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An excursiou of Tolcduites will visit this city to-inorrow. Kobt. Tidswell is in jail tifteen i'ays for assault and battery. Strawberries are flush - they are bis, juicy, sour and cheap. Paris Banfleld is building an addition to his UouBe on Sunimit st. A special train will take Co. A to Adrián next week Fiïday. AlbertSorg isto furnisu plateglassand do the paintiug on the new jail. Dr. Darling has put in a telephone at his residente, No. 38 E. Uuivei&ity Ave. " Wliere, Oli, Where, ha3 dot leedle dog gone?" That new Aun Arbor daily, we leter to. The bilis for-Dexter's grand Fourth of July celebration now giace Ann Arbor bul boards. Henry Laubengayer has paid in his lict'U;-e to the cuunty treasurer, whioh Hiakws 39 in all. A residenee lióme is being built on the old Sid Benham farm, on the river road by Gov. Felch, the present owner. Exibit of strawberries by the Waahtenaw Cuunty potnological society Satiirday the ITth inst-, at 2 o'clock P. M., in the basement of the court house. Both the M. C. and the T. & A. A. R. R's will sell tickets for oue fare for tlie ruuud trip, on the 2d and 3d good to return on the 6th of July. It is Mrs Nichols, widow of the late Prof. John F. Nichols, who has purchasd oue of Gov. Felclvs lots on N. Ingalls st., and not Prof. B. E., as stated. The masonic temple will be lighted with a 30-buiner ehiiiidiilKi, which has been put in place. It is the one purchased orifrInally tor univeisity hall, and is a beauty SCitibn Agent Ilayes expects to build the foundation for his new residenee on N. Infinita Street thisfall, and be piepared to construct the balance early In the spring. Jutlie Joslyn held ,i fession of the court Monday for the exatntnatlon of law students for admission to the bar, and will hold another session to morrow, for the Same purpose. Cliristian Eberbaeh havingdecllned the office tendercd hiui by Gov. Algeras memher of the State Bot.rd of Pharmacv,hisson Otlmar Eberbaeh, bas been appointed to the pósition and accepted. The G. A. R. celebration at Toledo ¦w-k Wdnesday was a crush. Over 35,000 tickets were solí for tlie boat excursión, on whicli the post cleured 15 cents a ticket. Figure out the prolit your-elf. The school board held a meeting Monday afternoon to hear the report of the committee on teachers, etc, but owing to some minor details to be completed, anothcr meeting vvill he held before the proMfldiogi will be made public. Next Friday, the 26th inst., at 10 o'clock a. m., the 20th annual meeting; of tlie Wahtenaw county Medical Society will be held at tlie Hawkins house, Ypsilanti. BesiHes the presidents addres?, several in teresting and valuable papers will be read. Mr. Carruthers, of Xewport, Ky., came to Ann Arbor yesterday, bringing the necessary tools for exea vating the trenches for the waterworks, and work on the same commence at once Mr. C. hap been employed by Hutzr 1 & Co. to assist them iu the work. According to a recent readjtistment of postmaster's salaries in Michigan the Ann Arbor postmaster receives hereafter $2, 500 per year instead of $2.600 At Chlsea $1,000 instead of $1,100, and iho Manchester office has been relegated to the fourth ciass. Geo. Vand.iwarker proved himself a good walker lor a young man, a fewdays since, having pedestrianized from Brigh ton to Ann Arbnr, a distance of 20 miles in 4 hoort, arrlvinjT here at noon, nd tlien went to work without any üinner and vorked until 0 o'clock. Oounty Treasurer Belser informs lis that the new tax Uw ailopted at the recent session of the legislature, places the ale of tax lands back to the old date in 'Octubcr, and those descriptions not alrea'iy paid up, which ere advertiscd last hpring will I' Ktd at th:it time. Mack & Schmld startel out. through the county a few days since looking up the unsold wool, and are stiprised to find Ihat inucli of the clip has been markeled at the prevailing low price of 22@23 c. Farmers are jretting out of the bftblt of holüing this commodity for higher prices, aud running the risks of