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A U hM aarod frem Usge-lag llawyfiíTjS- au toti1 i1 "p p" ¦ijppMcrtv' n :arci u El!llM cí tk' IID' :lw.vt -UL NES8, BLADDE2, USIHiSI 01Ne'VKH KnoWH OlNS' bsopst, oeavil, du ƒ It tsecnr&ges slaap, creitcs ib F jppeüti toicsa np the ayatem, 1 W ' mi reunió! hüílth l! tho raia'it. ii iint ¦, puin In the Si de, back, or Lotus. General nebillty, Female Complatnts, DIhturbed 81eep, Loss of ppettte, auil Brtght'B uisease. SOLID PROOF. "God loveth a cheerful giver." Rallroad Hen, Sprinofikm), Mass., Aprl' 23,1883. " I am saLlsfled from personal experience and care that Hunt's [Kidney and I.lverj Rexedv wlll dn iusl wlial Ib clalmed for lt."' - Albert Holt, Payinaster B. & A. K R. "Bejust Ín tby actions." Tlie Drneitlsta) a luit. Worckstek, Mas.. Aprll 11. 1&S3. "My Druggist, Mr. D. B Williams banded me ilie best kidney medicine he knew of. It was Hunt's [Kidney and Llver] Kemedy, and aeted eflecluully Ín my case. Am pleised lo reuuiuineuü lt."- C. II. Draper. 223 Main st. '"To destroy nn eneniy make hlm your frleud." marino Koielneers. Cleveland, O., June 23 1883. "I wan troubled with weakness of the kidneys. L)id not know the trouble but c"nstitutlygrew worse. Urlnatlon was painful ahd accompanled wlth bloud. Notlclng an ndvertlsement of Hunt's [Kidney and Llver] Rkmkdy, I procured a bottle. I began lmmediately to Irnprove Ín many wnys. Thesecond bottle left me without pulns. My appetile Ís now eootl and 1 feel reuewed vior. llmiiks to HrsT's (Kidney and Llver] Rkmkdy."- Wllllam Jones, Marine Euglneer, 252 llimover Htreet. Prloe $1.25. Send for Pamphlet of Testimoniáis. HUNT'S REMEDY CO., Provldence, R. I. C. N. ritl llliM o, Oeneral Agent, New Yrk. An Irish newspaper publishes a poem, the opening line of wliich is : " Do ghlacPaln tu g.m ha gun airecamp spreidh." We don't know when we have peen a striking metaplior more beautifuliy rxpresgeil. The autlior Iüis the "divine illlatus" the worst way. - Norristown Herald. Thls Idea of Going West to Colorado or New Mexico, for pure air to relieve Consumption, is all a mistake. Anj' reasoiüible man would nse ür. Bos;mko's Cough and Lun Syrup for Consumption in ii 1 1 its flnt stages. It liever Calla to give relief in all cases of Conghs, Colde, Bronchitis, Pain In the Cheet and uil affeotions that are considere! primary to Consuinption. Price, 50ceatsand $1.00. Sold by Eberbacli & Son. "Wliat lilis om1 prisons?1' ibootsd 4 tempera nee orator. " Whisky, my fi iends, wlii.-ky lilis our prisons." " Well l've been (h Je) In a jfood many prisons," ntd mie who stood near the door " bnt hiamed it ever I saw (liie) uny Ihat were filled with whisky." - Excliun:e. Huut's Remedy cures bllioua headaelie, costivness, and dyspepsia, and parlfiw the blood. "Ah, Bilson, I haven't seen you for some ve:ir.s befoie." "No, it's a long time." " But I see yon are still true to the rand oíd psrty. ' "Yes, I am; but how on earth could you tell it ? " " Oh. I see yon have on your last winler's overcoat." - Chicago News. 100 Doses One Dollar Is inseperably cónnectéd uith IIoocl's íStirsapai illa, and true of no other medicine. It la un unaiii-TTerablc argumentas to strtngth and GCODomy, whUeTbouíands testify to Itsaaperior Mood-purifylDg and strenjrt liciiinr qoalltlM. A bottle el' Sarsaparilla contains 100 doses and wlll last a inonth, while otliers will average to list not over a week. Henee, foreconomy, buy Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wliy not take the subscriptlon paper for the Bartholdi statue up to SinjíSin? There are men there who would give a good deal for liberty. Iiucklen'g Árnica Salye. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brulses. Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore8,Tetter, Chajiped lland.s Chilblaing, Corns, and 11 Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no puv reciuired It Is guaranteed to give perfect satistitetion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by Eberbach & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News