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simrt advortlseinenls uot lo exoeed tbre linea, of Lost aua Found, Housos forSaleo Kent, Wants, etc., lnsertod three weeks fo 211 cents. Sltuatlous wanted, free. FOÜND- MONDAY- Some money. Flnde oan have the aaine by provine property and paylng charges. Apply to Wm. Ken ncily at J. F.Scbuh's. FOK KALE-A Platform Spring Wago wlth top Prlce $40.00 If sold within tw weekB. C. V. W agner, 21 S. Muiu Street, Ad Arbor. WANTED-SITUATION-In sraall famll to do general houaework. Can do a knul. or plaiii cooklng. washlng and lronlng Keference exchauged. Slluatiou In or nea olly preferred. Adress P. O. box, 1,666, Ann Arbor, Midi. SHIRT IRONINO raade easy by the new process of preparing and uslug Htareh Kquals Steam Lanndry Instructlons. Malle on recelpt of 15 eenl- dlme and stamp. Ad dress A. Speer, SU 21st streel Detroit, Mlcu. "1T7"ANTEU- An agent In every city anc TT town lo sollclt urdrrs foran Educaliona Vyclopedia and Polyglot Family Blblelorcusl oron Ihe Inslallnieiit plan. Address, K. H Wheelei, Aun Arbor, Mtcu. IiOR 8ALE C11EAP-A house and lot on First street netir Hnron, well located Apply to ü. L. Mattliews, Real Estáte Ageucy Ann Arbor, Mlch. IfOR SALE- Fine farra of lfiO acres in town Webster, well-wooded and watered. Ap ply toO. 1,. MatihewB, Real Estáte Agency Ann Arbor, Mlch. ï -öw. BOARD WITH ROOM, $3.50 per week, 7 e. nis per day or 25 cents per tneal, and 25 cents for lodglng, at Walker'H Brarding House, Ciirner ol First and Calherlne Street Ann Arbor. Micb. FilRSALE- Tlie tliree story brick store corner of Washington and Fourth streets and Ihe frame store adjo nlug the same on Washington street. For terms, etc , enquire of O. F. Uwlnner. TTOUSE FORSALE-No. 85 East Washlng JlL ton tílreet. Terms reasouable. T7OR SALE-Ten acres of land on Miller JC Ave good for gardenlngor small frults lobe sold cbeap. Apply to Jas. Kearus, Keg ister of Leeds office. LOANINQ-Money to loan on flrst-class Real Eslate Mortgage at Cnrrent rales o Iuierest. Sallsfactory arrangeraents made wlih capltallsts desiring such investmenis. Every conveyance and transactlon In abstracts ol lltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z f. MNO. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News