the inarket and 8hrinkare. The Fiiurth of July will be eelebrated Id grand shape at Milan. The program consists of 100 gutis at sunrise and a general meket. Tlie Saline band will furnish ihe musU1; beautiful yoimg ludies will represent tlie States of the Union; the G. A R. boys, the A. A. H & L. boy and the world famons calithumpians will Joln in the procession. Tbere will be games of various clescriptions, glass buil shooting, and lots of fun. Fire works in the evening. Au excellent job in the shape of a ston culvert ha been put in on Packard streef, (known better as the S. Ypsilanti road) at the intersection of Kast University ave. The natural water way for an extended section Is at this point, and there has always been trouble wilh washouts. The Walker Bros., under the supervisión of II. T Morton, have built a stone culvcit tliat will last Mrera] generations. It hus foor inlets, all coming together in the center, and is quite au intiicute piece of work, and like everything the Walker Bros. do, is done well. Co. A. liope to mustcr 45 mnskets for the 4th of July trip to Adrián. No more jingle in the school bell for ten long- short we mean- weeks. John Muehlighaa put a fine new furuiture wagon on tlic city delivcry route. J. P. Judson s building a new barn on the land recently purchased by him on E. University Ave. During coniuK'uceinent week eipecially, tlie sidewiilks should not be encuinbered with dry goods boxes. The Chequamegons will play at the Port Huron high school conimencement, on ther way to Marquette. Lawyer Crarner says revenge is sweet, and he has struok a lead that will pay off one of his political friends(?). The street gamin of Ann Arbor Is just now studyingup Forepuugh's circus posters with an Ypslanti date on them. Martin Clurk raises strawberries of the SharplaH variety that takes only 36 to fill a quart cup- not a qu irt box. The agent of the State Gazetteer Tor 1885 was in town last week delivering the lilty copies subsnïbed for at thispUce. The 17-year lorusts have commenced singing their stoeit songs in opposition to the "we won't go home till moruing" orchestra. Some of the cautious gardners covered up their tender garden truck Tuesday nitrht, but no frost carne, though it was close to lt. It has been ascettained that the man who Inventèd tar sicH'-w:ilks was a slioeinakcr. And right-uell does the invention pay his elas. Sonie very line pictures of the Che qnamegons in tlieir uniforma, tngetliei with tlieir band accnuterments, are displavcd by Lewis & Gibson. The K T's will go to Ypsllauti to-night with ,"j4 iworda, in observance of 8t. John 's day, and listen to au address by Kiv. McLean, of St. Luke"s church. The "Diainond Dustina Bowling Club," is the name of ttn organization of arm and inuscle developers, who held thelr Iir-i meeting at Turner Park, Friday evening. An ezefaangfl well says : There is one woinan iu this world who ought to have a pleasuiit vaeation, and tbat is tiie roman who lias been teaching school." County Clerk Robison is bnsily enffaged just now in afflxing the oliicial seal tocertificates of admission at the bar for liiubs of the luw. So tarlhis year 122 stuilcnts have been admitted. Offlrcr Qldley seeured the .-irrost of one J.isi.'i'h Rom, ni Detroit, a few days lince, and alio of lloss' wife in Jarkoon, on a chaire oí liaving in tlieir possession stolen gooda fiom Ann Arbor. Wliy don't tlus Aon Arbor school nuthotities have a table prepared for reporters at coimnenccnient exercises? l Is a diflicult tliing to report sueh proceedins even when not couipelled to use ones hat for a table. A pet dog of the diniinutive specie?, owned by M. C. Peterson, was killed by a buil terrier Monday, ieu% cmshed to dealh 111 his jaws niurli the same as a Cal kills a mouse, and for about the same provotation. The school board talk of opening another schoolroom in the tliird story of the Mjrh school biiildina. It Is understonrl that lhi pr.unmtr nchoo] will oocupy tlie third story f the high school building tin' (¦¦iiiii:i; year. Senator Kempf was presented