13,(0J,(KJO, Oold. Detroit Fire and Maiiuo Insurance Co., 0U& Ahsets 600,ri00. Sprinncld Ins. Co. or Massathusetfs CashAssetB l,800.000. Howanl Ihs. Company of 'cw York, CatU Aseüts $1,000,0(10. Agricultural lus. Co., Watertown, N.T., Cash AsetB l,200,000. Loraes LIberally Adjnalert nd Promptly Pald. Mmore moncy thnn at anylhln(ri!liie by tk Iiir an Bt'ency for the best selllng honk out. Beginner iiccerd giandly. Nono rail. Terme free. HallitT Book Co., Portland, Malne.


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