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The following reaolutlons, passed by Co. A, Michigan state troops, at a meeting held Monday evening, were adopted : Whereas, TI1I8 company havlng made arranements wlth the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Qrand Trunk railroad for transporlatlon to Adrain, Mich , on the 4th lnst.,and the rnllroad coinpauy havlng had two weeks' notlce and lnformed of the nuinber of passengen that wouid aceompany the excursión on that Resolved, That the railroad company' nctlon in ouly furnlohing two passenger car to cai-ry three hundred pnople, and conipellln Uil company to rlde In a frelght car be e verely ceiihured, and we denounce the tupid lty of uch management and expresa the hope tuut we may not agaln be complled to travel ns a company on thlH road. Hesulvid, That thls resolutlon be spread upon the record of thU company and nubllshed In the city papers. It sn't alwayi poetry that comes tothe hands of ye editor. All sorts of conirnunicatioD?, "from grave to gay, from li vely to severe," find their way to ui editor's shdctum. As a specimen of what eometimes appeals to the sympathie?, we pubüsh the following : Dkar Sir-I am lnformed that youarean old-time and practical printer. I worked on your manuscript, and su far as I know acqiullted myself all nght. I served thecouñtry llirough the rebelllon. , "Brevlty Is the soul of wit." fpl' lantT P'eaSe "Ut sufflolently t0 to Yours fraternally,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News