svith a goiillieadc-i oane by the citizens of Fort Gratoit who did not wantto be nmUnwed byPort Huron to l.elp pay thcir big$300,966 .l.l.t. It ¦,- f..r hit. ñnpaajMon ü. ilic hill In the li'gislütnre. On Monday afternoon, whllfl playlng around the tnrn-table on the M. C. R. R. track, Harry, theseven year oíd son of Paris BanfleM, had two or three bone of the right foot broken by being caught In the inaehlnery gome wny. J. W. Tidswell, a yonng lad Is inakiiiff a commendable pfl'ort to support himselt' by starting a store on a small scale, in tlie Parker block on north Main streef. Ppople who admire the right soit of grit, should help the boy along by patrooiztriE him. TIip M. C. R K., is putting n the newfangled tNh-plate, long splice. steel rail", hetween this city and Dexler, and wil' also breuk joint with the rails - thnt is not t havetb joints nppnaite each othpr as finmerlv. Thi vvill ranke the róad much sniDother for passenger coaches. Wliltmore L-ike comes to the front with a grand eelehration July 4th. Jerfitniali Jacobs is president of the day: Hon. Wm. Ball, orator; Thomas Carney, reader. Tlie aftenioon exeieists will con-ist of athletic contest, boat taces, etc, and the greased pljrwffl not beforgotten. A good time is guaranteed. Chas J. Kintner, of the patent office, Washington, D C. will hold an examination under the civil service rules, at one of the rooms in the Universky building fer the benefit of those who have made application for appointment in th:it d-partment, on Jnlv 31. Miny of C. J's old friends will be pleased to greet him upon bis return here The edilorg of the Saline Observer and Chelea Herald are running a race to see whicb oan fincl the most wlthenng terms in the English language to apply to ench other. It might be well for the Herald man to ttke tinto himself some advice he gave the Coühier and Register recently. to the effect tliat the people are not iritere8ted in hls private quirrelsand he might better rill up the space so occupied with locáis. There's tb is much difference however: the Ann Arbor papers were sparring for fun - not blood. Dr. P. B. Rose was home last week a few davs. This week under the name of Rose & Co., he starts the Wholesale tnanuf icture of concentrated beef by the process dtseovered bv him. The fa'tory is in Chicago at the stock yards and it starts at once on an order of a ton from an Eastern house. The comp'Hind is a da ik, jelly-like snbstance, somewhat resembüng Liebiir's but without the strong odor of that fnmoiis preparation. A peoulinrity of it is a slight taste of qulniiie, altmigh no quiimie is put in it This revives t lie dea under diSCtwton a few years ago that qnilllne was present in onr hodies in varying quantites, and that chills and fever came when there was tno small a qiiantity in the body. 80 it was remeilitii by taking the article itself a a medicine. As it oiin be made nd sold for a quarter of the prjcfl of the other extracts on the market, and lias ill theiiqualities, we preilict that it will not be long in driving tbem out. Such conrentraü'ins are veiy strengthening and in increasing demand by invalids and dys)eptics. Last Friday evening Aid. John Heinz man came near being transluted to the other country by means of a knlfe in the hands of one E. E. Hogg, a junior law student, from Boonville, Ky., who at the time was ander liquor's influence to a certain extent. The trouble arose over Hogg's leaving the contents of his overloaded stomach in front of Heinzmnn's store, a tblng tliat Heinman protestcd agalnst, when Hogg flew into a rage, struck Ileinzman several tiines, and ended the iracas by drawing a kiiifeand cutting two or three gasbes in Heinzman'd side, a little memorandum book, evidently saving bis Ufe, at least, this is the story as tuld your reporter. tlogg was immediately arreste'l. The hearii g was put down for Tuesday last, hefore Justiee Fi'ueaiiff, bul was adjourned for one week. In the meantime HoK Is out ou $2,000 ball.


Ann Arbor Courier
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