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THI LINE 8ELECTE0 BV THE U.S. COV'T TO CARRY THE FA8T MAIL. kk ëbI llIK 1 1 ¦ 1 1 It is the only line with its own track Irom CHICACO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha, Pacific June., St. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots with throuqhtrains f rom NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, 6OSTON and all Eastern points. It is the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND & CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the six nreat Slates of ILLINOIS, I0WA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO with branch lines to all their important cities and From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS, It runs evcry day In the year trom one to three elegantly equipped through trains over its own tracks between Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchlson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points in Northwest, West and Southwest, lts equipment Is complete and first class In every particular, and at all important points Interlocking Switches and Signáis are used, thus insuring comfort and satety. For Tickets, Rates. General Information, etc, regardlng the Burlinntnn Route, cali on any Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1st V.P. & Gen. Mgr., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, Asst. Gen. Mok., Chicaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gif. Pass. A&t., Chicaoo. Cliancery Kot Ice. flMio Circuit Court fttf the County of Wavli 1 lenaw, m Obuncery. Dflonli .1 Rockwell ard David Rock wel J, Complalnanta, va. Blisabeth Twltcbell, Danlel Twltcbel, Aun Cae, Franklln B Cuminiii-s, Joanna Cammlogs aDd i ti unknown In ii.-. of Jonas Twiteheil, deceabed, 1 ¦!. 1 1. 1 - :ints Ata session of said court, held nttheeily of Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the 71 h dar oí May A. 1. 1886. Present llon. ( naunc] Joslln, Circuit Judge. .Sult panding In tliedr cult court for the Couniy ol wasbtenaw In chancery, ut Aun Albor, llloblgaD, ou tlie 7tli day of Mny A. I). : It satlsfaclorlly appearing to thls cmirt by the afndavit of aald con plat nanl. oled in thls court at the time of filmt: lbo blll ot cotnplalnt In saiti catue, tliat ahl .l"ii;is Twiteheil, deceasiHl, died leavlng belrs. wtiose DUMiind place oi resldenoe are ankoowo tosald aillants i?i iald affldavlt, and ii inrther apprainii' to aattaDMUon of ihis court tliat kuoIi nnkuun n beini ari neceaaarj partles to this .-int, tberefore it la ordi ren ilial haifl onkooWD l'it-irs ot said Jonas Twiicheil, deceasiil, cause thelr appearanoe to bc i nii'itii m said snit tui before ITnday, the intii day ol November A. l). 188, and In case of thelr fl]ipeñranoe thev oanse thelr answirs to i lie coinplam nt's blll of cumphunt to be flled, and a oopv tin' eoi i" '"¦ s , .1 od complHiuani's lollcllor, wiiliin twrnn dayi after serviré on theni of a copy of ald blll, and notico of thls order ; and ihat in ilrianll thereot. aid bill be taken ns confeued by Ibe siild anknowa lieirs. And it is fnriherordered. that wlthin twenty dayfl aller date hereof, tlm said ootnplalnaot oanne a notloe of thls order to be puhlisht-d in ib Ano Arbor Courikk, a newspaper prlnied publlisbed and clrculaüng In satd oounty, and Ihal luob pabHostlon be oooUnaed tbereln ai least once in ench weck, for als weeks In Buccession. Dated Ann Arbor, Mleli., May 7. A. D., 1886. C.Kl.Si N, SAWYK.K it KWOWLTON ( inuit Judge. Sollcitors lor Complainants. Estáte of John G. Dar Is. STATE OF MICHIUAN, Cumny ol Wathtaujiw. es. At aneHPion of the I'robuterourt for tlieCounty ol Washleunw, holden ftt the Probate Ofllce, in the city of Ann Arbor, ou Mooday. ihe &6tti flay of May in the year, one tlimiaiicl lghl huudred and eightyflve. Prebent, Wllllam D Ilarriinan, Jullie of Prubate. Id the matter of the estáte of John G. Divis, deoeased. On