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The Edson Light

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Some eight montlis ago Iho Cocrier ofik-e put in the Edison incandescent electiic light systeni, the firat printing office in the state of Michigan to adopt it, and the same has been a success slnce the dynamo was first started up. The post-oiflce in this city was at the same thnesupplictl, taking the lead of all other post-offices la the state In that line, also. The elcctric light company, of which Mr. C. B. Davison is the superintendent, has been adniirably handled and conducred, giving the very best of satisfactinn, fnrnishing 200 lights to patrons, with coistant applications for lights that Ounnot be supplied. öaturday, being the Fourth. of July, Mr. Davisou prepared three lamps, one red, another white, the third blue, which were pluccd over the arch above the een ter of the Courier building, which shone out in patriotic colors. The electroller in the front part of the post-office was also supplied with colored lanips- red, white, blue and green, and a bank of yarious colüied llirhts were shown in the basement of the Courier building. The peculiarity of these lights come froin the tact tliat Mr. Davison did the coloring upnn the glass himself, aud tliey were probably the only ones that slione out night in all the nation. Colored ahades have been prepared for these lolita, hut thls is the flrst netaDce known of the lamps being colored, and owing to the peculiuiïty of the electric llght the coloring has to be done in a particular uianner, which Mr. Davison has studied out, while attending to his duties as supeiinteiident. Many of the papers throughout the state are speaking excellent words of encouraementfor the university ; praismg its grand work, ita great power for good, and the fame it has attained for itself and the commonwealth that has built it up. lint in all this pmise one thing should uot be overlooked, viz: Tlie grand school system of Michigan. It is to that systera and its rapidly increasing perfection that the universily oves much of its succes The schools of Michigan are growing in excellency, and the university is its crowning glory. The foundation was lald years ago by one who buildi-d with :i broad llberalily for those to come. His name should not be forgotten, but be kept green in the minds and hearts of Micblgan'l students who are reaplng the beneflt of his wisdom. The man we refer to i. the late Hon. John D. Pierce, of Ypsilanti. IÍ the luw is to be admiuistered upon teclitiicalities instond of upon grounds of justice and rigüt, tlien we have fallen upon evil times. We are moved to remark thia upon reading how Mr. Itynd, of Adrián, was freed from prison on a dei -ion of a certain judge, based on a technirulity, and niinediately re-arrested for the crinie and held, while anotlier man for the same crime, was released on the same giound, andconldn't be re-arrested because anotlier techiiiculity was observed in liis trial. And sucU Bhish is called justice ! Out upon it! Our laws should be formed for the punishnient of all offendera, and not for lawyers to split liairs over, or judgee to raise pretexta to shield frieiids from tbdr Just deserts. What the people need Is more Jnstlce nnd less law.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News