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. , . - - ,. . - - J MACKINAC. The Most Dalightrul 8UIVHVIER TOUR Pftlaoe Steamer. Low Ratea. Tour Tripi per Weelc Betwean DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Kvery Week Vay Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Writ for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contiin Pall Pitrtloulan. Miled Fre. . 1 Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, Oen Pass. Act. DETROIT. MICH. (.11 BI l; I BUS, Agent. OPIUM HABIÏ! Sufferers from tliii pernieinus fcabit will (ín wll Irt write tn !TÏ. AK3II, of Oulurr, Mtrh., hn haa a world wiJe rvpuution foi th cures lie nas milde dunnf tho t n ilvo Jreftn. Th main points to bo conimuiiicatd ir the itrcarnt stnie of hel' of timo used, umi .re-iit tmountof drug used per wetk. SjultMium Tr'atnr'iit wlien AMiredi K. -"1 fr tesimoniih trom Icadinif iihysicians nd reprewmutlve umi atid wouieu curad. At a recent, cat sliow in Loiulnn. ono felina valued at $500.000 was exliibitcd. It must have been a fpM oat raerntted !h dianiomls. Just fancy throwiiig a 2ö-rciit bootjiick at a $500.000 c:it. on a back slicd worth do more tlian $2.50. - Exchani. The medicine tbat eau searoli and root out every ill of kidneys or liver, is Ilunt's Iletnedy. Said a man who had made liimsclt, and tbuught tbat h e had turned out a prntty fiood job, " wlien I was a boy 1 so thlrsted lor knowledge that I worked all nijjlit to nuy books, and then jrot up before flaylight to read them." - Exchange. An Answcr Wanted. Can any one biïng us a case of Klrlney or Liver Complalht that Electric Bitters will uot ¦peedtlv cure? Wc say tBey can not, as thousauda of cases already pernianently cun-d and who are daily reeora inending Electric Bitters, will provo Bright'8 Disease, Diabetea, weak Back.or any urinaiy coinplaiiit quickly oured. They purity the blood, regulalc the bowels, and actdirectly on the iliseased püits. Every bpttle iruaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by Eberbach & Son. Povei'ty has its cares, my son, and wealth has Itt scareS, too, more tha% poverty, ten to oue. Look at the punió on the inoney luarket every week. Dn yon ever hear of a linmicial panic in an almahouse?- Brooklyn Eagle. The Secret Art of Beauty lies not in cosmetics, but only in pure blood and healthy action of the vital organs, to be obtained by Burdock Blood Bitters. An agricultural exchange says tl at ;i kooi] hoj; should weiffh as many ponnds as lic is days old. This is a new wiiy of get tlnfl at the ge of a man who occupie two car seats - Burlington Brei Pret 1 1 1 It Yourself. The proof of the pmlding is not u clicw ing the strin, bnt in havlni? an opportunity lo tiy the article yomself. Eberlmcli & Son, the Druggists, have a f ree trial bottlf of Dr. Bosanko'H Cougli and Lunjr Syriii toi1 cnrli and cverv one who is atflicted with Uouhs. Colds, ApUuiiu. Oonsiiniplion or my Ejung atlectiou. The man who wrote " How to get on iu Ilie world" asked u?, yesteulay. ti le(l li in a quarter. Sucli is lite, those who preach do not always piaelic.- Siniciville Jounml. The warm weatber often has a depress ing and de bilitatin t'llVrt. Bnod'i Sarsappi'illa overcomes all hingaor and lawitude. A lamen t. - Dowager : "It's bfen ilic worst season I can remember, Sir James. All the men seem to Iimvc got nianieil, and none. of the girls." - Punch. Forall distases of ihc kidiicys, anil liver, Physiciana prescribe Hunt's Keinedy A Massachusett9 ship captain recently ilicd, nnd liis chief claim to glory was tha't he had "rouiulcd Ilie llnrn' lliii ly-lliicc times. We fcnniv men in Kentucky wlm have rounded the hom thirty-thne millions of times, and their cliief claim to glory is Chat sninchody else " ' in up." - Merchant Travclcr. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia Cramp andColic tlieic is no remedy lèperior to the genuine Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Cure Tor Piles. The tiiBt symptom of Piles is an intense itchlngat night aftergetting warm. This unpleasant sensation is lénmëdlately relievcd by an applicalion pL Dr Bosanko's Pile Remedy. Piles in all forms, Itch, Salt Klieum and Ringworm can be permaiiently cured by the use of this groat remedy. Piice 50 cents. Manufacturad by the Dr. Bosnuko Medicine Compsny, Piqua, O. Sold by Eberbach & Son. 1203-1256.


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