reading and filint: tbe petltlon, dnly venfled, ol Emma A Davts pra;tog tliat adininirttraMiin of shíü estáte raay be latited lo herself or some uther suitnble períon. Thereupon it ig ordered, that Mondny, tht22il dny of June next, at teD o'cluck il the forenoon, oe aacipneö for Hw boartnf f uüd ptlitlon and thut the helrt at law of tHid auceased, and all other peroue iiueretcd ni said estáte, are required to appear at a eession of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, aud show cause, if any tht re be, whj the prayer of the petitiuner should not ffraot ed. And it Is furtherordered, tliat said petitloner üive DOÜce to theperBons iutereated in said Mtata, of the pendency of said petition, aud the hearint thereol'. by causiuj; a copy of thin order to be pub lisned in The Ann Arbor Courur, a newspaper prtnted and circulated in aid couuty. three sncceneive weeks previous to said day o1 hearing. (A tru copy.) W1LUAM D. IIAKH1MAN, Jndire ol Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Prolmtp Register. IMt-UMB Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHiUAN, County of W.ishtenaw. ss. In the maller of the estad' of Miiinie C. Hinley, Minor, Nolice Is liereby give' . tliat in pursuanco ir uu order Rranled to tlie uuderhl(sneü guardián, of tlie Estáte of sald minor. ly the Hou. Judge of I'rulmle for tlie County of Washtenaw, on the 28th day ot Muy, a. d 188, therewill be toldat puiilic vendue, to the highest blüder, al tbe eaai front door ol the Court House In the city ol Ann Arlior, in Ilie County of Washleoaw in said state, on Satnrday, the etghtcenih 4y of July, A.. D. 1885, at 10 o'clock in the foreuoon of that day (subject to all encumbran ces by mortgage or otherwlae exlsi Ing at tlie time of tlie sale), all the and InInest '1 siild minor, the followlng de-riiln-d Keal Ksliite, to-wlt: Lo number lour on Biock number two, aooordlns to r corüed plat of the %'llliiK of Duliil, Waablenaw Couuty, in Michigan. JO5N8ON V. KNIG1IT, Guardian. Dated May Ï8th, 188V. Ijil m MACKINAC. Th Kort Saughtfal SUMMER TOUR PUo Stuman. Low Et. our Trip. pet Wek Botwetn DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Xvary Weik Dmy Betwn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrlt for our " Plcuresque Mackinac," Illustrated. OosUin FqU Prtioulari. Mulcd Frt. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, OCN. Pa. AST. DETROIT, MICH. GTTBrPT Tl"s -out. "AYER'SÏK Agüe Cure; oontalns an antidote for all malarlal dlorderi whlcb, ao far as known, ia oaed In no other reinedy. It containa no Quinina, nor any mineral nor deleteriotu aubstanca whatrer, and consoquontly produces no injurióos effect upon the constitutlon, bot leavea tbs lyitem aa heal tby as it wu before the attackv WE WAERANT ATEE'S AQUE CUKE,. to nre every case of Fever and Ague, Intermlttent or Chili Fever, Kemlttent FeTer, Dumb Agoe, Bilious Fover, and Livor Com plaint canaed by malaria. In case of failur, af ter doe trial, dealers are authorized, by our lrcolar dated July lst, 18S2t to refuud Ui money. Dr. J.C. Ayer 4Co.,Lowell, Mass. k_7 SoldbyallDraggHti .J OPIUM HABiï! Suffrrfr frm tliis irnirioim Tmliit will tevlM to wrtt to Dtt. ÁK.S1I, of ulncv, nirh., holias a watl ion for the cures ho has made th pal twiln jr ir. 'J Lr i,uin pataitl to lio cviiiiiiiiiin-iitd nr the [iicmnt si.tte tf heltl , of tuns url, a:i.l r'ntiunountof dniguftfil wr wmk. 8nltailum TrMiiient when ) :¦¦ l. h t br tMHvmüab trom lMding iiljyiiciiui utd reprasenuUve mo mul wunuu c uiej. ATTÏTnT SDd ix cents for pontHce. IJ I I Ij aiid receive free, a OOattj bol j f I f p Of i;"-).! whlcb will holp you I III J J.tomoremon riírhi ihan anythtni! elsa in Ikitt werld. All, of elther sez, sucet-fd f rom flrt hnor. 'l'lubroád road to fortunf QpaDi bqtore Qw workere, abiolately sure. At once addret. Tkuh & Co., Augusta, Malne.


Ann Arbor Courier
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