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MACJ[NAC. Tb Mo.t D.ligMful SUMMER TOUR f alaoa Staaraara. Lew Ratea. Xour Tripa par Waak Batwean DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Bvery Wo#lt Da 7 Botwn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrlta for out "Picturesque Mackinao," Illustrated. Containa FuU P.rtioulars. Mulad Frea. Detroit & Cleveland Stram Nav. Co. C. D. whitcomb, oin. pa. aot. DETROIT, MICH. GILBEUT BLISS, Agent. A Chicago man got hold of the wront. JUK the other day and took a big drink o a mixture of kerosene oil and muriatic cid. Tlien he accusod the serviint fjirl o stealing his whisky and pouring water il the jug to conceal the theft.- St. Louis Whip. Free Dlstrlbutlon. " What causes the great rush at Eber bach & Son'g drug store?" The free distribution of smiiple bottles of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and LungSyrup, the most popular remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumption. and Bionchitis, now on the tnarket. Kegulur size 00 cents and $1.00. A French scientist who went into the manufacture of artilicial brains bas just beuome bankrupt. Tliere was no deiuand Brr the product. He is kept from starvntion by wealthy frleud who is h m:infacturer of dancing pump?. - Boston Courier. Huut's [Kldney and T„iver] Rcmody is excellent, in 11 of the dteefltei of fernules. Fordelicute Women, uo medicine equiils it. " To the victors belong the Kpoils," said the lepubllcan procer as he woikcd ofí' i dozen bad cggs on i ju-t tppabilvd deinocialic offlce-hiilütr. - The Hatchct. " For eonomy and comfort, we use [lood's Siir8ap:iril]a," writt-s an inti'lüHeut Buffalo, N. Y., laily. 100 Doses üue Dollar. Whilea Union Pacific train n;isstuek n a SDow-drift last winter, the passen;ers paid a dollar apiece for sandwiches. Wanted them tor snow-shovels, probablv. - Philadelphla Cali. A Walklng Skeleton. Mr. K. Springer, of Mvchanicsburs, ?a., untes : "I was affliulud witli lunr ever and abscesson luiijf, and reduced to a icalking Skeleton. Got a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Conumption, whicb diü me so much good bat I bought a dollar bottle. Afier u5nj{ hree bottlcf, found myself once more u man, compk-tely restonid to health, itli i heurty appettte, and a gain in flesh of 48 Ibs." Callat Eberbaeh & Son's drug tore and #et a freo trial boítle of tliiscerain cure for all Lung Diseases. Large bottles $1.00. It is,piissinjr strangu howa man wlio owes you thirty cents will luivo his attiinion Biiddenly attracted to the cornlce of he tall block across tho way whenever 'ou chance to meethim on the street. A celebrated doctor says tlmt " HunVs ieinedy is a suie cure for heart diseases, nd there is no substltute for it." When a young woman nwrries a man ör his money, wonld it be proper to say ti at the man hus marrled lila " hlred glrl ? "- Bostou Transcript.


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