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Sedgwick Dea returns from New Yor to-day. A Dickens party at Prof. Pettee's thi evening. Fred. Bcrry is home vUitiug liisj olí friends. Mrs. and Miss Condón gire an evenin party Saturday. Will Gerstner returned from hls brida' trip Thursday last. A reception at Dr. Vaughan't to-mor row, from 5 to 8 o'clock. Mrs. H. A. Peach of Dexter, has bee visiting at O. B. Church's. John öweet says the water in AVhit more Linke is awful cold yet. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Brown entertai thelr friends Priday evening. Mrs. J. J. Fischer has returned from her northern trip well pleasud. Stephen Pratt, of Detroit, was a calle at the Coüuier office yesterday. Miss May Lelter is vislting her grand motlier, Mrs. T. W. Root, for a time. Dan Quirk, of Tpsilanti, vlsited severa days at C. L. Pack's during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Nicbols of Hudson,are yis iting their sous, the Drs. W.VV. and A. C. M. H. Goodrich is in Lunsing this week in attendance upon the meeting of the state pioneer society. Mrs. Jennie Darrow, nu Cornwell, of St. Paul, is vlsitiug her parents, on N. In. galls st. E. B. Abel, Charlie Hendrick, and J. F Lawrence took in Michigan's metropolis yesterday. Geo. Osius cut his hand witli some glass the otlier day, and has to curry it in a ban dage now. Mrs. Northrop, son and daughter, who have been living in Unity block, have removed to Nebraska. Miss Carrie Comstock, of the Treaeury department in Washington, is home on a vucation visit. Miss Della McClellan, of Auburn.Ind.. will spend corumencement week wilh Mrs. J. J. Goodyear. Miss Louise Richards expects to leave in a lew days for Scrauton, Pa., to vislt Miss Carrie Waters. Miss Flora McDonald hus returned from Plymouth, Mass., wliere she has been teaching schoool. B. Frank Bower, of the Detroit Post, visited his mother and sisters on N. Ingalls st., Monday evening. Chris T. Donnelly, of the American Ex. Co., is in Toledo, Ohio, to-day, helping he G. A. R. boys celébrate. Capt. Robt. Campbell and wifo ieave o-day to attend the tiational encampment G. A. R., at Portland, Maine. L. D. Grose is recoveilng graduully rom bil injuries, received in the caving n of the gas trench recently. Miss Ada A. Windiate of Watcrford, Oakland Co., is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. '. A. Voorhees, on Tliomp9ou st. Miss Anna M. Ilerdman, of Zanesvillc, O., is visitlng her brothcr, Dr.W. J. Herdman, during coinineucement week. Lui her Jumes and nephew, J. L. BabocW, are stayhif; it the Mnuntain Home, n Look Out Mouiitain.Tenn., forasliort luie. Miss Lillian Doty, of Pullman, 111 , is xpected next week to visit her grandmotlier, Mrs. Prof. G. P. Willims on E. Ann st. Mrs. Frcase, who has been stayingafew ays with lier brother, J. J (...... iy..p .m.i iimily, left Saturday for hor in '¦nm. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blosser, of Lanuing lave been the guests for a few days of lieir aunt, Mrs. Dr. Hallock, on Kast iiberty street. Col. H. S. Dean goes to the national enHDipment Q. A. R., to which he is adelgate at lurge from this state, leaving Ann Arbor to-morrow. Rev. R. B. Pope delivered an address n "How to Acquire a Thorough Knowldge of the Bible," at the Sunday school nstitute, in Tecuraseh Thursday last. Miss Ida dementa and her guests, the Misses Waurer, of New York city, attendd a lunch given by Miss Ulara Hodjjes, f Woodward ave., Detroit, Friday last. R. O. Haynes, of the Hillsdale common ouncil, was in the city yesterday, looking pthe waterworks question, his city havng just roted $45,000 for that purpose. Jliis Carrle Bell, daughter of Andrew el 1, of tliis city, and who graduutes this ear from the literary depart inent, i to each in the Flint schools the coming ear. Rev. Dr. V. L. Lockwood, who has reided in this city for the past four or five ears, and who has been tilliug the ConTegational pulpit at Dexter, is about to emove to Newark, N. J. O. F. Webster, of Owosso, has been in the city during the week getting acquainted with hisfamily, who, by the-way, will remove to Owosso permanently next month. Sorry to lose them. Mrs. W. F. Breakey starts cast to-morrow for an extended stay among relatives and friends. She will be accompanied by her niece, Miss Carrie Owen, who has been attendiug school here for the past year. Prof. C. W. Belser, lit. '82 taking A. M., in '85, who occupies the chair of Latin and (treek in Carthage college, at Cartbnge, III., is in the city to remaln during the summer vacation with bis parent, Rev, H. F. Belser, and wife. Cha. W. Ashley had the misfortune to hare oneot hls; legs badly hurt at Wint more Lake last öaturday with an excursión party. The accident happened, we are informed by the sudden backinjf up of tli 'bus, whicu he wus about to enter. Mayor Kapp received a fine lot of speckled trout Saturday from Mr. and Mrs John F. Widoe, ot' Hart, Oceana Co., whlch will act as a tempting balt probably for a flshing excursión by the mayor in tliat direction some time thls summer. G. N. Savage of Lincoln, England, bas been visiting Aid. Biggs, of the 6th wirJ, the past veek. Mr. 8. representa an Eng lish Emigration Co., and brought 300 people orer who settled in Canada. He likes A.nn Arbor so well he will return next year. Mr?. Rev. Thos. Stalker, in a letter to her father, Alex. Kerr, of Lodi, from New Orleans, under date of June 8th, says: " went in a flower and fruit garden lastSat urday and saw peaches, oranges. flgs an( plunis, all growing and promlsing a good erop. It leemed like a ncw world to me We are ha ving green corn for dinner today." Fred Cutler, the genial clerk o( th Franklin house, and who has been favor ably know to the traveling public both here and in Ypsilanti for many years, goc to Dowaglac Sept. lst, to take the manage ment of the new Elkerton house. Fred i a success in a hotel, pleasant, whole souled gentleman, and the people of Do wagiac will gain in liini a good landlord and flrst clasa citlzen.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News