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royal psm7 !#L%! 4KlM6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of purft.y,stieni;th and wlmlesomeness. Moreeconmnical than the ordinarv kinds, andcanuot bpsold n coinpetltlon wlth the imiltltudeol uniAi is the timL ii M IW TOCURE I IIU 11 SKIN HUMORsJI ITisM ihis aeasonwhen the Potb open freelj nud tho Persplratton ia abunflánt tlmi Dianenrng liuraote, Uumlll&ttng Eruptlon itc-huw Torarm, Salt Illicum iir Eczema, Psoriasis, Tctter, (CinBworm, Barjy Humor, Bcrofula, Scrolulous Bores, Absceama, and Diacharglng Wounris, nnd everyepeciea ol Itchini, Scaly, and l'lmply DisBkln and Scalp are most apeedlly lotVfiouoioicaUy cnml by the Cutuuíía KkmiIT 15 A FACT. Iluji'lrods of letters in our possusaion (copies f woich may bo hnd hy retara miil) an' our MUhorlly fur ihü u-sunl.n tliat skii,, hcalp and ilu.i.l Humor, whfüier Scrofulcm.-, Inhtrii. d or '¦ous, muy NOW hj purium ently osrèd by R Hesoltbnt, the new Blood Puri!ir, tucruaily, ir, one hall tlie time nd at one half the eipcuee of auy otUer ecason. CREATESTIN EARTH. CuTiruitA Rsmbdisb ure tho L'rcni.'si ujbdlcinsa '!i. Had tl. e vvort-l c i?e Salt liheilln In thie ¦ountry. Mj i twenty yeara, and in ved fier fíe. Mj aróii : lu-fiii' vrf oovered fr thtee jreara, wliidi nothing rolievud u cu: r u'itil I aaed toe Cuticuba i;:-oi,vknt, ntoroaüy, aïld l'LTIn RA and ('nr' [ líA HHAP, ¦itcniaHy. ,1 . W. Adams, Newark, O. UltKAT KLOOI MEDICINE!!!. TIn1 half ha m)t been tnld as to tho ffreat curalv powi-rt ot the OiiTiruRA ÜEMEDiBe. I have jaid tnindredt of dollars for medicines to cure Ueeaf es pi Ibe blood and skin and nevor found iiiyihirnr yol to t-qual ihe Cuntí m RuMUiilB. Cha?. A. YViluams, Provldeiic& H. I. Sold ly all drftMbt. Prlcc: ClItlOUBi, 50 Cts.; liKMui. vr.NT, il; SitAP, '2Tcl. Prepared by the PoTTEB URUCI AND .'IIE I1CAL 'o-, Iiü-tdll, Ma-f. h-"il'llnu tO ir Skin liwi:i-r.' TT1 -VT rffJÜT For Stinburn, Tan and MJdjCLKJ JL jL Oiiy Mi in,i. si' l i-m ik 3UAP. CHOLERA AND ÏKLLOW FEVKU, Ma'arial, Miamatic and contaelme or Kpideraic mm lJi.-cUBi't. and many ailmuuts atteiidin j chance ol climate, food and water, may wH bc cntir-ly pri'vented by wearing a CutiB ciRA Plaster over the pil of ihe stomT ach, wiih lrequent chant;ea, whentver ex- posed to these atleclions. A cure by abeorption Is eflVcted by it when all other piasters fail. It ís toebeet piasier kuown to physiclan md drut'L'i-t. A t druiiists, '2öe ; Üve for $1.00. Malled free. Po tuk Dhuu and Chemical Co., tinaón. CATARRH Complete Trcatiiient, witli Inhaler, Tor Every Form or Catarrh, $1. A8K POK SANDFORD'S_RADICAL CÜRE Henil Ccilils, Watcry nincharpc frnm tho "oe and tye, Rlnglhg KolMi In iMr Htad. Ncrvons Ileadacbe md rever Lnatantly relie ed. ciuiklMK muciu dialogad, tnembnne rloamed and H-aii-d, breath tweetened, amell, timti', uud hearing rtulorrd, und ravaKtn cluckud. Cougli, Brunchlllii. lironilngs Inlo Iho Thrnal. Palna h the ChcBt. Dyspepsla, Wnntdin of Strengili mul riesh. Los ui Sleep, !., onrad. One liottlo ibullt'al I ore, ene i.x Catarrhal Solvent und one Dr. Banford'a liiluilcr. In one package, "f all Inik'iiistf for il. Afk fnr Sanford'H HadlciilCiirr.ii niri'dlKtlllalliillof Wluli lliiz.l, Ain. Plne, Ca, l'Ir. NlarlKil'l. dover Blossom, etc. Tutter Dittu and jukmii-ai. t ¦., Boaton, l'ottcr :nnl Cliemloal ('o., BoMton. - I I Ui Sew l'fe for Shattered " VpLTAIC lino' Volt ilc Klectric ' "i f 'Sk 'laster lnatanily atleet" [( J J 'Tff the nervom eyptem and ' Cr t ' C&i hanlshes pain, nervoncness f&L MÊEH11'' A perfect UA -íin Kift ro - inlvanlc ELECTR1O 1Bt(ery fomliInMl pi A CTFR5ith a hliihly iikmII-Ay I W riimlFIawter ior 5 Ct. All OTUISUtB. RINSEY &SEABOLTS flïlï.lill AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conslantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Por Wnolesale and Retall Trade. We shall also keep a eupply of SWIFT & DEÜBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi riunr, Kyu Floiir, Buckwlu-al I'loiir, Corn Mcal, Fcetl, Etc, At WhoTesale nnd KaUi'i. A general í'.ock Ol &ROCERIES and PROVISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which will be koIiI on as minajatilr terms ai t uny nihir Ihiu-c in the c t . . Cash paid tot BWTHR, BOOá. and COUNTKY PHODLJCK generally. Cioods dclivurud to any part of the City wiihciut estrn CD I RIXSEY & SEABOLT. ËVERY LIVE MERCHANT I AIO ARBOR. Should advertise in THE COURIER.


Ann Arbor Courier
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