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ASafeguard. , The fatal rapldity wlth whlch illght , Colds and Coughs frequently develop i lnto thc gravest maladies of the throt J and lungs, U a consideratlon whlch should ,' Impel every prudent person to keep at I haud, as ft nousehold remedy, a botue oí '¦ ?YElt'S CHERRY PECTORAL. ' y Nothing clse glvcs such imraedlatc relief and works so sure a cure fu all affectloni of thls class. That eminent pbyslcian. Prof. F. Swectzer, of tho Malne Medical School, Brunswick, Me., says : - u "Ucdlcnl elenco hix ].i oduoo d nu otnr ani. ' dyne expectorant o good as Atbb'i ChbabY Víctor!.. 11 1 inviiluablo fur dilouei of Um , thromt and lungs." tl The same opinión la rxprossed br th well-known Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicago, 111., who says :- 4 "I have nevcr found, In thlrlv-ñT ywn of continuoua tmiy and practica of medicine, any preparatlon of so great valué u A tjr'i CbbbbT PlCTOBAii, for treaUnent of diioases of tb throat and lungi. It not only braakt up cold and cures sevure conghs, hut it mort ffcetiT than anything etso ia roUevlng ven the molt I rUmabfouchialaodpuluioiUkryaffacUoiu." ¦ AYER'S ' Cherry Pectoral 'Ii not n new claimant for popular confldence, but b medicine whlch U to-day ¦avlné the livcs of the third generatloa who liave come into belng since lt wai flrst offered to the public. ( t There Is not a household In whlch thla lnvaluable remedy has once been j troduccd where lts use has ever been abandoncd, and there Is not a perron who has ever glven it a proper trial for any throat or lunf; dlsease suscep. j tibie of cure, who has not been mada wellbyit. 4 vt-if'i pttpkpv vvrTfYa l. ,". in mrmbprlcss Instances, oureu obstinate cases of chronlc lironchitls, Laryngltls, and even acuto neumonía, ana ha i saved many patlents in tlio earller itagej , of l "u lmoiiiiry Consumptlon. It II a i medicine that only requires to be taken in ' small doses, la pleasant to the taste, and Is needed In every house whero there ars children, as there is nothing so good aa AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL fortreat. ment of Croup and Whooplng Cough. k These are all plain fact, whlch can b verified by anybodv, and should ba ! membereu by cverySody. -"íSWSS Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, j 1 ÍREPABEDBT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mau,' -'-" ' Sold by all Druggists. " fiKBVMh Boetetter'e Stomlll ül 1 f. K C"'lcfor iudlKCiliüii. 1 W lIMATt. VR roLTe. 51K swjf pbarmacopcela have BjwHKggHMKpl orderi'd, and upon J liir thig Important gland aW. ,Tu,ru a the Bitters act wlth ü tTOMACHf recular dUtliictnea, K IV VP BS r''l"lng and ln# I i vigoratinE every se. . ., ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ cretlve and analml. latlng orjfan od whlch bodily and mental health For sale by all Drugglgt and Dealers generally. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Hpeclal attentlon given to Collection of Rents and Uanangement of Real Estáte -Interest: For Non-ResidenU. Entlre Satigfnctlon to dwnors (uaranteed. A. DEFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE! I ara agent for a line of Old and Stauneh American and Fcreign Fire Insurance Comp's Lowcst Itates, Honorable Adjustmenls, and Losses I'romptly Pald. A.. DBFOEE3T. THOSE WISHING GOOD FURNITURECHEAP. CAN GET BEO ROOM SETS, CARPETS, BEDDINC. CROCKERY, STOVES, ETC, At rare Biir?aiug. The furniture of He ST. JAMES, but recently uew, Is belng disposed of at private sale. Appiy at TUE COÜRIEK Office where the joods are shown. THIS PAPERS" -" ¦ ¦¦¦W ¦ Hl kil KOWBLL CO NewHpaper Advertislng Bureau (10 Spruca Street) ,wher ¦¦¦¦¦¦ kaBB tlsing contracta may MEIIf Vil UK bu nmUo tor it lu 11b fff I UlllXa John ti.üiii, u cuinp. wlio i.ui beun working in the Codrikr office for two or three weeks, rivals the great Daniel : 'rattln bclnffan American trnveler. He nis been into every state and territory in he Union; hus seen all tlie men of iiaiU in the nation, and is as "odd as Jick's hut band," in bis ''mukeup." He wear a Greely phifr, is devoid of all ( ertluous llesli, witli hih cheek bones, and a perfect picture of the traditional ' fankee. But the man who plek hiin up , or & cad, gets bit.


Ann Arbor Courier
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